The Nuclear Option: Democrats Using Federal Workers as Human Shields to Keep Border Open


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Nuclear Option: Democrats Using Federal Workers as Human Shields to Keep Border Open
Rarely in modern politics have the battle lines been so clearly marked between two political camps.... According to Democrats: Thousands of undocumented foreigners storming the border and throwing rocks at Border Patrol; millions of aliens living in the United States illegally; criminal aliens violently attacking, raping and murdering Americans … it’s all a “manufactured crisis.” According to President Trump: The lawlessness at the border is a real “humanitarian and security crisis.” It is a “crisis of the heart and a crisis of the soul.”Indeed, it is a sorry state that so many good and valuable federal workers would be treated so shabbily by such an incompetent and derelict federal government.
But folks around here would be wise to remember that the federal government does not exist to provide jobs to federal workers. It exists to serve the American people. And no such service is greater than the basic enforcement of laws and protection of our borders.... Oh, the shame and arrogance of these people!
The truth is, Mrs. Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and the crazy leftist Democrats are the ones shutting down the government, to keep it from securing the border. And they are using federal workers as human shields in this indefensible iniquity.... Indeed, the problem Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have is not with Donald Trump. It is with the American people.

OMG!! Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats are using Federal workers as shields? Indeed, usually it is women and children!
Charles Hurt wrote a great article that should be read by everyone. President Trump was elected by the citizens of America to reject the globalist establishment of BOTH parties. The same globalists allocate Billions of dollars for "Bullet Trains" to no where in California. Think back to Obama's "Shovel Ready Stimulus" plan that included Billions for a bullet train from LA to Vegas....that was in 2009, and can anyone tell me whether there are any bullet rides to Vegas yet? There are none... Where are all the Billions the globalists promised for train rides? But, they continue to tell us that our National Sovereignty is "immoral"!?! Charles Hurt wrote a great article that should be read by everyone.
President Trump is correct in playing this for all that it’s worth holding out to inflict maximum pain on all the Democrats who are in favor of open borders, lawlessness and crime. He knows their phones are ringing off the hook by angry constituents, cracks are already starting to appear as they question the Schumer Shut Down. Obviously Schumer did not learn his lesson from the year before.
The entire american political and economic system has always used human beings as shields, get to something serious and coherent.
Then you are in agreement that Progressive Marxist Socialists like or despotic regimes use human shields regularly. When then comparing Chuckie and Nancy to Saddam Hussein, and ISIS that continually use(d) human shield....
While I'm here I was recently thinking about comparisons to the "Wall" in the U.S. beside the walls around the PMS Liberal estates, In the last two decades or more, our highway infrastructure has erected walls around highways of all sorts to block out noise and hitch hikers. I have never heard a word from either side in objection to these barriers. Yet, suddenly PMS Democrat Leftists find every and any excuse not to build a wall/barrier that will stop or at least slow the problem of illegal immigration. Go figure.....
We finally found the limit where democrats say that "that's too much spending". The wall being 0.00% of the budget did it.
Then you are in agreement that Progressive Marxist Socialists like or despotic regimes use human shields regularly. When then comparing Chuckie and Nancy to Saddam Hussein, and ISIS that continually use(d) human shield....
While I'm here I was recently thinking about comparisons to the "Wall" in the U.S. beside the walls around the PMS Liberal estates, In the last two decades or more, our highway infrastructure has erected walls around highways of all sorts to block out noise and hitch hikers. I have never heard a word from either side in objection to these barriers. Yet, suddenly PMS Democrat Leftists find every and any excuse not to build a wall/barrier that will stop or at least slow the problem of illegal immigration. Go figure.....
You left our anti-semitic atheist..
Then you are in agreement that Progressive Marxist Socialists like or despotic regimes use human shields regularly. When then comparing Chuckie and Nancy to Saddam Hussein, and ISIS that continually use(d) human shield....
While I'm here I was recently thinking about comparisons to the "Wall" in the U.S. beside the walls around the PMS Liberal estates, In the last two decades or more, our highway infrastructure has erected walls around highways of all sorts to block out noise and hitch hikers. I have never heard a word from either side in objection to these barriers. Yet, suddenly PMS Democrat Leftists find every and any excuse not to build a wall/barrier that will stop or at least slow the problem of illegal immigration. Go figure.....

What you need to go figure out is that if your belief system was correct, your wishes/goals could be achieved by voting for whichever party you support and that party in turn would represent the will of its majority.

Maybe there's something wrong with your belief system.
In the Tiff between the prez and the Dems...which very much resembles a Tiff between two 8th grade girls, the lives a REAL families who have no part in the argument are affected. This is wrong...and beyond stupid.
In the Tiff between the prez and the Dems...which very much resembles a Tiff between two 8th grade girls, the lives a REAL families who have no part in the argument are affected. This is wrong...and beyond stupid.
What are we the people going to do about it? Nothing. Vote when it's time. For the lesser of two evils.
Then you are in agreement that Progressive Marxist Socialists like or despotic regimes use human shields regularly. When then comparing Chuckie and Nancy to Saddam Hussein, and ISIS that continually use(d) human shield....
While I'm here I was recently thinking about comparisons to the "Wall" in the U.S. beside the walls around the PMS Liberal estates, In the last two decades or more, our highway infrastructure has erected walls around highways of all sorts to block out noise and hitch hikers. I have never heard a word from either side in objection to these barriers. Yet, suddenly PMS Democrat Leftists find every and any excuse not to build a wall/barrier that will stop or at least slow the problem of illegal immigration. Go figure.....

What you need to go figure out is that if your belief system was correct, your wishes/goals could be achieved by voting for whichever party you support and that party in turn would represent the will of its majority.

Maybe there's something wrong with your belief system.

Seems it worked in November 2016 when DJT was elected president and your saint Hillary lost...
In the Tiff between the prez and the Dems...which very much resembles a Tiff between two 8th grade girls, the lives a REAL families who have no part in the argument are affected. This is wrong...and beyond stupid.

They’re Federal Employees. Most of their jobs shouldn’t exist to begin with. They know this sort of thing is possible, just as I know my Union may strike or be locked out any time our contract expires.

You prepare for it as much as possible ahead of time or you get what you deserve.
In the Tiff between the prez and the Dems...which very much resembles a Tiff between two 8th grade girls, the lives a REAL families who have no part in the argument are affected. This is wrong...and beyond stupid.

If they are American citizens who live within American borders, then they are all in concerning this 8th grade tiff! You couldn't be any more wrong.

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