The new war on science.

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Gold Member
Sep 13, 2012

Yes, there is a new war on science. No, that war is not being promulgated by religious fundamentalists. In fact, the new war on science is being waged internally in the universities by the leftist ideologies. This internal force is far more threatening than religious fundamentalists have ever been throwing stones from outside of the walls of universities. The religious arguments against science are actually more thought out (all powerful god that makes it happen), than the wildly hypocritical, self defeating BS being pushed inside of our universities.

In this actual scientific, peer reviewed article, you’ll see that evolutionary psychology is all fine and dandy when explaining animal behavior...but when it comes to human behavior it goes against the dogma. Head scratcher at first glance but make sense when you realize that the end goal of the left is to socially construct the world to fit into their box. For that to be accomplished, you need everyone to be a blank canvas for which social engineering can create what it wants out of you. This line of thinking comes directly in conflict with evolutionary psychology that says you’re not at all a blank slate that just gets corrupted by everything around you that the left needs to burn into the ground. However, this blank slate idea conflicts with the lefts views when it comes to intersectionality. They want to on one hand say you’re a blank slate that can be socially engineered, but then turn around and say that doesn’t apply to things like gender dysphoria, which is an inate natural feeling and therefore should be followed to its logical conclusion (whatever that is depending on your mood that day).

Yes, there is a new war on science. No, that war is not being promulgated by religious fundamentalists. In fact, the new war on science is being waged internally in the universities by the leftist ideologies. This internal force is far more threatening than religious fundamentalists have ever been throwing stones from outside of the walls of universities. The religious arguments against science are actually more thought out (all powerful god that makes it happen), than the wildly hypocritical, self defeating BS being pushed inside of our universities.

In this actual scientific, peer reviewed article, you’ll see that evolutionary psychology is all fine and dandy when explaining animal behavior...but when it comes to human behavior it goes against the dogma. Head scratcher at first glance but make sense when you realize that the end goal of the left is to socially construct the world to fit into their box. For that to be accomplished, you need everyone to be a blank canvas for which social engineering can create what it wants out of you. This line of thinking comes directly in conflict with evolutionary psychology that says you’re not at all a blank slate that just gets corrupted by everything around you that the left needs to burn into the ground. However, this blank slate idea conflicts with the lefts views when it comes to intersectionality. They want to on one hand say you’re a blank slate that can be socially engineered, but then turn around and say that doesn’t apply to things like gender dysphoria, which is an inate natural feeling and therefore should be followed to its logical conclusion (whatever that is depending on your mood that day).

Yes, there is a new war on science. No, that war is not being promulgated by religious fundamentalists. In fact, the new war on science is being waged internally in the universities by the leftist ideologies. This internal force is far more threatening than religious fundamentalists have ever been throwing stones from outside of the walls of universities. The religious arguments against science are actually more thought out (all powerful god that makes it happen), than the wildly hypocritical, self defeating BS being pushed inside of our universities.

In this actual scientific, peer reviewed article, you’ll see that evolutionary psychology is all fine and dandy when explaining animal behavior...but when it comes to human behavior it goes against the dogma. Head scratcher at first glance but make sense when you realize that the end goal of the left is to socially construct the world to fit into their box. For that to be accomplished, you need everyone to be a blank canvas for which social engineering can create what it wants out of you. This line of thinking comes directly in conflict with evolutionary psychology that says you’re not at all a blank slate that just gets corrupted by everything around you that the left needs to burn into the ground. However, this blank slate idea conflicts with the lefts views when it comes to intersectionality. They want to on one hand say you’re a blank slate that can be socially engineered, but then turn around and say that doesn’t apply to things like gender dysphoria, which is an inate natural feeling and therefore should be followed to its logical conclusion (whatever that is depending on your mood that day).

Militant atheists who claim to respect science deny biology and go all metaphysical when they say that human beings sometimes are born in the wrong bodies which implies the existence of a soul which has a gender that doesn't match up to the physical form it inhabits.
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