The Nuclear Option

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
If the Rats ever get in power again, the country is screwed so why bother with technicalities? The Turtle should invoke the nuclear option, or at least the threat of it TODAY to get what we want. By using it, we can get $20B for the Wall, the end of chain/lottery migration, and the DACA beaners get residency but no citizenship/voting rights...ever. So what is it?

The nuclear option (or constitutional option) is a parliamentary procedure that allows the United States Senate to override a rule - notably the 60-vote rule to close debate - by a simple majority of 51 votes, rather than the two-thirds supermajority normally required to amend the rules. The option is invoked when the majority leader raises a point of order that only a simple majority is needed to close debate on certain matters. The presiding officer denies the point of order based on Senate rules, but the ruling of the chair is then appealed and overturned by majority vote, establishing new precedent.


Can it come back to bite the GOP? Of course, but like I said, if the Rats ever get power again, it's OVAH for the USA so push the fucking button. Who's with me?
we could not even get 50 republican votes for the budget

what makes you think we have enough votes to affect a major rules change?
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we could not even get 50 republican votes for the budget

what makes you think we have enough votes to affect a major rules change?

Those were protest votes from hardliners about deficit spending and punks like Graham who bend over for hustlers like Schumer. If Mitch goes nuclear he'll get 50 votes with Pence as the tie-breaker.
we could not even get 50 republican votes for the budget

what makes you think we have enough votes to affect a major rules change?
Oh, they'll get the 50 votes for this one...

To just blow past the DimWits and put the Republic back on a paying basis again?

Yeah... they'll get the 50...

51 to be exact... no problem-o...
Those were protest votes from hardliners about deficit spending and punks like Graham who bend over for hustlers like Schumer. If Mitch goes nuclear he'll get 50 votes with Pence as the tie-breaker.

no he won't

Grahamnesty is a no and so is McCain

this option is DOA before it even gets started
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no he won't

Grahamnesty is a no and so is McCain

this option is DOA before it even gets started

Horseshit. This all ends TODAY if he does it. And nobody is talking about "amnesty"...residency but no citizenship.
Those were protest votes from hardliners about deficit spending and punks like Graham who bend over for hustlers like Schumer. If Mitch goes nuclear he'll get 50 votes with Pence as the tie-breaker.

no he won't

Grahamnesty is a no and so is McCain

this option is DOA before it even gets started
Throw enough pork and perqs at a couple of borderline Dims, and they'll jump on-board, too...

The Art of the Deal...
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Throw enough pork and perqs at a couple of borderline Dims, and they'll jump on-board, too...

The Art of the Deal...

You don't even need to do that for the Senate Rats up for election in Trump states but I guess a little sugar wouldn't hurt.....tell them Trump won't come and campaign against them if they play ball.
we could not even get 50 republican votes for the budget

what makes you think we have enough votes to affect a major rules change?
The GOP has 51 votes for the CR.
To end the hostage situation Schumer has created McConnel should go nuclear tomorrow morning...
Remember one thing folks...

If they offer the same CR, then it'll force the 5 Dems that voted for it
the first time to put up or shut up.

The GOP goes Nuke and those dems don't vote for it. They all get beat
in November.
No, the real opportunity here is a walk back to civility and order in Congress. A compromise could be an agreement to look at DACA, the wall, healthcare, taxes, and a budget on a stand alone basis. Start with the continuing resolution and move into passing a real budget, then address DACA in a thoughtful and practical fashion, in good faith revisit tax reform and let the little guy have some more long term and bigger breaks, with the top end taking on the additional burden, figure out a way to truly make healthcare affordable and accessible, and finally compromise on the wall. Rebuild Congress and America.
BTW, those worried what might happen in a Rat takeover of the House and Senate leading to a Trump impeachment vote in the Senate by a simple majority. Can't happen...the Constitution is very specific about 67 Senate votes needed for impeachment and the Majority Leader can't override that.
I don't disagree that republicans should get rid of the filibuster

I just do not think they can

Flake is retiring in AZ, but he is still there now - zero reason for him to vote for a rules change, as he has already acknowledged that he cannot win against a strong primary candidate & will not face the electorate

McCain of AZ has obstructed everything else - I don't see him on board

Graham of SC is a likely no

Collins of ME is a likely no

where do 50 votes come from?

we going to convince Flake & Graham to do the right thing???
No, the real opportunity here is a walk back to civility and order in Congress. A compromise could be an agreement to look at DACA, the wall, healthcare, taxes, and a budget on a stand alone basis. Start with the continuing resolution and move into passing a real budget, then address DACA in a thoughtful and practical fashion, in good faith revisit tax reform and let the little guy have some more long term and bigger breaks, with the top end taking on the additional burden, figure out a way to truly make healthcare affordable and accessible, and finally compromise on the wall. Rebuild Congress and America.

I don't see it.....we are in the beginning stages of a civil war. There can be no compromise with these commiecrats....they must be destroyed root and branch.
No, the real opportunity here is a walk back to civility and order in Congress. A compromise could be an agreement to look at DACA, the wall, healthcare, taxes, and a budget on a stand alone basis. Start with the continuing resolution and move into passing a real budget, then address DACA in a thoughtful and practical fashion, in good faith revisit tax reform and let the little guy have some more long term and bigger breaks, with the top end taking on the additional burden, figure out a way to truly make healthcare affordable and accessible, and finally compromise on the wall. Rebuild Congress and America.

I don't see it.....we are in the beginning stages of a civil war. There can be no compromise with these commiecrats....they must be destroyed root and branch.

I just laid out an idea, it is not the likely path, but one worthy of mentioning and placing hope. Democrats will implode with little to no help from any of us.
I don't disagree that republicans should get rid of the filibuster

I just do not think they can

Flake is retiring in AZ, but he is still there now - zero reason for him to vote for a rules change, as he has already acknowledged that he cannot win against a strong primary candidate & will not face the electorate

McCain of AZ has obstructed everything else - I don't see him on board

Graham of SC is a likely no

Collins of ME is a likely no

where do 50 votes come from?

we going to convince Flake & Graham to do the right thing???

Flake is in the pocket of the hospitality industry here so he'll never agree to a Wall....fuck him. McCain doesn't know where he is at this point...heavily sedated. Graham can't be seen in S. Carolina as a Rat stooge....he'll lay down. Collins? She voted to end the Bozo-Care mandate....I believe she's turned a corner. We'd need two blue-dog democrats.....why should they get buried in November by a NY Jew like Schumer? I say RELEASE THE HOUNDS!
The Democratic party lead in possible election preference polls was narrowing before this stunt. I see many people thanking vets for their service, With Schumer kicking them in the teeth in favor of illegals, I don't see that lead holding up.
Do it to it. The damage to the Senate as an institution has been done. And we use it to get the rest of Trumps nominations through anyway. So let’s use it for everything.
I have always been of the mind that kicking liberals around gets GOP candidates way more votes than cowering to them.
Do this and guarantee a majority...which is all we will need.
The Democratic party lead in possible election preference polls was narrowing before this stunt. I see many people thanking vets for their service, With Schumer kicking them in the teeth in favor of illegals, I don't see that lead holding up.

I agree but time is of the essence now. Illegals are pouring over the border again with the new economy and chance that Trump can be nut-cut. We need to get that wall started...I mean will take at least a year to complete and every day wasted is another day the invaders get inside.

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