The New 'Racism' markers....


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
These days, it's hard to tell when you might be accused of racism for having a post graduate degree, bringing your lunch to work, eating chicken breasts or any one of many other totally innocent happenings. Political correctness be damned! I have a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering....I'm a Libertarian WASP...and I'm gonna have me some spicy fried chicken breasts in about an hour!....and there is no room in my life for racism.

All you whiny, perpetual victims of your own race's 'leaders' (The Right Reverend Race Pimps Jackson, Sharpton, X and Wright)....can kiss my shiny white ass.

Ten Things You Didn’t Know Were Racist

National Review ^| August 20, 2015 | John Leo

1. “Baa, Baa Black Sheep” is racist. The nursery rhyme, which dates back to the Middle Ages, is under attack. Some schools and family centers in Scotland, England, and Australia have eliminated the word “black” as racist, and now refer to “rainbow sheep,” “happy sheep,” or “green sheep,” though these new adjectives make no sense at all. Stuart Chamberlain of the Oxford Sure Start Center in Sutton Courtenay, Oxfordshire, said, “Basically we have taken the equal-opportunity approach to everything we do.” A local dissenter, however, called it “Stalinist.”

2. M.A.s may be racist, postmasters too. Stephen Davis, master of Pierson College at Yale, says the word “master” in his title is severely upsetting some students and driving them off campus. He wants Pierson and Yale’s eleven other residential colleges to have “heads” rather than “masters.”

3. Liking white meat is racist. Writer Ron Rosenbaum said in Slate that racism accounts for the popularity of white-meat turkey over more flavorful dark meat. “White meat turkey has no taste,” he explained. “Despite its superior taste, dark meat has dark undertones for some. Dark meat seems to summon up ancient fears of contamination and miscegenation as opposed to the supposed superior purity of white meat.”

4. Hoop skirts are racist. After student affairs administrators met with fraternity and sorority leaders, the University of Georgia banned hoop skirts as evocations of the ante bellum South. Writing in the Washington Post, Elizabeth Boyd opined that this decision should go national: While donning a hoop skirt may not constitute a hate crime . . . make no mistake. The Southern belle performances routinely staged on campuses across the South constitute choreography of exclusion . . . young white women serve as signs of nostalgia for a bygone, segregated South and all its attendant privileges.

5. Lunch bags look racist. Elliot Bronstein of the Seattle Office for Civil Rights sent a memo to the public-affairs office banning the term “brown bag” as in brown-bag lunches.

6. Complimenting America as open and fair is racially hurtful. “I believe the most qualified person should get the job” is officially listed as a micro-aggression that the University of California wants eliminated from its classrooms. Also banned are “America is the land of opportunity,” and “America is a melting pot,” because some students may regard those ideas as controversial.

7. Libertarians are racist. In an interview, testy HBO writer-producer David Simon (The Wire, Treme) severely criticized libertarians and suggested that libertarian rhetoric about “freedom” and “liberty” is just code for racism. More P.C. Culture Feds Stop Calling ‘Midget Raisins’ ‘Midget Raisins’ Because ‘Midget’ Is Offensive No Chicken for You! ‘My Truth,’ They Say

8. Climate change advances racism. Best-selling Canadian author Naomi Klein told the Guardian, “You see that in Australia where the treatment of migrants is a profound moral crisis. It’s clear that as sea levels rise this mean streak and open racism is going to become more extreme.”

9. Banning sagging pants is racist. NRO’s Katherine Timpf reported that Henderson State University in Arkansas had banned sagging pants, but the sign announcing the ban came down in two days after students protested. “Those students wanting the sign taken down because they say sagging pants are culturally associated with African Americans,” said student Daisha Haggans.

10. If too many white males are in your class, that’s racist. The Harvard “Voices of Diversity” project interviewed 200 students at four U.S. colleges and found that racist and sexist “micro-aggressions” — subtle but hurtful digs — are a serious problem. Examples: finding that most of the people in your class are white males, other students rolling their eyes when you speak, and “a slight raising of the eyebrows or eyes following you in the dining hall.”
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Why do so many people still care about this stupid word, invented by Trotsky, who was one of the biggest mass murderers who killed millions of Christians?
Why do so many people still care about this stupid word, invented by Trotsky, who was one of the biggest mass murderers who killed millions of Christians?
It is an easy rebuttal of any and all criticism of today's black culture. Merely pointing out the fact that black on black crimes cause the loss of more black lives than all of the police shootings of blacks in the nation does not phase the BLACK LIVES MATTER group. Why? Because calling for an end to black on black killings would be critical of all the black killers. That would be RACISM! Hating cops for trying to control black criminals is more satisfying to them.
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I would bet that black killings of white out number cop shootings of blacks.

no one wants to discuss that

racking slide
The BLACK LIVES MATTER movement doesn't want to discuss the fact that the number of deaths from black on black crimes is about 56 times greater than the number of deaths by cops on blacks. I believe that is the figure I heard on the news last night.

The BLM bums can't get any mileage out of protesting against BoB crime. They'll never try to stir a black crowd into a frenzy about coming down on a brother who just shot a brother. They stick together and blame the cops. After all, disrespect for authority makes them cool...and being on the winning side in a gang war garners 'respect' from fellow thugs.
Why do so many people still care about this stupid word, invented by Trotsky, who was one of the biggest mass murderers who killed millions of Christians?
...because any man who gets stabbed in the head with an ice pick, yet still manages to capture his own murderer before he dies, is someone worth listening to. :laugh:
Wiping your ass with a page from Ebony? :dunno:


If I were to piss on the grave of Martin Luther King, Jr. would that be considered racist or a freedom of speech?

If a Crucifix placed in a jar of urine is considered art and protected by freedom of speech, are those who would protest such an act considered Right Wing extremists?

You betcha. :thup:
Why do so many people still care about this stupid word, invented by Trotsky, who was one of the biggest mass murderers who killed millions of Christians?
...because any man who gets stabbed in the head with an ice pick, yet still manages to capture his own murderer before he dies, is someone worth listening to. :laugh:

Well, according to American criminal statistics, more white men are stabbed in the head by black men, than vice versa.

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