The most expensive PR campaign in history is FAILING!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
The entire world acknowledges climate change with the exception of those beholden to big oil.....THE REPUBLICANS

There have been tens of thousands of pictures over the last two decades. Has not even budged the interest meter of the public. That's just a fact. The people have decided that there is no imminent threat......and they'd be right based upon the current science!! One degree is impressing nobody. There are a handful, relatively speaking, who are jumping out of their socks with concern. Until that number becomes the clear majority, the massive PR campaign is a failure of historic proportions. And it will take a 3 week spell of 70 degree's in central Alaska in mid-January to change that dynamic. It is what it is.

For the forseeable future.......this debate will remain in the domain of the internet forums and nowhere else. Essentially.................a hobby.

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