The Military is with President Trump their Commander-in-Chief

What a moronic thread. But hey he says he loves the Constitution. This is preternatural stupidity.
What a moronic thread. But hey he says he loves the Constitution. This is preternatural stupidity.

Was it preternatural when Lincoln did it?

Was it preternatural when FDR did it?

Woe to the little ones who do not know our history and have no idea where we are headed.

The truth is that the precedent for Martial law has been established going back to the very early days of America.

These Are the Presidents Who Violated the Constitution (and How Donald Trump Compares)
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What a moronic thread. But hey he says he loves the Constitution. This is preternatural stupidity.

Was it preternatural when Lincoln did it?

Was it preternatural when FDR did it?

Woe to the little ones who do not know our history and have no idea where we are headed.

The truth is that the precedent for Martial law has been established going back to the very early days of America.

These Are the Presidents Who Violated the Constitution (and How Donald Trump Compares)
A reminder of your willful ignorance:

In Ex parte Milligan (1866), the Supreme Court held that ‘martial law’ could be declared only in parts of jurisdictions subject to armed conflict, only when the courts could no longer function the consequence of armed conflict, and only soldiers participating in armed conflict would be subject to ‘martial law,’ not civilians.

Consequently, no president has the authority to ‘declare’ ‘martial law’ absent the above criteria.
What a moronic thread. But hey he says he loves the Constitution. This is preternatural stupidity.

Was it preternatural when Lincoln did it?

Was it preternatural when FDR did it?

Woe to the little ones who do not know our history and have no idea where we are headed.

The truth is that the precedent for Martial law has been established going back to the very early days of America.

These Are the Presidents Who Violated the Constitution (and How Donald Trump Compares)
A reminder of your willful ignorance:

In Ex parte Milligan (1866), the Supreme Court held that ‘martial law’ could be declared only in parts of jurisdictions subject to armed conflict, only when the courts could no longer function the consequence of armed conflict, and only soldiers participating in armed conflict would be subject to ‘martial law,’ not civilians.

Consequently, no president has the authority to ‘declare’ ‘martial law’ absent the above criteria.

As we all know one court can over-turn what another one has done.

If you think that you can rely on the Ct. decision in 1866 to prevent martial law from ever occurring again --I have a bridge I would like to sell you.

How do you think FDR got away with evacuating the west coast japanese during WWII?

Times change, and many things can necessitate that old laws are done away with or altered to meet current threats and conditions.

In the name of National Security much can be done and will be done as the survival of the nation is at stake.

Secret Justice: When National Security Trumps Citizen Rights

Supreme Court upholds Trump's travel ban, cites national security justification

Now, I will tell you a simple Truth...if President Trump ever decides that in the name of National Security we must have martial law...there is one thing and one thing only that could stop it.....the refusal of the military to co-operate. should know-- but if you do not: Military folks are well indoctrinated to follow orders.....If their Commander-in-Chief orders them to do whatever....very little possibility they will not obey their Commanders orders.
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My Grandfather was a Philly Police Detective, and was assigned to Roosevelts security detail at the Army Navy game when he was President. So yes, even Communists (FDR) go to the game.
"The Military is with"? What does that mean? Are we talking in high school year book vernacular these days?
My Grandfather was a Philly Police Detective, and was assigned to Roosevelts security detail at the Army Navy game when he was President. So yes, even Communists (FDR) go to the game.

FDR was the right man at the right time to insure our victory in WWII.
"The Military is with"? What does that mean? Are we talking in high school year book vernacular these days?

Is English your first language?

Anyhow...........the military is with President Trump not only because he is their Commander-in-Chief but because they know he supports them and has been re-building our military after Obama attempted to decimate it.

Congress and Obama Depleted the Military
My Grandfather was a Philly Police Detective, and was assigned to Roosevelts security detail at the Army Navy game when he was President. So yes, even Communists (FDR) go to the game.

Teddy went to the game but FDR never did.
FDR was the right man at the right time to insure our victory in WWII.

So, he wasn't Stalin's bitch? And some people talk about Trump, and Putin. Sheesh.

Well, no doubt Washington D.C. was riddled with communists and sympathizers as well as most of the East Coast Prestigious Universities...maybe even more so today.

But...the reality was-- we needed Russia to help defeat matter their ideology.

Just as today we need them to help us contain China at the very least.

Rather curious how so many left-wingers now want to make Russia our it just because they are using Russian meddling to try and impeach Trump or is there some other reason?

Perhaps Russia under Putin seems to them to be more fascist than communist?
What a moronic thread. But hey he says he loves the Constitution. This is preternatural stupidity.
as usual you people have NO proof/argument/etc---just hateful replies
typical of USMB leftists

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