The MB, AQ, ISIS and Al-Azhar’s crisis


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Good article by a Muslim writer.

The MB, AQ, ISIS and Al-Azhar’s crisis
Daily News Egypt / August 30, 2014

By Mohamed Selim


Mohamed Selim

The unfortunate daily events that are unfolding in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia and Libya, are prompting the question: when will the entire region fall into the hands of radical Islamists?

The demise of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) reign in Egypt at the hands of its military has caused the re-emergence of terrorist attacks by violent Islamist groups in revenge for the heavy-handed tactics of the current regime. The birth of the Al-Qaeda franchise in North Africa, where rival Islamist militias are tearing Libya apart, posing a lethal threat to Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco, will inevitably cause mayhem in all of North Africa. Other similar incidents throughout the Arab World are sidelined when the western media are focusing on the barbaric actions of the Islamic State in north eastern Syria and northern Iraq.

The common denominator in all the chaotic incidents in the above-mentioned states is the extreme Islamic ideology that the variant factions are adhering to and calling for the implementation of their interpretation of Islam with a slogan reminiscent of the early days of the Arab Spring, “people demand, imposing Sharia” with every ruthless action that would take.

The void is immense, and if the ongoing radical indoctrination hasn’t been stopped immediately and skilfully, the entire region will witness further instability that will affect all ways of life. The radical groups, including the MB and its sympathisers, are deftly utilising social media towards recruiting more disenchanted citizens from the region and as far as Asia and Western countries with a clear message, that Islam is under attack and the holy war is easily won if they joined their ranks and re-establish the Islamic Caliphate in the Middle-East and North Africa.

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