The Nation’s Governing Philosophy


Sep 23, 2010
Catching a Democrat lying is so commonplace it no longer qualifies as news. Every top Democrat lies about everything. Today, I want to examine two of their most accomplished liars.

First, Barack Taqiyya lies so much the fact that he lies about everything makes lying itself redundant.

redundant (adjective)

1. Exceeding what is necessary or natural; superfluous.

2. Needlessly repetitive; verbose.

3. Electronics. Of or involving redundancy in electronic equipment.

4. Of or involving redundancy in the transmission of messages.

Is it possible that ‘lying is good’ is the message being transmitted as opposed to simply lying about a specific policy?

President Barack Obama did not, as the White House claimed yesterday, only learn of the VA wait-list scandal on TV, just as he claimed to learn of the IRS, Fast and Furious and AP reporting snooping scandals.


And there is undeniable proof that Obama referred to the VA scandal only two years ago.

Obama campaigned on the backs of waiting-list veteran heroes in 2008
By Judi McLeod Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Obama campaigned on the backs of waiting-list veteran heroes in 2008

It may seem farfetched but nonstop lying could be Taqiyya’s way of teaching Americans about Islam’s taqiyya and kitman? Don’t laugh. I’ll wager that many Americans already agree that he lies for a good cause; Socialism if not Islam. The only other reason that explains his incessant lying is his firm belief in Crown immunity; i.e., the king can do no wrong. Since the king can do no wrong he sure as hell can say no wrong.

The second liar lies for money as much as he lied about everything else throughout his career.

NOTE: John Kerry lied about the men fighting in Vietnam. Had he become president in 2005 there is every reason to assume he would have treated veterans with more contempt than Barack Taqiyya is doing right now because he has been at it a lot longer.

The public well-knows that Al Gore is the biggest climate change liar of them all. John Kerry is not far behind:

Secretary of State John Kerry did not shy away from pejorative language when addressing "climate change" in his commencement speech at Boston College on Monday. Kerry referred to those skeptical of the Obama administration's climate claims as "members of the Flat Earth Society" who are "risking nothing less than the future of the entire planet" by resisting implementation of the administration's policies. At the very least, Kerry argued, what have we got to lose by taking the steps he and the president are advocating? [emphasis added]:

If we make the necessary efforts to address this challenge – and supposing I’m wrong or scientists are wrong, 97 percent of them all wrong – supposing they are, what’s the worst that can happen? We put millions of people to work transitioning our energy, creating new and renewable and alternative; we make life healthier because we have less particulates in the air and cleaner air and more health; we give ourselves greater security through greater energy independence – that’s the downside. This is not a matter of politics or partisanship; it’s a matter of science and stewardship. And it’s not a matter of capacity; it’s a matter of willpower.

Kerry: If We're Wrong on Climate Change, 'What's the Worst That Can Happen?'
What if '97 percent' of scientists are wrong?
11:38 AM, May 20, 2014 • By JERYL BIER

Kerry: If We're Wrong on Climate Change, 'What's the Worst That Can Happen?' | The Weekly Standard

Exposing each and every lie in Kerry’s statement is a waste of time. No matter how many times the lies are debunked Kerry and the rest of the environmental hustlers will tell the same lies tomorrow and every day thereafter until they get their hands on tax dollars.

I will answer Kerry’s question “'What's the worst that can happen?”

1. Millions of parasites will get high paying tax dollar jobs with lifetime tenure at the public trough.

2. Hundreds of millions of young, and yet unborn, Americans will pay climate change parasites TRILLIONS of dollars in the decades ahead.

3. Tax dollar subsidized colleges and universities will pump out an ever-increasing number of climate change parasites in what can only be described as a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Taqiyya, Kerry, and the entire upper echelon of the Democrat party have no reservations about throwing hundreds of billions of dollars at environmental parasites, while failing to serve America’s veterans because it is not cost effective. Not only is taking care of veterans too expensive —— looting every tax dollar in sight has become the nation’s governing philosophy:

Employees at the embattled Phoenix office of the Department of Veterans Affairs have been making millions in higher-than-average salaries and bonuses, according to federal records reviewed by Fox News.

Staff at embattled Phoenix VA pocketed bonuses, hefty salaries
By Emily Boyd Walker
Published May 15, 2014

Staff at embattled Phoenix VA pocketed bonuses, hefty salaries | Fox News

Before anyone says “Everybody does it.” let me point out that the public purse governing philosophy originated with the Democrat party.

You might ask yourself if any Democrat who dipped into the tax trough was ever punished for larceny. Hell, they don’t even resign when they get caught. Examples: Harry Reid’s land deals, and the money Nancy Pelosi and Senator Feinstein sent to their family businesses.

In addition to Senator Di Fi’s other “profitable business ventures” she made a ton of money off of the military:

Feinstein has been tied to cronyism, using taxpayer funds, several times in the past. According to, in a report from June, 2012, Feinstein used her position and the information she was privy in order to:

Appropriate funds through the U.S. Senate Military Construction Subcommittee. Feinstein was serving on this committee and forced funding to companies owned by her husband. The pair netted somewhere around $5 million for their pains. Oh yes; the company prominently concerned was Perini.

Diane Feinstein's Husband Rakes in the Cash from Government Projects
Posted on May 4, 2013 by Marilyn Assenheim Filed under Economics, Politics

Diane Feinstein's Husband Rakes in the Cash from Government Projects

Finally, Senator Feinstein’s big mouth never stops going on about Republicans engaging in a Benghazi witch hunt and the rest of the issues Democrats find so appealing. She outdoes herself when she goes on about the need for more gun controls:

Dianne Feinstein: "All vets are mentally ill in some way and government should prevent them from owning firearms."

Yep, - she really said it on Thursday in a meeting in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee... and the quote below from the LA Times is priceless. Sometimes even the L.A. Times gets it right.

Kurt Nimmo: "Senator Feinstein insults all U.S. Veterans as she flays about in a vain attempt to save her anti-firearms bill."

Until the VA hospital scandal broke I cannot recall Di Fi ever pushing her fellow Democrats to improve the care vets were getting. Now, she’s all over the issue like flies on horse manure.
The Nation's governing military philosophy that set the US apart from the rest of the world for 200 years was the innovative concept that civilians run the military. It's our responsibility to elect the representatives who best represent our views. Tea Party people do a pretty good job in the republican party to make politicians more responsive to the will of the people. Who runs the democrat party?
Who runs the democrat party?

To whitehall: A superb question. The media and the Democrat party provide lists of leading Democrats and their supporters that passes for a catalogue of saints. The rest of us say liars, parasites, Socialists/Communists, America-haters, quislings, perverts and crooks.

More importantly, there is not one Democrat party constituency whose leadership respects the Constitution, America’s sovereignty, the US military and the freedoms it protects.
Who runs the democrat party?

To whitehall: A superb question. The media and the Democrat party provide lists of leading Democrats and their supporters that passes for a catalogue of saints. The rest of us say liars, parasites, Socialists/Communists, America-haters, quislings, perverts and crooks.

More importantly, there is not one Democrat party constituency whose leadership respects the Constitution, America’s sovereignty, the US military and the freedoms it protects.

Well let's just say the Democratic party is more saintly to the American people and the Republican party more saintly to money. And we must remember that it was liberal ideas that fostered the American Revolution and to a great extent the ideas in the Constitution.
it was liberal ideas that fostered the American Revolution and to a great extent the ideas in the Constitution.

To regent: You sound like Saul Alinsky: See the OP in this thread:

Just to set the record straight it was a desire for independence from a tyrannical government that fostered the WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE. Colonial Americans fought for the very opposite of today’s liberalism.

Individual liberties and limited government were ideas that went into the Constitution. Those are the very ideas liberals would destroy with big government.

Believe in big government if you must, but please do not deny that the welfare state liberal parasites gave the country is the one thing America’s Founders would never fight for.
it was liberal ideas that fostered the American Revolution and to a great extent the ideas in the Constitution.

To regent: You sound like Saul Alinsky: See the OP in this thread:

Just to set the record straight it was a desire for independence from a tyrannical government that fostered the WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE. Colonial Americans fought for the very opposite of today’s liberalism.

Individual liberties and limited government were ideas that went into the Constitution. Those are the very ideas liberals would destroy with big government.

Believe in big government if you must, but please do not deny that the welfare state liberal parasites gave the country is the one thing America’s Founders would never fight for.

Most colonists were either against the Revolutionary war or could care less. America had state governments before the framers created the big government that conservatives today rile against. Britain was not tyrannical it ended up Americans just wanted to set up their own government.
Most colonists were either against the Revolutionary war or could care less. America had state governments before the framers created the big government that conservatives today rile against. Britain was not tyrannical it ended up Americans just wanted to set up their own government.

To regent: I should know better.

Most colonists were either against the Revolutionary war or could care less. America had state governments before the framers created the big government that conservatives today rile against. Britain was not tyrannical it ended up Americans just wanted to set up their own government.

To regent: I should know better.


Of course, you should have known better, that's basic American history. If not high school stuff certainly AP high school stuff. Ever wonder why Jefferson accused George III of all those bad things when it wasn't George at all?

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