The more Trump tries to intervene on the healthcare vote, the more futile this process becomes


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
i love how the #whinylittlebitch thinks talking tough to those senators will make them rollover and just vote to repeal and not replace ACA. Even some republicans aren't cruel enough to kick 32 million people off health insurance.

ACA is here to stay. Republicans don't want to admit it, but it's true. Sure the program isn't perfect, but its flaws are mostly fixable if republicans actually had the balls to try.

The ONLY reason Trump wants to repeal ACA is because Obama's name is on it. He knows his dumbass has yet to pass MAJOR legislation thus far. Keep in mind that up until this time in their presidencies Reagan, Clinton, Bush, and Obama passed major legislation through congress. Trump is a loser in comparison to George Bush for Christ's sakes. That's embarrassing.
Badhairbitch beleives hes bigger than his countrys government .. and wonders why Congress shoves shit back down his throat until it exits out his ass ..

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