The Name Mueller Can't Say


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
Herr Mueller is a 'by the book' lawyer. He follows the law and the DOJ guidelines
"If you aren't going to prosecute shut the fuck up!". Advice Comey ought to have followed.
I 100% guarantee everyone that Mueller will not even mention Trump in his report.
He can't according to the DOJ guidelines.
The reason Mueller did not indict Trump on any obstruction charges is b/c he couldn't name someone who hadn't committed a crime. Simple as that.
Mueller isn't going to include a bunch of second/third party innuendo bullshit in his report. He's different from the LIB MSM in that regard.
He's going to lay down the FACTS only. Had ANY Facts proved that Trump 'obstructed justice' Mueller would have brought charges against Trump.

The DEMs are going to have blood spurting out their eyes!
'Where is Trump's name in the report!!!!!!!!!!
Why didn't Mueller even put Trump's name in the report!!!!!!
Trump MUST HAVE been blackmailing Mueller!!!!!!!!!!!
It's Mueller who must be charged with obstructing justice!!!!!!"
You'll hear all of this bullshit from Shit For Brains and Nadler and CNN and MSNBC and the NYT/WAPO.
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Release the full report.

I disagree, Marc.

This report was paid for by the Taxpayers. Let the Democrat Party pay for their own opposition research.

Unless, you would be in favor of the government expending the same kind of effort to look into Crazy Bernie, Creepy Joe, Spartacus and the rest? The government needs to be neutral in the electoral process.
Release the full report.
Release the full report.
How many minutes after Shit For Brains got his hands on the "full report" including GJ proceedings would it take before the NYT got it?
Ten minutes? Fifteen? Thirty?
THAT'S WHY the fucking DEMs are only going to get what Barr is LEGALLY required to give the assholes!
He's NOT going to run to a fucking LIB judge and request the 'entire unredacted report' be given to proven DEM liars and leakers.
NO sentient ten year old would trust a fucking DEM as far as they could throw them.
How many minutes after Shit For Brains got his hands on the "full report" including GJ proceedings would it take before the NYT got it?
Ten minutes? Fifteen? Thirty?
THAT'S WHY the fucking DEMs are only going to get what Barr is LEGALLY required to give the assholes!
He's NOT going to run to a fucking LIB judge and request the 'entire unredacted report' be given to proven DEM liars and leakers.
NO sentient ten year old would trust a fucking DEM as far as they could throw them.
How many minutes after Shit For Brains got his hands on the "full report" including GJ proceedings would it take before the NYT got it?
Ten minutes? Fifteen? Thirty?
THAT'S WHY the fucking DEMs are only going to get what Barr is LEGALLY required to give the assholes!
He's NOT going to run to a fucking LIB judge and request the 'entire unredacted report' be given to proven DEM liars and leakers.
NO sentient ten year old would trust a fucking DEM as far as they could throw them.
That's not what you far rightwing bastards were saying before The Barr Report.

You were all, to a man, for releasing the full report to the public.

Wha' happened?

How many minutes after Shit For Brains got his hands on the "full report" including GJ proceedings would it take before the NYT got it?
Ten minutes? Fifteen? Thirty?
THAT'S WHY the fucking DEMs are only going to get what Barr is LEGALLY required to give the assholes!
He's NOT going to run to a fucking LIB judge and request the 'entire unredacted report' be given to proven DEM liars and leakers.
NO sentient ten year old would trust a fucking DEM as far as they could throw them.
That's not what you far rightwing bastards were saying before The Barr Report.

You were all, to a man, for releasing the full report to the public.

Wha' happened?

Fucking LIAR!
Every REP in Congress agreed the Mueller report should be released WITH ANY RETRACTIONS REQUIRED BY LAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear GOD you are a fucking idiot!

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