The Never-Ending Campaign


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
Someone needs to tell Obama that once you've been hired for a job, you're actually supposed to show up to work. Once again, the Divider In Chief is out trying to foment class warfare.
Someone needs to tell Obama that once you've been hired for a job, you're actually supposed to show up to work. Once again, the Divider In Chief is out trying to foment class warfare.

He'll be headed out for 20 days in Hawaii. He's exhausted from dancing around the issues and all those evasive moves. It's worn him out.

The "worse" news...we get to pay 4 million bucks for this POS's vacation.:cool:
this from the idiots who defended Bush for taking more vaction days than any modern president?

I guess they think BLACK presidents dont get to go on vaction
this from the idiots who defended Bush for taking more vaction days than any modern president?

I guess they think BLACK presidents dont get to go on vaction

Well, he did the job good enough to win re-election, in spite of the GOP obstructionism. And if the GOP continues to listen to the likes of you, you can bitch about the next Democratic President.
this from the idiots who defended Bush for taking more vaction days than any modern president?

I guess they think BLACK presidents dont get to go on vaction

He can go on vacation when something significantly improves economically. Otherwise there's people hurting right now and it's fucking insulting.
this from the idiots who defended Bush for taking more vaction days than any modern president?

I guess they think BLACK presidents dont get to go on vaction

It's all good. It is the President's white half that golfs. The black half wins B ball.

Regards from Rosie

"I'm a RACIST"---Rosie

Racism from Rosie

See TM? Follow my lead and you too can make idjit beretta 304 go ballistic at will. Easy peasy!

Regards from Rosie
It's all good. It is the President's white half that golfs. The black half wins B ball.

Regards from Rosie

"I'm a RACIST"---Rosie

Racism from Rosie

See TM? Follow my lead and you too can make idjit beretta 304 go ballistic at will. Easy peasy!

Regards from Rosie

You only look good to those like you. Hear that Old Cock?

Aside from that I find you to be quite the amusing joke.

Your "kitchy", yet silly Regards from Rosie is mundane and old.

But please do "press my buttons" by posting more evidence of your racism.:clap2:

Does a degree in Urban Education instill in one the desire to get someone to go ballistic on a message board?

Quite the career goal for you, eh Rosie?

I sure look ballistic, don't I? :badgrin::badgrin:

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It isn't that obama is on a never ending vacation, it's that he he spends millions of dollars, not his own, to do it.
"I'm a RACIST"---Rosie

Racism from Rosie

See TM? Follow my lead and you too can make idjit beretta 304 go ballistic at will. Easy peasy!

Regards from Rosie

You only look good to those like you. Hear that Old Cock?

Aside from that I find you to be quite the amusing joke.

Your "kitcky", yet silly Regards from Rosie is mundame and old.

But please do "press my buttons" by posting more evidence of your racism.:clap2:

Does a degree in Urban Education instill in one the desire to get some one to go ballistic on a message board.

Quite the career goal for you, eh Rosie?

I sure look ballistic, don't I? :badgrin::badgrin:


You're a 50 caliber moron, all right. I can post that without fear of contradiction.

C'mon and shoot your inanity for all to pity summore, cretin.

Regards from Rosie
See TM? Follow my lead and you too can make idjit beretta 304 go ballistic at will. Easy peasy!

Regards from Rosie

You only look good to those like you. Hear that Old Cock?

Aside from that I find you to be quite the amusing joke.

Your "kitcky", yet silly Regards from Rosie is mundame and old.

But please do "press my buttons" by posting more evidence of your racism.:clap2:

Does a degree in Urban Education instill in one the desire to get some one to go ballistic on a message board.

Quite the career goal for you, eh Rosie?

I sure look ballistic, don't I? :badgrin::badgrin:


You're a 50 caliber moron, all right. I can post that without fear of contradiction.

C'mon and shoot your inanity for all to pity summore, cretin.

Regards from Rosie

Keep going Rosie. Here... maybe I didn't wind you up enough...there...better? Oophs, I forgot to put the quarter in your back. There we go...


P.S. By the way it's a 40 caliber Beretta. Someone who thinks she knows everything should have know that.

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