The (Mostly) Old White Men Who Will Be Running The Senate If The GOP Takes Over

Lol, your talking about old republicans, look at the old, white, incompetent, hag you want to become president.

I don't want Hillary. I don't get all the excitement, unless it's called BUYING THE MEDIA? Which the Clinton's have the money to do.

I'm with Barbara Bush: no more dynasties. We've heard enough from both the Bushs and the CLintons.
Why won't any of you genius righties name who you would like to replace Harry Reid?


Genius is derailing your own failed thread.



I always wonder about the conviction behind a comment when it is followed by a parade of animated emoticons...

You do seem easily distracted;

Reid gets 4 more judges confirmed this week, 2 of who are definitely not white anglo males. About the same happens every week. That would account for the ongoing conservative butthurt, which we all see so prominently displayed here.
Beth Bloom, of Florida, to be United States District Judge for the Southern
District of Florida.

Paul G. Byron, of Florida, to be United States District Judge for the Middle
District of Florida.

Carlos Eduardo Mendoza, of Florida, to be United States District Judge for the
Middle District of Florida.

Geoffrey W. Crawford, of Vermont, to be United States District Judge for the
District of Vermont.
yep, and with more like him voting in every election we are doomed

yea i love these people who are apparently content with their parties dismal rating......and they will still vote for the same losers.....

Being "content with their parties" is not correct. Lefties are just "more content" with their party than the obstructionist lunatics on the right. It ain't rocket science...

BTW, who would YOU like to replace Harry Reid - Mitch McConnell? Not me!!!!!

more content still means your content.....every person in this Country should be thoroughly embarrassed with these assholes ....are you?

who would YOU like to replace Harry Reid - Mitch McConnell?

i would love to see both Reid and McConnell be put in the home for the senile.....
I don't have a problem with older white guys but I would like to see more diversity in the Republican congress.

My problem is the congress members that are in congress for 2 to 3 decades.
I don't have a problem with older white guys but I would like to see more diversity in the Republican congress.

My problem is the congress members that are in congress for 2 to 3 decades.
Republicanism and the natural law are no respecters of race. The Democratic Party recruits a bigger minority membership by vilifying our history and founding principles.
Lakhota, it is always older white men, at least since before WWII if not longer.

Quit beefing. Dems got kicked hard.
Which reminds me of a funny little story....

I recently asked my friend's little girl what she wanted to be when she grows up. She said she wanted to be President some day. Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there, so I asked her, 'If you were President what would be the first thing you would do? '

She replied, 'I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people.'
Her parents beamed.

'Wow...what a worthy goal', I told her. 'But you don't have to wait until you're President to do that. You can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, and sweep my yard, and I'll pay you $50. Then I'll take you over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house.'

She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the eye and asked, 'Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50?'

I said, 'Welcome to the Republican Party.

Her parents still aren't speaking to me.

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