The Neubarthian Prophecies


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
Any good Neubarthian Prophecies spewed out by the Barfman today?

Any fresh new Bible misinterpretations?
Thou shall not shave ye chest, for thoust shall pose for 30 days and 30 nights, and 30 years, in boxer shorts whilst standing in a field of grain. Oh ye in the vally of the dolls shall you overcome your fear of the shirtless avatar, or I will SMITE thee into HELL for all of eternity!
-Joan 4.20
Thou shall not shave ye chest, for thoust shall pose for 30 days and 30 nights, and 30 years, in boxer shorts whilst standing in a field of grain. Oh ye in the vally of the dolls shall you overcome your fear of the shirtless avatar, oh I will SMITE thee into HELL for all of eternity!
-Joan 4.20

1 The Fool who cannot see that his avatar is foolish

2 will be subjected to mockery and ridicule by the masses.

3 And as a result of said derision, The Fool shall brag that he

4 has a direct ticket for admission to Heaven,

5 issued personally by God Himself.

6 And The Fool will feel special and will tell the masses that

7 they will all burn in hell for eternity.

8 And he will threaten lawsuits when his Great Name is mocked.

9 And he will make a Sammich for the Lord God

Xotoxi 11:1-9

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