The Mormon Speech is For Real

Hate to tell you this Chips, but what he says about Subic Bay and Olongapo City is quite true, and you damned sure wouldn't catch me touching any of those disease-infested whores. Shit, most everyone I knew that did was getting penicillin shots the next week.

It's like that in Bangkok, Phuket, and Bali as well, and certain areas of Hong Kong.

I haven't seen any pussy yet worth dying over.

And I maintain the heretical hypocrital lump of lard would make-love a dog on a chain in a high wind!
Oh yes "He" was, you smarmy ejaculate saturated little colon, who sordidly and corruptly uses his moderator position to gag hated agnostics, atheists, and non-"Christians!"

Only problem with your source is it's complete and utter bullcrap. It was a preliminary hearing which was dismissed the next day because the witnesses contradicted each other. The case never even got to trial. (Which of course makes it impossible to be found guilty). Id provide you with several detailed links, but unfortunately the sites are down at the moment. Ill see if i can fix that later.

See, that's the problem with anti mormon sources. They may look credible at first glance, but the second anyone digs into it at all, they turn out to be total malarky. In fact, one of the questions that has plagued me while studying mormonism and its critics is why the critics feel they have to misrepresent, mischaracterize, and often times outright lie to make their points. Logically speaking, if someone has the truth on their side, there is no point to lie about things.

BTW, no one is gagging you for your points of view. You are simply expected to be civil like everyone else. The board rules are pretty clear. Not only that, but your crass language undermines any credible argument you might have. The simple fact is no one really cares what you think when you act like a jerk.
Facts Mormons won't tell youMORMONS WON'T TELL YOU that those who have been through their temples are wearing secret underwear to protect themselves from "evil". ... - 16k -

interesting list. But then I think it would be natural that any mormon wouldn't tell you that stuff. Most of those "facts" aren't true. The stuff that is true is freely told prior to anyone being baptized. In fact, converts are encouraged to learn quite alot prior to baptism.

If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask. I don't really see the point in the shot gun response and approach.
interesting list. But then I think it would be natural that any mormon wouldn't tell you that stuff. Most of those "facts" aren't true. The stuff that is true is freely told prior to anyone being baptized. In fact, converts are encouraged to learn quite alot prior to baptism.

If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask. I don't really see the point in the shot gun response and approach.

Before being baptized you must learn a bit about the church through the Missionaries and classes at the local church. They introduce you to all the relevant doctrine and all the books. They teach you about Joseph Smith and ask you to determine on your own through prayer and what ever other means you wish whether you believe he returned the church to earth through God.

If you do not attend the classes, if you don't accept the doctrine, you do not get baptised. The church wants informed believers not drones or groupies. One can not save another with out the truth.
And I maintain the heretical hypocrital lump of lard would make-love a dog on a chain in a high wind!

Evidence to support your accusation?

Even IF he did indulge himself almost 30 years ago -- I'm not saying hi did or didn't -- that would in no way make him a hypocrite today unless he STILL was indulging.

People DO change in that amount of time. Hell, I bet you were almost a normal person back then.:badgrin:
Evidence to support your accusation?

Even IF he did indulge himself almost 30 years ago -- I'm not saying hi did or didn't -- that would in no way make him a hypocrite today unless he STILL was indulging.

People DO change in that amount of time. Hell, I bet you were almost a normal person back then.:badgrin:

normal huh? I almost beleive you bro;)
Wow. Wow.

If I didn't know better, I'd say there were some people here who are seriously AFRAID of Mormons for some reason or the other.
Wow. Wow.

If I didn't know better, I'd say there were some people here who are seriously AFRAID of Mormons for some reason or the other.

To be fair, i believe Chips is seriously afraid of all religious people.
When your done fucking your latest Kangaroo get back to us with some actual proof of your claim you moron.
Kangaroos? Wow, a living organism. You're moving up in the world since last I saw ya Chips. What happened? Did jerking off in your own shit start to bore you?

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