The myth of America’s decline


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2012

North America may suffer from some of the world’s poorest political leadership. Yet it seems destined to remain the wealthiest, most dominant place on Earth.​

This may come as a surprise to many. After all, generations of pundits have insisted that the future will be forged elsewhere – Europe for some, Japan for others and, more recently, China. But none have the resources, the dynamic population and innovative acumen of North Americans.

Once taken for granted, China’s claim to the future is looking especially wobbly. In 2018, Chinese foreign ministry official Zhao Lijian described efforts to slow China’s dominion as being ‘as stupid as Don Quixote versus the windmills’. He added that ‘China’s win is unstoppable’. Today, China’s triumph looks far from inevitable. Projections that China could surpass the US in terms of aggregate economic output as soon as 2028 are being readjusted to 2036. Some now believe it won’t happen at all.

As for Japan or the EU,………..

A long read:::

We could be so much better than we are now if the Libtards hadn't taken over leadership of our country. Not only Democrats but also the RINOs that aid them.

Our GDP could be ten trillion dollars a year higher if it wasn't for the burden of big government.

The cost of combined Federal, State and Local government is almost 40% of the GDP and that is despicable. If it was around 20% like it was in the 50s and 60s then we would tremendously more economic growth than we have now. What we are spending on government now is a big waste and a drag on the productive economy.

Kinda like the family with an alcoholic father. He spends a significant amount of the family income on booze instead of buying food and clothes for his family. They may not be starving but the family is poorer because of it.

Our government spending is far worse than a drunken binge.

North America may suffer from some of the world’s poorest political leadership. Yet it seems destined to remain the wealthiest, most dominant place on Earth.​

This may come as a surprise to many. After all, generations of pundits have insisted that the future will be forged elsewhere – Europe for some, Japan for others and, more recently, China. But none have the resources, the dynamic population and innovative acumen of North Americans.

Once taken for granted, China’s claim to the future is looking especially wobbly. In 2018, Chinese foreign ministry official Zhao Lijian described efforts to slow China’s dominion as being ‘as stupid as Don Quixote versus the windmills’. He added that ‘China’s win is unstoppable’. Today, China’s triumph looks far from inevitable. Projections that China could surpass the US in terms of aggregate economic output as soon as 2028 are being readjusted to 2036. Some now believe it won’t happen at all.

As for Japan or the EU,………..

A long read:::

I have read different opinions on that as well.

My Economics professor in college would often praise China and tell his students that he thought China really had a better economy than the US. He said the Chinese economy is far superior to the US and works much more efficiently. He also praised China's businesses and said the thought China was much better at doing business. He had his PhD in Economics and taught economics for decades. He would also bash all the shortcomings of the US economy and say how much better China does things. He also praised the EU and thought Europe was far superior to the US in many ways.
He said the Chinese economy is far superior to the US and works much more efficiently.

A crucial difference between China and America.

Chinese state capitalism is a hierarchy with the party and government at the top, state and private employers below them, and the mass of employees comprising the bottom. Western private capitalism has a slightly different hierarchy: private employers at the top, parties and government below them, and the mass of employees comprising the bottom.
I have read different opinions on that as well.

My Economics professor in college would often praise China and tell his students that he thought China really had a better economy than the US. He said the Chinese economy is far superior to the US and works much more efficiently. He also praised China's businesses and said the thought China was much better at doing business. He had his PhD in Economics and taught economics for decades. He would also bash all the shortcomings of the US economy and say how much better China does things. He also praised the EU and thought Europe was far superior to the US in many ways.
What are we spending on?

North America may suffer from some of the world’s poorest political leadership. Yet it seems destined to remain the wealthiest, most dominant place on Earth.​

This may come as a surprise to many. After all, generations of pundits have insisted that the future will be forged elsewhere – Europe for some, Japan for others and, more recently, China. But none have the resources, the dynamic population and innovative acumen of North Americans.

Once taken for granted, China’s claim to the future is looking especially wobbly. In 2018, Chinese foreign ministry official Zhao Lijian described efforts to slow China’s dominion as being ‘as stupid as Don Quixote versus the windmills’. He added that ‘China’s win is unstoppable’. Today, China’s triumph looks far from inevitable. Projections that China could surpass the US in terms of aggregate economic output as soon as 2028 are being readjusted to 2036. Some now believe it won’t happen at all.

As for Japan or the EU,………..

A long read:::

Yes. Long read, but a good read. Thanks for posting it. Not all our fellow members are partisan extremist and a balanced view is welcome, as a breath of fresh air.
In the 1900s - British citizens, the government - all thought that Britain would remain the global power they once were. They had no doubt.
Then again, post WW II - Brits never dreamed their global influence would drop down to near nothing so fast.
Didn't think their colonies would all revolt and drop out.
While Britain is still a global force, they are nothing... nothing to what they once were.
Same with France. Same with Japan. Same with Russia.

Even as their heights were wavering, they still all thought they were what they once were.
We are doing the same.
I have read different opinions on that as well.

My Economics professor in college would often praise China and tell his students that he thought China really had a better economy than the US. He said the Chinese economy is far superior to the US and works much more efficiently. He also praised China's businesses and said the thought China was much better at doing business. He had his PhD in Economics and taught economics for decades. He would also bash all the shortcomings of the US economy and say how much better China does things. He also praised the EU and thought Europe was far superior to the US in many ways.

So, he lied.
The country should hang on. But the middle class has been getting crushed for decades and it’s only gotten worse in the past couple of years because of the lockdowns.

Over 50% of the American population can’t afford a $1000 emergency. Most middle-class Americans just about all of them can’t afford a new home. The high interest rates, the cost of the home doubling under Biden. Higher prices at the grocery store.

Since the lockdowns there was a well transfer of trillions of dollars from the middle class to the wealthiest Americans.

Couple all of this with the anti-Americanism from BLM, the radical left-wing. The neoconservatives giving our money to countries for their wars. the feminization of men. Less and less male headed household and that is a problem.
It's true that the Founding Fathers created the greatest Nation in the world and gave citizens the option to hire and fire the president and members of congress. No other nation in the world has the guaranteed freedoms that America has in the 1st ten Amendments to the Constitution. The only threat to 21st century America is the media that has become the propaganda arm of the democrat party and the profound ignorance of several generations of school kids who haven't got the least comprehension of the Constitution or patriotism or Duty, Honor, Country.

North America may suffer from some of the world’s poorest political leadership. Yet it seems destined to remain the wealthiest, most dominant place on Earth.​

This may come as a surprise to many. After all, generations of pundits have insisted that the future will be forged elsewhere – Europe for some, Japan for others and, more recently, China. But none have the resources, the dynamic population and innovative acumen of North Americans.

Once taken for granted, China’s claim to the future is looking especially wobbly. In 2018, Chinese foreign ministry official Zhao Lijian described efforts to slow China’s dominion as being ‘as stupid as Don Quixote versus the windmills’. He added that ‘China’s win is unstoppable’. Today, China’s triumph looks far from inevitable. Projections that China could surpass the US in terms of aggregate economic output as soon as 2028 are being readjusted to 2036. Some now believe it won’t happen at all.

As for Japan or the EU,………..

A long read:::

America only hasn't begun it's economic decline yet because we sell our debt. That's how we stay on top. We shovel all our money then turn around and sell our debt to China. Our value comes from our willingness to fund other nations.

China buys our debt for us Treasury bonds which they then sell to inflate the yuan.

Since our currency isn't backed by tangible assets anymore like it used to be and only backed by debt and some oil this is only viable for so long. You can't just keep trading numbers forever.

But America's declined is also more than just monetary, our society is in decline as well which is evidenced all around us.

But when people like George soros and claus schaub and the world economic forum get their way America truly will be in decline. Everything they magically "predict" comes true and one of their so called predictions is america won't be a world super power anymore.

The country should hang on. But the middle class has been getting crushed for decades and it’s only gotten worse in the past couple of years because of the lockdowns.

Over 50% of the American population can’t afford a $1000 emergency. Most middle-class Americans just about all of them can’t afford a new home. The high interest rates, the cost of the home doubling under Biden. Higher prices at the grocery store.

Since the lockdowns there was a well transfer of trillions of dollars from the middle class to the wealthiest Americans.
Yeah my wife and I with our combined salaries we would be in the lower middle class. No way we could ever afford a home or that a bank would ever approve a loan, we have tried and been denied bank loans. I can't even get a car loan, so I buy junky cars for cash and that is what my wife and I have to drive. When your already in a lot of debt and both your wife and yourself have only around a 500 credit score it gets really hard financing a house or a decent car.

Her sister and boyfriend and their kids are in same boat as us so we all share a very old junky run down house together. Very small, very old, roof cracked, bed bugs, spiders, roaches sometimes, a dilapidated ceiling that is hanging a little, heat doesn't work well so we use space heaters, air conditioning in summer is fans & windows. We also have lived out of trailers. When your broke your happy with what you got. We are lower middle class, but barely surviving.
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