The Myth of ‘the Southern Strategy’

Those deep south yokels celebrate Democrats of old, honor their statues, and wave their flag. When the Democrat party abandoned their racism, they started voting republican. Jim Crow had to be ripped out of their hands.

What year was that?

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Dixiecrat | political party, United States

You ignorant clowns on the right need to read some history, and stop reading PoliticalChic's fake history and her(?) sources from the Ministry of Truth.

Ignorance is not strength, follow these rules:

Learn from the Past
Live in the Present
Plan for the Future.

You are such a fool: they were Dixiecrats......not Dixiecans.

And like Wallace, went right back to voting Democrat.

9. “…if you take race out of the picture, it’s likely that white Southerners would have switched parties earlier and in greater numbers. “

Unable to comprehend that Southern Americans are not the racists that the Democrats are, they had to find some explanation for their ancient base, the South, turning to vote Republican. Sooo….they claimed that Nixon campaigned as a racist to gain the Deep South, to win over the Dixiecrats and segregationists to the Republican fold.

Of course, problem #1 is that the Democrats cannot provide a single example of an explicitly racist pitch in the campaign. There never was one.

The two biggest issues in the 1968 campaign were the Vietnam War…and the anti-war movement….
Nixon campaigned on a strong anti-communist, law and order platform. While embracing the welfare state- Nixon was no conservative on domestic issues- he also railed against what he termed ‘the excesses of bleeding heart liberalism.’”
"Death Of A Nation,” Dinesh D’Souza, p. 203

”Liberal neurotic obsession with this apocryphal notion- (that Southern Strategy) it’s been cited hundreds of times in the NYTimes- is supposed to explain why Democrats can’t get nice churchgoing, patriotic southerners to vote for the party of antiwar protesters, abortion, the ACLU and gay marriage.
They tell themselves it’s because they won’t stoop to pander to a bunch of racists. This slander should probably be the first clue as to why southerners don’t like them.

The central premise of this folklore is that anyone who votes Republican is a racist. Pretty sophisticated thinking.”
Coulter, Mugged

This was Nixon’s “silent majority,” the ordinary Americans whom Nixon said worked hard and played by the rules and didn’t complain or set fire to anything and, precisely for this reason, had been ignored and even reviled by the Democratic Party.”
The Switch That Never Happened: How the South Really Went GOP - American Greatness

Soooo....what happened to the Southern voter?

They behaved as good Americans, refused to support racist Democrats, and the racist voters aged out....and died.

Rectitude and Republicans won out.

Of course, you're still a, Democrat, huh?

LMFAO I read his link all they could name was One Dixie who switched party's not the other Two.


Democrat......don' need no stinkin' facts!

Exactly, they are so ashamed and embarrassed of their own party and it's evil past.



Dixiecrat | political party, United States

You ignorant clowns on the right need to read some history, and stop reading PoliticalChic's fake history and her(?) sources from the Ministry of Truth.

Ignorance is not strength, follow these rules:

Learn from the Past
Live in the Present
Plan for the Future.

You are such a fool: they were Dixiecrats......not Dixiecans.

And like Wallace, went right back to voting Democrat.

9. “…if you take race out of the picture, it’s likely that white Southerners would have switched parties earlier and in greater numbers. “

Unable to comprehend that Southern Americans are not the racists that the Democrats are, they had to find some explanation for their ancient base, the South, turning to vote Republican. Sooo….they claimed that Nixon campaigned as a racist to gain the Deep South, to win over the Dixiecrats and segregationists to the Republican fold.

Of course, problem #1 is that the Democrats cannot provide a single example of an explicitly racist pitch in the campaign. There never was one.

The two biggest issues in the 1968 campaign were the Vietnam War…and the anti-war movement….
Nixon campaigned on a strong anti-communist, law and order platform. While embracing the welfare state- Nixon was no conservative on domestic issues- he also railed against what he termed ‘the excesses of bleeding heart liberalism.’”
"Death Of A Nation,” Dinesh D’Souza, p. 203

”Liberal neurotic obsession with this apocryphal notion- (that Southern Strategy) it’s been cited hundreds of times in the NYTimes- is supposed to explain why Democrats can’t get nice churchgoing, patriotic southerners to vote for the party of antiwar protesters, abortion, the ACLU and gay marriage.
They tell themselves it’s because they won’t stoop to pander to a bunch of racists. This slander should probably be the first clue as to why southerners don’t like them.

The central premise of this folklore is that anyone who votes Republican is a racist. Pretty sophisticated thinking.”
Coulter, Mugged

This was Nixon’s “silent majority,” the ordinary Americans whom Nixon said worked hard and played by the rules and didn’t complain or set fire to anything and, precisely for this reason, had been ignored and even reviled by the Democratic Party.”
The Switch That Never Happened: How the South Really Went GOP - American Greatness

Soooo....what happened to the Southern voter?

They behaved as good Americans, refused to support racist Democrats, and the racist voters aged out....and died.

Rectitude and Republicans won out.

Of course, you're still a, Democrat, huh?

LMFAO I read his link all they could name was One Dixie who switched party's not the other Two.


Democrat......don' need no stinkin' facts!

Exactly, they are so ashamed and embarrassed of their own party and it's evil past.


I really don't believe they know their past.

The don't read, and are steeped in government schooling and main stream media....all the methods of dissemination of information.

Leftism is so pervasive, that if applied to any other way of looking at life, it would be widely recognized as a form of brainwashing! Image a person who attended only fundamental Christian schools from preschool through graduate school, who never saw a secular, let alone anti-Christian, film, and who only read religious books. Most would say that they had been ‘brainwashed.” Yet, we regularly find individuals who only attended secular liberal schools from preschool through college, watched or listened to only Left-of-center television, movies, music, and had essentially no exposure to religious or conservative ideas. Brainwashed?
Of course not! Liberals are open-minded!!! The irony here is that the denial itself shows how very effective the brainwashing has been.
Dennis Prager

Universities have become to Liberalism what a Christian seminary is to Christianity. The difference is that Christian seminaries acknowledge their purpose, to produce committed Christians.

Last edited:


Dixiecrat | political party, United States

You ignorant clowns on the right need to read some history, and stop reading PoliticalChic's fake history and her(?) sources from the Ministry of Truth.

Ignorance is not strength, follow these rules:

Learn from the Past
Live in the Present
Plan for the Future.

You are such a fool: they were Dixiecrats......not Dixiecans.

And like Wallace, went right back to voting Democrat.

9. “…if you take race out of the picture, it’s likely that white Southerners would have switched parties earlier and in greater numbers. “

Unable to comprehend that Southern Americans are not the racists that the Democrats are, they had to find some explanation for their ancient base, the South, turning to vote Republican. Sooo….they claimed that Nixon campaigned as a racist to gain the Deep South, to win over the Dixiecrats and segregationists to the Republican fold.

Of course, problem #1 is that the Democrats cannot provide a single example of an explicitly racist pitch in the campaign. There never was one.

The two biggest issues in the 1968 campaign were the Vietnam War…and the anti-war movement….
Nixon campaigned on a strong anti-communist, law and order platform. While embracing the welfare state- Nixon was no conservative on domestic issues- he also railed against what he termed ‘the excesses of bleeding heart liberalism.’”
"Death Of A Nation,” Dinesh D’Souza, p. 203

”Liberal neurotic obsession with this apocryphal notion- (that Southern Strategy) it’s been cited hundreds of times in the NYTimes- is supposed to explain why Democrats can’t get nice churchgoing, patriotic southerners to vote for the party of antiwar protesters, abortion, the ACLU and gay marriage.
They tell themselves it’s because they won’t stoop to pander to a bunch of racists. This slander should probably be the first clue as to why southerners don’t like them.

The central premise of this folklore is that anyone who votes Republican is a racist. Pretty sophisticated thinking.”
Coulter, Mugged

This was Nixon’s “silent majority,” the ordinary Americans whom Nixon said worked hard and played by the rules and didn’t complain or set fire to anything and, precisely for this reason, had been ignored and even reviled by the Democratic Party.”
The Switch That Never Happened: How the South Really Went GOP - American Greatness

Soooo....what happened to the Southern voter?

They behaved as good Americans, refused to support racist Democrats, and the racist voters aged out....and died.

Rectitude and Republicans won out.

Of course, you're still a, Democrat, huh?

LMFAO I read his link all they could name was One Dixie who switched party's not the other Two.


Democrat......don' need no stinkin' facts!

Exactly, they are so ashamed and embarrassed of their own party and it's evil past.


There is no reasoning with PC or the Bear. In fact the Right Wing is mostly composed of greedy, selfish, callous, willfully ignorant, mendacious jerks.

In the case of the author of this thread, those character flaws are her(?) best attributes.
Not a bad quote

Universities have become to Liberalism what a Christian seminary is to Christianity. The difference is that Christian seminaries acknowledge their purpose, to produce committed Christians.

Dixiecrat | political party, United States

You ignorant clowns on the right need to read some history, and stop reading PoliticalChic's fake history and her(?) sources from the Ministry of Truth.

Ignorance is not strength, follow these rules:

Learn from the Past
Live in the Present
Plan for the Future.

You are such a fool: they were Dixiecrats......not Dixiecans.

And like Wallace, went right back to voting Democrat.

9. “…if you take race out of the picture, it’s likely that white Southerners would have switched parties earlier and in greater numbers. “

Unable to comprehend that Southern Americans are not the racists that the Democrats are, they had to find some explanation for their ancient base, the South, turning to vote Republican. Sooo….they claimed that Nixon campaigned as a racist to gain the Deep South, to win over the Dixiecrats and segregationists to the Republican fold.

Of course, problem #1 is that the Democrats cannot provide a single example of an explicitly racist pitch in the campaign. There never was one.

The two biggest issues in the 1968 campaign were the Vietnam War…and the anti-war movement….
Nixon campaigned on a strong anti-communist, law and order platform. While embracing the welfare state- Nixon was no conservative on domestic issues- he also railed against what he termed ‘the excesses of bleeding heart liberalism.’”
"Death Of A Nation,” Dinesh D’Souza, p. 203

”Liberal neurotic obsession with this apocryphal notion- (that Southern Strategy) it’s been cited hundreds of times in the NYTimes- is supposed to explain why Democrats can’t get nice churchgoing, patriotic southerners to vote for the party of antiwar protesters, abortion, the ACLU and gay marriage.
They tell themselves it’s because they won’t stoop to pander to a bunch of racists. This slander should probably be the first clue as to why southerners don’t like them.

The central premise of this folklore is that anyone who votes Republican is a racist. Pretty sophisticated thinking.”
Coulter, Mugged

This was Nixon’s “silent majority,” the ordinary Americans whom Nixon said worked hard and played by the rules and didn’t complain or set fire to anything and, precisely for this reason, had been ignored and even reviled by the Democratic Party.”
The Switch That Never Happened: How the South Really Went GOP - American Greatness

Soooo....what happened to the Southern voter?

They behaved as good Americans, refused to support racist Democrats, and the racist voters aged out....and died.

Rectitude and Republicans won out.

Of course, you're still a, Democrat, huh?

LMFAO I read his link all they could name was One Dixie who switched party's not the other Two.


Democrat......don' need no stinkin' facts!

Exactly, they are so ashamed and embarrassed of their own party and it's evil past.


There is no reasoning with PC or the Bear. In fact the Right Wing is mostly composed of greedy, selfish, callous, willfully ignorant, mendacious jerks.

In the case of the author of this thread, those character flaws are her(?) best attributes.

Yet, I just proved the very opposite.

I'll put you in the 'Is not, isssssssss nooooottttttt!!!' post category.

Now....under which of your nicknames should I put that, 'mold,' or 'dust mite'?

Dixiecrat | political party, United States

You ignorant clowns on the right need to read some history, and stop reading PoliticalChic's fake history and her(?) sources from the Ministry of Truth.

Ignorance is not strength, follow these rules:

Learn from the Past
Live in the Present
Plan for the Future.

You are such a fool: they were Dixiecrats......not Dixiecans.

And like Wallace, went right back to voting Democrat.

9. “…if you take race out of the picture, it’s likely that white Southerners would have switched parties earlier and in greater numbers. “

Unable to comprehend that Southern Americans are not the racists that the Democrats are, they had to find some explanation for their ancient base, the South, turning to vote Republican. Sooo….they claimed that Nixon campaigned as a racist to gain the Deep South, to win over the Dixiecrats and segregationists to the Republican fold.

Of course, problem #1 is that the Democrats cannot provide a single example of an explicitly racist pitch in the campaign. There never was one.

The two biggest issues in the 1968 campaign were the Vietnam War…and the anti-war movement….
Nixon campaigned on a strong anti-communist, law and order platform. While embracing the welfare state- Nixon was no conservative on domestic issues- he also railed against what he termed ‘the excesses of bleeding heart liberalism.’”
"Death Of A Nation,” Dinesh D’Souza, p. 203

”Liberal neurotic obsession with this apocryphal notion- (that Southern Strategy) it’s been cited hundreds of times in the NYTimes- is supposed to explain why Democrats can’t get nice churchgoing, patriotic southerners to vote for the party of antiwar protesters, abortion, the ACLU and gay marriage.
They tell themselves it’s because they won’t stoop to pander to a bunch of racists. This slander should probably be the first clue as to why southerners don’t like them.

The central premise of this folklore is that anyone who votes Republican is a racist. Pretty sophisticated thinking.”
Coulter, Mugged

This was Nixon’s “silent majority,” the ordinary Americans whom Nixon said worked hard and played by the rules and didn’t complain or set fire to anything and, precisely for this reason, had been ignored and even reviled by the Democratic Party.”
The Switch That Never Happened: How the South Really Went GOP - American Greatness

Soooo....what happened to the Southern voter?

They behaved as good Americans, refused to support racist Democrats, and the racist voters aged out....and died.

Rectitude and Republicans won out.

Of course, you're still a, Democrat, huh?

LMFAO I read his link all they could name was One Dixie who switched party's not the other Two.


Democrat......don' need no stinkin' facts!

Exactly, they are so ashamed and embarrassed of their own party and it's evil past.


There is no reasoning with PC or the Bear. In fact the Right Wing is mostly composed of greedy, selfish, callous, willfully ignorant, mendacious jerks.

In the case of the author of this thread, those character flaws are her(?) best attributes.

So tell me Einstein who were the other two Dixiecrats to switch party's besides Strom Thurmond, I know do you?

The Southern Strategy was one of a Republican guy running for president that did not support the Civil Rights act, that republican carried all of the South in the election of 1964. That mans name was Barry Goldwater he got 52 EC votes.. Johnson won and then in 1965 the Voter Rights Act was passed. Repubs lost in their attempts to discredit LBJ.
But! We have our 5th columnist who is spreading her propaganda of hate towards history and the democrats for winning the hearts and minds of the subjugated by giving to them what reconstruction never fulfilled by the GOP.
How can white men be the punching bag when white men hold positions of power in the DNC and the party?
A democrat history lesson is absolutely a comedy show.. unfortunately they are teaching our children. Sad
Love how republicans keep claiming the deep south are just Democrats that finally saw the light of their Northern superiors and became republicans, while Northern republicans just decided to start being the the backwards conservatives they always opposed.

The flip happened. The south remains socially conservative and backwards, the north remains socially liberal.
The Southern Strategy was one of a Republican guy running for president that did not support the Civil Rights act, that republican carried all of the South in the election of 1964. That mans name was Barry Goldwater he got 52 EC votes.. Johnson won and then in 1965 the Voter Rights Act was passed. Repubs lost in their attempts to discredit LBJ.
But! We have our 5th columnist who is spreading her propaganda of hate towards history and the democrats for winning the hearts and minds of the subjugated by giving to them what reconstruction never fulfilled by the GOP.
How can white men be the punching bag when white men hold positions of power in the DNC and the party?
A democrat history lesson is absolutely a comedy show.. unfortunately they are teaching our children. Sad

Well.....there is home schooling.....
Love how republicans keep claiming the deep south are just Democrats that finally saw the light of their Northern superiors and became republicans, while Northern republicans just decided to start being the the backwards conservatives they always opposed.

The flip happened. The south remains socially conservative and backwards, the north remains socially liberal.

Know what....." the deep south are just Democrats that finally saw the light ..."


”Liberal neurotic obsession with this apocryphal notion- (that Southern Strategy) it’s been cited hundreds of times in the NYTimes- is supposed to explain why Democrats can’t get nice churchgoing, patriotic southerners to vote for the party of antiwar protesters, abortion, the ACLU and gay marriage.
They tell themselves it’s because they won’t stoop to pander to a bunch of racists. This slander should probably be the first clue as to why southerners don’t like them.

The central premise of this folklore is that anyone who votes Republican is a racist. Pretty sophisticated thinking.”
Coulter, Mugged

This was Nixon’s “silent majority,” the ordinary Americans whom Nixon said worked hard and played by the rules and didn’t complain or set fire to anything and, precisely for this reason, had been ignored and even reviled by the Democratic Party.”
The Switch That Never Happened: How the South Really Went GOP - American Greatness

Soooo....what happened to the Southern voter?

They behaved as good Americans, refused to support racist Democrats, and the racist voters aged out....and died.

Rectitude and Republicans won out.
Love how republicans keep claiming the deep south are just Democrats that finally saw the light of their Northern superiors and became republicans, while Northern republicans just decided to start being the the backwards conservatives they always opposed.

The flip happened. The south remains socially conservative and backwards, the north remains socially liberal.

No flip happened, Generation X wanted manufacturing jobs in the South instead of low pay democrat farm jobs.

So when they turned 18 years old they voted for the party that delivers

Love how republicans keep claiming the deep south are just Democrats that finally saw the light of their Northern superiors and became republicans, while Northern republicans just decided to start being the the backwards conservatives they always opposed.

The flip happened. The south remains socially conservative and backwards, the north remains socially liberal.

In the 1964 civil rights act, Republicans in the house voted 138 for and 34 against; Democrats voted 152 for and 96 against. In the Senate, the Republicans voted 27 for and 6 against; the Democrats voted 46 for and 21 against. Clearly, from these numbers, there was no apparent anti-Civil Rights movement in the GOP as Roland Martin, and others, suggest.
The Southern Strategy was one of a Republican guy running for president that did not support the Civil Rights act, that republican carried all of the South in the election of 1964. That mans name was Barry Goldwater he got 52 EC votes.. Johnson won and then in 1965 the Voter Rights Act was passed. Repubs lost in their attempts to discredit LBJ.
But! We have our 5th columnist who is spreading her propaganda of hate towards history and the democrats for winning the hearts and minds of the subjugated by giving to them what reconstruction never fulfilled by the GOP.
How can white men be the punching bag when white men hold positions of power in the DNC and the party?
A democrat history lesson is absolutely a comedy show.. unfortunately they are teaching our children. Sad
what are you children's names I am teaching?
Love how republicans keep claiming the deep south are just Democrats that finally saw the light of their Northern superiors and became republicans, while Northern republicans just decided to start being the the backwards conservatives they always opposed.

The flip happened. The south remains socially conservative and backwards, the north remains socially liberal.

No flip happened, Generation X wanted manufacturing jobs in the South instead of low pay democrat farm jobs.

So when they turned 18 years old they voted for the party that delivers


It appears was a similar repeat.
1.Having no way to hide the stain of their history the Democrats, doing what they do best, lie about the other side, as an attempt to mitigate and obfuscate the Democrat record.

We’ve all seen the inveterate ersatz liars, here on the board, claim that there was some sort of reversal of the two parties, the Republican Party, created to fight slavery, and the Democrats, assiduously striving to make certain that racism remains in America, switched views. Never happened.

2.Utter fabrication. It is simply…..
“The Myth of ‘the Southern Strategy’

“Everyone knows that race has long played a decisive role in Southern electoral politics. From the end of Reconstruction until the beginning of the civil rights era, the story goes, the national Democratic Party made room for segregationist members — and as a result dominated the South. But in the 50s and 60s, Democrats embraced the civil rights movement, costing them the white Southern vote. Meanwhile, the Republican Party successfully wooed disaffected white racists with a “Southern strategy” that championed “states’ rights.”

It’s an easy story to believe, but this year two political scientists called it into question.” The Myth of ‘the Southern Strategy’ The Myth of ‘the Southern Strategy’

3. Ownership of mandated government schooling has allowed the lie to persist, and be embedded in the minds of the lazy and the gullible. In actuality, there are may sources of research that would show the very opposite, and indict the Democrat Party as it should.

“…the Democratic record is hardly anything to be proud of. The first modern progressive Democrat, Woodrow Wilson, was a horrible racist who did everything in his power to strengthen Jim Crow in the federal government and leave it alone in the states despite his usual preference for expanding federal power.

…the Democratic Party’s approach to racial and ethnic politics has not really changed all that much since the 1830s; it’s just calibrated to a different audience.” The Southern Strategy Myth and the Lost Majority

4. Our Democrat colleagues, government school grads, are unfortunately illiterate. For a laugh, ask any to name a few books that have informed their views.
They are unaware that Orwell identified them in 1984 as simply accepting government propaganda of which entity with whom they are ‘always’ at war.

“…the ongoing war between the three superstates of Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia…
At the start of the book, Oceania is at war with Eurasia. They have always been at war with Eurasia. That's the political consensus, and all historic documents agree. However, Winston Smith (the protagonist) remembers a time five years ago when Oceania was instead at war with Eastasia. Winston Smith struggles with philosophical idea of "truth". Which is more true, what everyone knows and what's in the newspapers, or the memories within his head?”
Errata Security: We've always been at war with Eastasia

The Democrats, since the origin of the nation, have been intensely biased against blacks. Now, an new stratagem designed to accrue votes of other groups....

“White men are now the Democratic Party's punching bag.
…bashing straight white men, especially of the conservative kind, is very fashionable these days. You seemingly can’t escape it — you switch on cable TV, or "The View", read The Washington Post or The New York Times, and see liberal pundits verbally attack white men for this or that.

Democrats, the party of full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party….is the party of lies.

Myself, I think they (blue states) want to secede. I suspect they'll get away with it too, without much resistance from Washington D.C. and won't worry too much about population exodus once they do. They're adding to their "new" population every year from south of the border.
1.Having no way to hide the stain of their history the Democrats, doing what they do best, lie about the other side, as an attempt to mitigate and obfuscate the Democrat record.

We’ve all seen the inveterate ersatz liars, here on the board, claim that there was some sort of reversal of the two parties, the Republican Party, created to fight slavery, and the Democrats, assiduously striving to make certain that racism remains in America, switched views. Never happened.

2.Utter fabrication. It is simply…..
“The Myth of ‘the Southern Strategy’

“Everyone knows that race has long played a decisive role in Southern electoral politics. From the end of Reconstruction until the beginning of the civil rights era, the story goes, the national Democratic Party made room for segregationist members — and as a result dominated the South. But in the 50s and 60s, Democrats embraced the civil rights movement, costing them the white Southern vote. Meanwhile, the Republican Party successfully wooed disaffected white racists with a “Southern strategy” that championed “states’ rights.”

It’s an easy story to believe, but this year two political scientists called it into question.” The Myth of ‘the Southern Strategy’ The Myth of ‘the Southern Strategy’

3. Ownership of mandated government schooling has allowed the lie to persist, and be embedded in the minds of the lazy and the gullible. In actuality, there are may sources of research that would show the very opposite, and indict the Democrat Party as it should.

“…the Democratic record is hardly anything to be proud of. The first modern progressive Democrat, Woodrow Wilson, was a horrible racist who did everything in his power to strengthen Jim Crow in the federal government and leave it alone in the states despite his usual preference for expanding federal power.

…the Democratic Party’s approach to racial and ethnic politics has not really changed all that much since the 1830s; it’s just calibrated to a different audience.” The Southern Strategy Myth and the Lost Majority

4. Our Democrat colleagues, government school grads, are unfortunately illiterate. For a laugh, ask any to name a few books that have informed their views.
They are unaware that Orwell identified them in 1984 as simply accepting government propaganda of which entity with whom they are ‘always’ at war.

“…the ongoing war between the three superstates of Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia…
At the start of the book, Oceania is at war with Eurasia. They have always been at war with Eurasia. That's the political consensus, and all historic documents agree. However, Winston Smith (the protagonist) remembers a time five years ago when Oceania was instead at war with Eastasia. Winston Smith struggles with philosophical idea of "truth". Which is more true, what everyone knows and what's in the newspapers, or the memories within his head?”
Errata Security: We've always been at war with Eastasia

The Democrats, since the origin of the nation, have been intensely biased against blacks. Now, an new stratagem designed to accrue votes of other groups....

“White men are now the Democratic Party's punching bag.
…bashing straight white men, especially of the conservative kind, is very fashionable these days. You seemingly can’t escape it — you switch on cable TV, or "The View", read The Washington Post or The New York Times, and see liberal pundits verbally attack white men for this or that.

Democrats, the party of full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party….is the party of lies.
If there was no planned out southern strategy, it’s amazing how it just unfolded naturally the way it did, and it reflects even more poorly on the deep south yokels of the country.
These are people who were much more willing to switch parties rather than give up their racism.
1.Having no way to hide the stain of their history the Democrats, doing what they do best, lie about the other side, as an attempt to mitigate and obfuscate the Democrat record.

We’ve all seen the inveterate ersatz liars, here on the board, claim that there was some sort of reversal of the two parties, the Republican Party, created to fight slavery, and the Democrats, assiduously striving to make certain that racism remains in America, switched views. Never happened.

2.Utter fabrication. It is simply…..
“The Myth of ‘the Southern Strategy’

“Everyone knows that race has long played a decisive role in Southern electoral politics. From the end of Reconstruction until the beginning of the civil rights era, the story goes, the national Democratic Party made room for segregationist members — and as a result dominated the South. But in the 50s and 60s, Democrats embraced the civil rights movement, costing them the white Southern vote. Meanwhile, the Republican Party successfully wooed disaffected white racists with a “Southern strategy” that championed “states’ rights.”

It’s an easy story to believe, but this year two political scientists called it into question.” The Myth of ‘the Southern Strategy’ The Myth of ‘the Southern Strategy’

3. Ownership of mandated government schooling has allowed the lie to persist, and be embedded in the minds of the lazy and the gullible. In actuality, there are may sources of research that would show the very opposite, and indict the Democrat Party as it should.

“…the Democratic record is hardly anything to be proud of. The first modern progressive Democrat, Woodrow Wilson, was a horrible racist who did everything in his power to strengthen Jim Crow in the federal government and leave it alone in the states despite his usual preference for expanding federal power.

…the Democratic Party’s approach to racial and ethnic politics has not really changed all that much since the 1830s; it’s just calibrated to a different audience.” The Southern Strategy Myth and the Lost Majority

4. Our Democrat colleagues, government school grads, are unfortunately illiterate. For a laugh, ask any to name a few books that have informed their views.
They are unaware that Orwell identified them in 1984 as simply accepting government propaganda of which entity with whom they are ‘always’ at war.

“…the ongoing war between the three superstates of Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia…
At the start of the book, Oceania is at war with Eurasia. They have always been at war with Eurasia. That's the political consensus, and all historic documents agree. However, Winston Smith (the protagonist) remembers a time five years ago when Oceania was instead at war with Eastasia. Winston Smith struggles with philosophical idea of "truth". Which is more true, what everyone knows and what's in the newspapers, or the memories within his head?”
Errata Security: We've always been at war with Eastasia

The Democrats, since the origin of the nation, have been intensely biased against blacks. Now, an new stratagem designed to accrue votes of other groups....

“White men are now the Democratic Party's punching bag.
…bashing straight white men, especially of the conservative kind, is very fashionable these days. You seemingly can’t escape it — you switch on cable TV, or "The View", read The Washington Post or The New York Times, and see liberal pundits verbally attack white men for this or that.

Democrats, the party of full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party….is the party of lies.
If there was no planned out southern strategy, it’s amazing how it just unfolded naturally the way it did, and it reflects even more poorly on the deep south yokels of the country.
These are people who were much more willing to switch parties rather than give up their racism.

Name the three people that did, I can, can you?

1.Having no way to hide the stain of their history the Democrats, doing what they do best, lie about the other side, as an attempt to mitigate and obfuscate the Democrat record.

We’ve all seen the inveterate ersatz liars, here on the board, claim that there was some sort of reversal of the two parties, the Republican Party, created to fight slavery, and the Democrats, assiduously striving to make certain that racism remains in America, switched views. Never happened.

2.Utter fabrication. It is simply…..
“The Myth of ‘the Southern Strategy’

“Everyone knows that race has long played a decisive role in Southern electoral politics. From the end of Reconstruction until the beginning of the civil rights era, the story goes, the national Democratic Party made room for segregationist members — and as a result dominated the South. But in the 50s and 60s, Democrats embraced the civil rights movement, costing them the white Southern vote. Meanwhile, the Republican Party successfully wooed disaffected white racists with a “Southern strategy” that championed “states’ rights.”

It’s an easy story to believe, but this year two political scientists called it into question.” The Myth of ‘the Southern Strategy’ The Myth of ‘the Southern Strategy’

3. Ownership of mandated government schooling has allowed the lie to persist, and be embedded in the minds of the lazy and the gullible. In actuality, there are may sources of research that would show the very opposite, and indict the Democrat Party as it should.

“…the Democratic record is hardly anything to be proud of. The first modern progressive Democrat, Woodrow Wilson, was a horrible racist who did everything in his power to strengthen Jim Crow in the federal government and leave it alone in the states despite his usual preference for expanding federal power.

…the Democratic Party’s approach to racial and ethnic politics has not really changed all that much since the 1830s; it’s just calibrated to a different audience.” The Southern Strategy Myth and the Lost Majority

4. Our Democrat colleagues, government school grads, are unfortunately illiterate. For a laugh, ask any to name a few books that have informed their views.
They are unaware that Orwell identified them in 1984 as simply accepting government propaganda of which entity with whom they are ‘always’ at war.

“…the ongoing war between the three superstates of Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia…
At the start of the book, Oceania is at war with Eurasia. They have always been at war with Eurasia. That's the political consensus, and all historic documents agree. However, Winston Smith (the protagonist) remembers a time five years ago when Oceania was instead at war with Eastasia. Winston Smith struggles with philosophical idea of "truth". Which is more true, what everyone knows and what's in the newspapers, or the memories within his head?”
Errata Security: We've always been at war with Eastasia

The Democrats, since the origin of the nation, have been intensely biased against blacks. Now, an new stratagem designed to accrue votes of other groups....

“White men are now the Democratic Party's punching bag.
…bashing straight white men, especially of the conservative kind, is very fashionable these days. You seemingly can’t escape it — you switch on cable TV, or "The View", read The Washington Post or The New York Times, and see liberal pundits verbally attack white men for this or that.

Democrats, the party of full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party….is the party of lies.

Myself, I think they (blue states) want to secede. I suspect they'll get away with it too, without much resistance from Washington D.C. and won't worry too much about population exodus once they do. They're adding to their "new" population every year from south of the border.

Point of order, NS!!!

.....this country will never be saved until we get back to the truth....that 'Red' is a term that has always been reserved for anarchists, communists.....and Democrats.

The proof of their power in the media is the switch of Red and Blue as indicators of the two parties.

Red States are Liberal controlled.
Blue, Republican.

"The choice of colors in this divide is counter-intuitive to many international observers, as throughout the world, red is commonly the designated color for parties representing labor, socialist, and/or liberal interests [5] [6], which in the United States would be more closely correlated with the Democratic Party. Similarly, blue is used in these countries to depict conservative parties which in the case of the United States would be a color more suitable for the Republicans. For example, in Canada party colors are deeply ingrained and historic and have been unchanged during the Twentieth Century. "
Red states and blue states - Wikipedia
1.Having no way to hide the stain of their history the Democrats, doing what they do best, lie about the other side, as an attempt to mitigate and obfuscate the Democrat record.

We’ve all seen the inveterate ersatz liars, here on the board, claim that there was some sort of reversal of the two parties, the Republican Party, created to fight slavery, and the Democrats, assiduously striving to make certain that racism remains in America, switched views. Never happened.

2.Utter fabrication. It is simply…..
“The Myth of ‘the Southern Strategy’

“Everyone knows that race has long played a decisive role in Southern electoral politics. From the end of Reconstruction until the beginning of the civil rights era, the story goes, the national Democratic Party made room for segregationist members — and as a result dominated the South. But in the 50s and 60s, Democrats embraced the civil rights movement, costing them the white Southern vote. Meanwhile, the Republican Party successfully wooed disaffected white racists with a “Southern strategy” that championed “states’ rights.”

It’s an easy story to believe, but this year two political scientists called it into question.” The Myth of ‘the Southern Strategy’ The Myth of ‘the Southern Strategy’

3. Ownership of mandated government schooling has allowed the lie to persist, and be embedded in the minds of the lazy and the gullible. In actuality, there are may sources of research that would show the very opposite, and indict the Democrat Party as it should.

“…the Democratic record is hardly anything to be proud of. The first modern progressive Democrat, Woodrow Wilson, was a horrible racist who did everything in his power to strengthen Jim Crow in the federal government and leave it alone in the states despite his usual preference for expanding federal power.

…the Democratic Party’s approach to racial and ethnic politics has not really changed all that much since the 1830s; it’s just calibrated to a different audience.” The Southern Strategy Myth and the Lost Majority

4. Our Democrat colleagues, government school grads, are unfortunately illiterate. For a laugh, ask any to name a few books that have informed their views.
They are unaware that Orwell identified them in 1984 as simply accepting government propaganda of which entity with whom they are ‘always’ at war.

“…the ongoing war between the three superstates of Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia…
At the start of the book, Oceania is at war with Eurasia. They have always been at war with Eurasia. That's the political consensus, and all historic documents agree. However, Winston Smith (the protagonist) remembers a time five years ago when Oceania was instead at war with Eastasia. Winston Smith struggles with philosophical idea of "truth". Which is more true, what everyone knows and what's in the newspapers, or the memories within his head?”
Errata Security: We've always been at war with Eastasia

The Democrats, since the origin of the nation, have been intensely biased against blacks. Now, an new stratagem designed to accrue votes of other groups....

“White men are now the Democratic Party's punching bag.
…bashing straight white men, especially of the conservative kind, is very fashionable these days. You seemingly can’t escape it — you switch on cable TV, or "The View", read The Washington Post or The New York Times, and see liberal pundits verbally attack white men for this or that.

Democrats, the party of full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party….is the party of lies.
If there was no planned out southern strategy, it’s amazing how it just unfolded naturally the way it did, and it reflects even more poorly on the deep south yokels of the country.
These are people who were much more willing to switch parties rather than give up their racism.

Democrat voters neither gave up their racism, nor switched parties.
True story.

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