The New Manafort Revelations Are BS


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2011
Inside Mac's Head
So many reports that Manafort was providing Trump campaign internal analytics to Russians with ties to the Kremlin.

So what!

Trump says that he knew nothing about it!

It is a definite nothingburger!
New York Times issues correction to bombshell report on Manafort, Oleg Deripaska
The story appeared on the front page of Wednesday morning's print edition. However, the paper was forced to publish a correction by early Wednesday afternoon.

"A previous version of this article misidentified the people to whom Paul Manafort wanted a Russian associate to send polling data," a note at the bottom of the story read. "Mr. Manafort wanted the data sent to two Ukrainian oligarchs, Serhiy Lyovochkin and Rinat Akhmetov, not Oleg V. Deripaska, a Russian oligarch close to the Kremlin."

Why asked how the original, incorrect version of the story made it to print, a New York Times spokesperson said, "We published a thorough correction and have no comment beyond it."
New York Times issues correction to bombshell report on Manafort, Oleg Deripaska
The story appeared on the front page of Wednesday morning's print edition. However, the paper was forced to publish a correction by early Wednesday afternoon.

"A previous version of this article misidentified the people to whom Paul Manafort wanted a Russian associate to send polling data," a note at the bottom of the story read. "Mr. Manafort wanted the data sent to two Ukrainian oligarchs, Serhiy Lyovochkin and Rinat Akhmetov, not Oleg V. Deripaska, a Russian oligarch close to the Kremlin."

Why asked how the original, incorrect version of the story made it to print, a New York Times spokesperson said, "We published a thorough correction and have no comment beyond it."

It's such a total clown parade....
Barr is almost in....Rosenstein and Mueller are rushing to get through before an unbiased set of eyes enters the building.

So many reports that Manafort was providing Trump campaign internal analytics to Russians with ties to the Kremlin.

So what!

Trump says that he knew nothing about it!

It is a definite nothingburger!

OK; keep repeating that shit to your brain. Have a nice day.
You see? Leftards believe that Trump and the ROOSKIES conspired to expose the fraud, corruption, cheating tactics and criminality of the DNC by hacking their server and then giving it to Julian Assange and that was cheating when cheating is exposed and a direct attack on leftards and their beloved "Deeeeee-MOCK-racy"........that's their story and they are sticking to it. They talked so much shit before the election because the fix was already in and they all ended up with egg all over their ugly, anger-filled commie faces.

I laugh loud and long at their angst........VERY funny shit right there!

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