The Murder of the American Middle Class


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The Murder Of The American Middle Class |

“Sorry, we’re cutting hours this week.” These words are heard often in the retail industry, most often by those who already get less hours than are needed to be able to pay rent and eat. When you’re only scheduled for 18 hours, losing 5 hours can, and often does, mean there won’t be any groceries that week. Is it any wonder that the middle class is shrinking, and that more and more people are slipping into poverty? The murder of the middle class is continuing, and it has to stop.

Murder is a strong word, but in this case it’s also an accurate one. The middle class isn’t dying by accident, it’s dying because of the greed of American corporations. It’s being murdered by the greed that caused the collapse of the housing market and threw the country into a recession, the greed that outsources well-paying American jobs to countries where companies can pay workers a fraction of what a US worker would earn, the greed that replaces full-time jobs with part-time jobs, and the greed that pays a CEO hundreds of times what the lowest paid worker in the company earns.

Even worse, a corrupt Congress has become an accessory to that murder; refusing to pass jobs bills and pandering to the corporations that have stolen the American Dream. Bills that would encourage job creation are blocked, bills that would increase penalties for violations of H-1B visa rules die, and bills that would eliminate tax breaks for companies that offshore jobs and eliminate American workers are quietly killed; while bills to bail out the banks that destroyed the economy pass with little trouble.

If the American Middle Class would pull its head out of its own ass it couldn't get murdered.
The Murder Of The American Middle Class |

“Sorry, we’re cutting hours this week.” These words are heard often in the retail industry, most often by those who already get less hours than are needed to be able to pay rent and eat. When you’re only scheduled for 18 hours, losing 5 hours can, and often does, mean there won’t be any groceries that week. Is it any wonder that the middle class is shrinking, and that more and more people are slipping into poverty? The murder of the middle class is continuing, and it has to stop.

Murder is a strong word, but in this case it’s also an accurate one. The middle class isn’t dying by accident, it’s dying because of the greed of American corporations. It’s being murdered by the greed that caused the collapse of the housing market and threw the country into a recession, the greed that outsources well-paying American jobs to countries where companies can pay workers a fraction of what a US worker would earn, the greed that replaces full-time jobs with part-time jobs, and the greed that pays a CEO hundreds of times what the lowest paid worker in the company earns.

Even worse, a corrupt Congress has become an accessory to that murder; refusing to pass jobs bills and pandering to the corporations that have stolen the American Dream. Bills that would encourage job creation are blocked, bills that would increase penalties for violations of H-1B visa rules die, and bills that would eliminate tax breaks for companies that offshore jobs and eliminate American workers are quietly killed; while bills to bail out the banks that destroyed the economy pass with little trouble.

If the American Middle Class would pull its head out of its own ass it couldn't get murdered.

These points have validity to them, but they leave out s whooole lot.
Murder? about assisted suicide?
There is no other people on the planet who are more self-defeating than the American consumer. "Evil corporations sending jobs to foreign countries..."..well, if Americans wouldn't line up and load their carts up with these cheap products - evil corporations wouldn't be doing it in the first place.
Indeed, Americans have lost all sense of the word value. They equate value overwhelmingly with price only. And buy accordingly. Therefore what are the makers of these products to do - they MUST find a way to lower their per-unit price to meet the demand for low prices - or someone else will.
If American consumers gave just a nano-second of thought other than price...we would not be in this mess.
Murder? No. Assisted suicide. After all, despite the federal government having the lowest "trust" ratings in generations - the last election almost 100% of the same people were voted right back in.
As a nation - we are clueless, divided, ill informed and oh so easily distracted.
We got the government we voted for, and we get the products we choose to buy.
Equality is not commensurate with a middle class. The middle class is inherently unequal to the lower class so the middle class has to go in a society striving for equality. There will be the Guardians who run everything and are worth more than the lowly proles, and the proletariat who exist to maintain the Guardians.

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