The New Oval Office: Beige is the New Beige


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
The Obama Oval Office has had a make over.

It's Beige...very very 1970s Brady Bunch Beige.


Oval Office gets a makeover: The Swamp

Contrast that with the Bush Era version:


And check out the Clinton version:


Oval Offices in history (photos)

Clinton's was rather over the top colorful, but at least the office had a positive, optimistic pallet. Bush's reflects excellent taste and is welcoming while being dignified.

Obama's can only be described as Retro-Carter Era BEIGE - which does suit his horrible economic policy.

Be Afwaid. Be Vewy Vewy Afwaid.
The Obama Oval Office has had a make over.

It's Beige...very very 1970s Brady Bunch Beige.


Oval Office gets a makeover: The Swamp

Contrast that with the Bush Era version:


And check out the Clinton version:


Oval Offices in history (photos)

Clinton's was rather over the top colorful, but at least the office had a positive, optimistic pallet. Bush's reflects excellent taste and is welcoming while being dignified.

Obama's can only be described as Retro-Carter Era BEIGE - which does suit his horrible economic policy.

Be Afwaid. Be Vewy Vewy Afwaid.

I like the wall treatment but they should have done either the sofas or the rug (I'd go with the rug) in a deep colonial-red type color and they need to put in pillows with more color. The woodwork looks more like a cream vs. white; white would show off the wall treatment better, imo. I hate the coffee table they chose but I love how they recovered the chairs. The whole room is similar in coloring and feel to Bush's, but a bit more casual. I hate Clinton's, tooooo garish.
The Obama Oval Office has had a make over.

It's Beige...very very 1970s Brady Bunch Beige.


Oval Office gets a makeover: The Swamp

Contrast that with the Bush Era version:


And check out the Clinton version:


Oval Offices in history (photos)

Clinton's was rather over the top colorful, but at least the office had a positive, optimistic pallet. Bush's reflects excellent taste and is welcoming while being dignified.

Obama's can only be described as Retro-Carter Era BEIGE - which does suit his horrible economic policy.

Be Afwaid. Be Vewy Vewy Afwaid.
Looks like they are preparing it for the market. All realtors will tell you neutral sells.
The Obama Oval Office has had a make over.

It's Beige...very very 1970s Brady Bunch Beige.


Oval Office gets a makeover: The Swamp

Contrast that with the Bush Era version:


And check out the Clinton version:


Oval Offices in history (photos)

Clinton's was rather over the top colorful, but at least the office had a positive, optimistic pallet. Bush's reflects excellent taste and is welcoming while being dignified.

Obama's can only be described as Retro-Carter Era BEIGE - which does suit his horrible economic policy.

Be Afwaid. Be Vewy Vewy Afwaid.
The things you people care about.:cuckoo:
And you think any of the three, picked any of it out?
The Obama Oval Office has had a make over.

It's Beige...very very 1970s Brady Bunch Beige.


Oval Office gets a makeover: The Swamp

Contrast that with the Bush Era version:


And check out the Clinton version:


Oval Offices in history (photos)

Clinton's was rather over the top colorful, but at least the office had a positive, optimistic pallet. Bush's reflects excellent taste and is welcoming while being dignified.

Obama's can only be described as Retro-Carter Era BEIGE - which does suit his horrible economic policy.

Be Afwaid. Be Vewy Vewy Afwaid.

I do like Obama's office better than the previous two. Notice this was done while on his last vacation. Geesh, times sure are tough on the rest of us. :eusa_whistle:
It is hideous, I admit. That coffee table...yikes!

I looked at the photos too. I didn't like any of the decorating schemes, but W's dark furniture was kinda nice.

I think that desk has been there through many presidents. It's awesome. Glad it wasn't changed.
Except for the oval striped area rug, I actually like Bush's better. Surprise surprise.
A very interesting color. A neutral, neither here nor there. Beige is a background color.

Slang Dictionary
beige definition
1. mod.
boring; insipid. (California. See also vanilla.) : This day is way beige! Bag it!

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The Bradies want their coffee table back.
I think some people need to watch some HGTV, and realize that the Brady look is back :D
I personally hate that it is popular again, and I like more of traditional look. My sister has a brand new house, and it has poop brown shag carpeting. It isn't the same as the shag of the past, but it still is shag. :lol:
I loathe that 70s beige-harvest gold-avocado-rust shag carpet look.

The new Oval Office is a depressing man cave without a big screen TV.
One comes out of the desk, it is just hidden well. :lol:

I hate it too. I like the leather look for manly rooms, but the cabin look, not the porn start look. lol
My parents have a bathroom that they never got around to re doing, and their house was build in 1978. Now they don't have to, because the colors are now back in. :lol:
My parents finally got rid of the harvest gold appliances in their 1973 era house a few years ago and replaced them with tasteful white ones. A huge improvement.

When we were house hunting, i scouted out a house that had been redone by a high income bachelor. Oh.Mi.Gawd. The master bath was all black marble tile with purple accents and glaring shiny gold fixtures.

I fled.
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Avocado and harvest gold long shag 70s style carpet (especially the variegated shag) is most definitely out - at least in my abode.

I'm not going to have any carpet that requires a rake. I spent too much time as a kid raking the hideous carpet for my Felix Ungerlike Mother.

Quoth the raven, "nevermore".
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Avocado and harvest gold long shag 70s style carpet (especially the variegated shag) is most definitely out - at least in my abode.

I'm not going to have any carpet that requires a rake. I spent too much time as a kid raking the hideous carpet for my Felix Ungerlike Mother.

Quoth the raven, "nevermore".

My mother once allowed me to 'decorate' my bedroom as a little girl. I had a yellow shag carpet (rake included...LOL), had a bedspread in yellow and shocking pink plaid made, a shocking pink bean bag chair, and Peter Max posters on the wall. I asked my brothers to remove the closets' doors so that I could replace them with bead curtains. They snitched on me because they asked Mom if it was OK.

Mom drew the line there. :lol:

I loved it! (I still have that bedspread, too!) Too this day, I love yellow and shocking pink together. But, the shag carpet was too much.

I was thrilled to be allowed to do that as a little girl. That bedroom rocked.
Your mom was totally coolth!

I had the pale pink, shocking pink combo version - with a plush round rug.

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