The Monroe Doctrine is Back?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
From our earliest years, the American policy is that nations from Europe, Asia, and Africa need to keep their noses out of South and North America's business. But, under Liberal/Leftist administrations, we've seen Russia and China building up influence in Central and South America.

During his speech, Tillerson reasserted the importance of the region’s shared democratic values. He also called for action against the governments of Venezuela and Cuba, and pointed to recent “steps taken against corruption in Guatemala, Peru, the Dominican Republic, and Brazil,” and how these “underscore the importance of directly addressing” the problem.

A couple of days later, Tillerson focused on Venezuela’s political crisis again, declaring that the United States would use “all economic, political, and diplomatic tools” at its disposal, and later announced an intention to establish sanctions against Nicholas Maduro’s regime.

Contrasted with Kerry, Tillerson seems to be determined to say and do something about what he considers as external (Chinese) and internal (Venezuelan) threats to the region. It appears that the Monroe Doctrine is back.

All well and good. But, just how to actually implement the change. They';ve got their foots in the door. Will it be possible to close it now?

More @ Tillerson Charts a New Course in Latin America

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