The next debate will feature...

browsing deer

Silver Member
Jul 11, 2015
in the forrest
Fiorina! Unfortunately Christie is out. I like him, but he is damaged goods. The MSM got him. They will regret that.

The next one won't feature a kiddy table. Too many of the participants on that have no polling at all.

Here is hoping Fiorina can stomp Trump into the sand.
More good news for Clinton. One of the only two GOP candidates that could beat her outright is off the dais. Clinton can still lose but she will need to wound herself.
The next debate will include dancing girls in skimpy outfits spelling out "TRUMP" and of course an insult against one of your favorite groups.

We've had Mexicans, women and captured soldiers.... who will it be next?

Will it be blacks? Native Americans? Puerto Ricans? Asians? Perhaps he'll go after a country, China or Russia?

The betting is on already.
Fiorina! Unfortunately Christie is out. I like him, but he is damaged goods. The MSM got him. They will regret that.

The next one won't feature a kiddy table. Too many of the participants on that have no polling at all.

Here is hoping Fiorina can stomp Trump into the sand.

MSM had nothing to do with it. New Jersey had it's credit rating down graded 7-times under Christie. He is sad and pathetic man.
And last....."Just to keep things equal with the line of questioning at the Republican debate,
the first question asked of Hillary Clinton at a Democrat debate should be:
'Mrs. Clinton, let me mention seven names: Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, Gennifer Flowers, Monica Lewinsky, BethDozoretz, Denise Rich. Now, tell us: How can you look at anyone with a straight face and talk to them about family values,when It Takes a Village to satisfy your Husband?"

-- Rush Limbaugh
The next debate will include dancing girls in skimpy outfits spelling out "TRUMP" and of course an insult against one of your favorite groups.

We've had Mexicans, women and captured soldiers.... who will it be next?

Will it be blacks? Native Americans? Puerto Ricans? Asians? Perhaps he'll go after a country, China or Russia?

The betting is on already.
even money on chinese and jews. 3-5 on indians, both american and asian varities.
Trump has had some pretty harsh assessments of Fiorina's track record as CEO of HP when asked and so far she hasn't taken that bait or returned the volley in kind even when pushed to do so. Will CNN pit the two of them against each other if they are on the same stage? If so, will he be a gentleman? Will she finally go negative on him? I don't have a clue.

But if that happens, the only true losers will be us, the American people, who once again have to listen to 'non issues' and media generated firestorms instead of being able to learn something about the character and vision of the person we want to be the next President of the United States.
Trump has to fear Fiorina. She didn't take HP to Bankruptcy 4 times. She is the coice of reason, he is just bombast.

I STILL think Trump is a Clinton stooge
Democrats think that the only two candidates that could beat Clinton are the candidates no one would vote for.

This makes sense only to democrats.
Trump has to fear Fiorina. She didn't take HP to Bankruptcy 4 times. She is the coice of reason, he is just bombast.

I STILL think Trump is a Clinton stooge

He may be bombastic, an empty suit, a Clinton stooge, or any of the things those who don't like him say about him. But he is ahead of everybody else in the GOP field by double digits even though the Republican establishment AND the Democrats are doing their damndest to demonize, villify, marginalize, and destroy him by any means - honest or dishonest.

And week by week he is closing the straw poll gap between himself and Hilllary--by the last numbers, he is pretty well within the statistical margin of error:
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election Trump vs. Clinton

I think the smart money needs to figure out why instead of piling on which is only making him more popular.
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Trump has put an immigration plan on the table which includes deporting the 11 million or so illegals currently residing in the US. I expect that will take up a lot of time in the next debate, staring with a question asking how Trump plans to round up that many people.


It's very simple. We'll hire all the illegal Canooks to round up all the illegal spics, chinks, gooks, and ragheads, including the towelheads from India. (Applause)


Don't worry! If any of the girls look as hot as my daughter, we'll let them stay. That means no Asian chicks, though. They all have flat asses. I'm sorry, but it's true. (Laughter, cheers)
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What it won't include. Any questions relevant to being the president of the United States. Ten more minutes on no rape exemptions for abortions please! From every candidate!

Would you like to retract what you said about Asian women?


No, I wouldn't, because it's true. Now why don't you stand up and turn around for us so we can see your caboose.



Go get Julie Chen from Big Brother. You'll see I'm right!


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