The Narrative Versus Reality (Trump)


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I have never seen the media so unanimous in perpetuating distorted and false Narratives in support of a blatant political agenda.

Our beloved President-Elect is not a careful or meticulous speaker, and often (a) says stupid things, (b) mis-states what he is trying to say, and (c) accurately says things that shouldn’t be said at all. Nevertheless, most of his messages and intentions are stated fairly consistently over time, and anyone who is interested in knowing what he means has no trouble figuring them out. But the Media is DETERMINED to perpetuate certain false narratives about Trump and what his messages are, and it is THOSE FALSE NARRATIVES that are the main driver in the public’s negative views of his early activities as President-Elect.

Mr. Trump has never made any negative comments about legal IMMIGRANTS or IMMIGRATION in general. None. His wife is a legal immigrant. As we all know, he has made countless comments about illegal immigration, and people who are in the country illegally. He points out correctly that illegal immigrants are both committing serious crimes and consuming resources intended for citizens and legal residents. But the MSM is BOUND AND DETERMINED to perpetuate the totally-unsubstantiated narrative that Trump is “anti-immigration.” You read this claim constantly - that he is anti-immigrant or anti-immigration.

Mr. Trump has never said anything against MEXICANS in general, or about HISPANICS (which is a nonsense classification in any event). Again, ALL of his negative remarks about Mexico and Mexicans(*) have to do with ILLEGAL Mexican immigrants, and policies of the Mexican government that encourage illegal immigration into the U.S. (which benefits Mexico greatly), especially by Mexicans who are at the bottom of the economic ladder and/or drug criminals. There is no reason and no justification from any of Trump’s comments for anyone of Mexican birth or extraction, who is in the country legally, to be concerned. At worst, they might be asked by immigration agents to provide proof that they are in the country legally. Oh, the indignity!

While Mr. Trump may be classified by some as a minor “sexual predator” and a boor, there is nothing in his business background that indicates he treats HIS FEMALE (or GLBT+) employees with anything other than equal respect (**). Indeed, there are many testimonials from female executives in the Trump empire, stating that he gave them opportunities that they might not have had with other employers. The complaints of women (or gay people) stating that Trump treated them badly BECAUSE of their gender or orientation are either phony or contrived, which is remarkable in itself given the number of people he employs and the malice of his political opponents. Yet he is constantly referred to in the MSM as a “misogynist.” Someone who hates women? Ridiculous.

Trump has never said anything negative about Muslims in general, or stated any intention to harass or “deport” any Muslims who are currently in America legally(***). He has, however, noted the fact that the world is filled with Muslim extremists who loudly proclaim their intention to harm the U.S. and its interests, and he is actively looking for ways to identify and refuse entry to such people, even to the extent of stopping immigration from countries that are hotbeds of Islamist extremism – something that Presidents have the power to do, and have done in the past with respect to other groups perceived as threatening to the U.S. And again, there is a constant flow of stories and interviews of Muslims in the U.S. fretting about being harassed, imprisoned or deported, presumably for no reason other than being Muslims. Baloney. It isn’t happening now, and it won’t happen after January 20th.

Trump is constantly referred to as a “racist.” “Black Leaders” are daily quoted as saying that Trump has to somehow prove to them that he is not a racist(****). When did this standard start? Does it apply to Democrats? And yet, even if you hold the dubious position that “Mexican” is a “race,” there is nothing in Trump’s rhetoric or in his actions that supports the contention that he treats non-caucasians any differently than whites. His opponents point to Trump’s tongue-in-cheek dabbling in the “birther” issue as “proof” of his racism, but that is logical nonsense. He did the same thing with Ted Cruz and his Canada-birth issue. Is Cruz a different race? To paraphrase Lewis Farrakhan, “A racist used to mean someone who didn’t like Blacks; now it refers to someone whom Blacks don’t like.” And that’s about it.

There are a lot of reasons not to like Mr. Trump, even if you like his politics. But it serves no valid purpose to perpetuate mythical slanders based on false portrayals of his words and actions.
(*) His remarks about the ethnic Mexican judge presiding over his Trump U lawsuit were merely a complaint that he had made every ruling against him, and that his Mexican identity may be influencing his decisions.
(**) The Miss Universe woman had gained 75 pounds while touring around as Miss Universe. Had Trump pounded on a male bodybuilder for exactly the same thing, it would have been deemed appropriate. His criticism (not nearly as bad as she claimed) was about her own failings and not about being a woman.
(***) His criticism of the Muslim whose son had died in Iraq was simply that there was no earthly reason for Mrs. Muslim to be on the dias, as she had nothing to contribute (not that her husband did, either).
(****) Criticizing a Black "icon" who says something stupid is not a "racial" criticism. It is a stupidity criticism.

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