The March of Left-Wing Sharia

Banning Energy Drinks that have alcohol in them? Come on America. Haven't you had enough of Big Brother yet? I think grown adults can decide whether or not they want to drink Energy Drinks that contain alcohol. Big Brother can go to Hell.

I agree.

Just like grown adults can decide whether to smoke a plant that contains THC. Right?
Pressure Mounts on FDA to Ban Caffeinated Alcoholic Drinks
Updated: 1 hour 18 minutes ago
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Lisa Flam
(Nov. 16) -- Pressure is mounting against popular caffeine-laced alcoholic drinks like Four Loko that have been implicated in several deaths, with states moving to restrict the beverages and at least one official calling on the Food and Drug Administration to outlaw them altogether.

The drinks popular with college students have been banned in Washington, Michigan, Utah and Oklahoma. New York and Connecticut have recently reached agreements to keep the drinks from being sold there, and Massachusetts is instituting an emergency rule on Monday to prohibit them as they are currently sold.

Yea i read about this today. Grown Adults can't decide for themselves whether or not to drink energy drinks that contain alcohol? Big Brother must step in and make this decision for us? This stuff is so unbelievable. And the sheep just sit back and allow this. The Socialists/Progressives are out of control. When will the People stop being sheep and begin to fight this Big Brother onslaught? The time is now in my opinion.
Grown Adults can't decide for themselves whether or not to smoke a plant that makes them feel good? Big Brother must step in and make this decision for us? This stuff is so unbelievable. And the sheep just sit back and allow this. The conservatives are out of control. When will the People stop being sheep and begin to fight this Big Brother onslaught? The time is now in my opinion

Can we get some consistency form the right?

C'mon, Beuk...

Now I'm dyin' to know: is your face as twisted as your posts??

Is that really you in the avatar???

How about you post your photo, you know, in your TSA uniform.
Banning Energy Drinks that have alcohol in them? Come on America. Haven't you had enough of Big Brother yet? I think grown adults can decide whether or not they want to drink Energy Drinks that contain alcohol. Big Brother can go to Hell.

I agree.

Just like grown adults can decide whether to smoke a plant that contains THC. Right?

Sure why not?
is this bitch over 18, she must have some biggoted ass upbringing to spew that much hatred. PoliticalBigot
Btw,they have not banned Marijuana completely. Marijuana is widely available in some areas of the country in the form of medicinal treatment. The banning of Energy Drinks that contain alcohol will be a complete ban across the country with no exceptions. Big Brother sucks. Nuff said.
Some of this stuff cracks me up and has me shakeing my head.

Many people, mostly liberals, want to make pot leagal
Many people, mostly liberals, made Happy Meals illeagal

Then they cry about how the man, conservatives, are keeping them down.

They want to make caffine/alcohol drinks illegal
Make tasty food illegal
Smoking illegal
Force people to wear helmets
force adults to wear seatbelts

on and friggin on

But have laws against heroin and they go freaking apeshitcrazzy!

I'm so glad I stopped being a liberal as a kid.
And grown adults can decide for themselves whether to have a child, right? Especially when it's the product of rape... right?'re not going to ignore me????

After the great relationship we've developed???

OK, be like that, ugs.

Why are you afraid to answer the question? Do you renounce the conservative movement in America today? Do you recognize that a rape victim should not be forced to carry her rapist's child?
Some of this stuff cracks me up and has me shakeing my head.

Many people, mostly liberals, want to make pot leagal
Many people, mostly liberals, made Happy Meals illeagal

Then they cry about how the man, conservatives, are keeping them down.

They want to make caffine/alcohol drinks illegal
Make tasty food illegal
Smoking illegal
Force people to wear helmets
force adults to wear seatbelts

on and friggin on

But have laws against heroin and they go freaking apeshitcrazzy!

I'm so glad I stopped being a liberal as a kid.

Some of this stuff cracks me up and has me shakeing my head.

Many people, mostly liberals, want to make pot leagal
Many people, mostly liberals, made Happy Meals illeagal

Then they cry about how the man, conservatives, are keeping them down.

They want to make caffine/alcohol drinks illegal
Make tasty food illegal
Smoking illegal
Force people to wear helmets
force adults to wear seatbelts

on and friggin on

But have laws against heroin and they go freaking apeshitcrazzy!

I'm so glad I stopped being a liberal as a kid.

Bingo! :clap2: Yea gotta get rid of those "Evil" Happy Meals but that Heroin aint so bad. Socialists/Progressives are pretty immature and confused for the most part. You should outgrow Liberalism at a certain point. It's the way it's supposed to be. But obviously Millions haven't. Good post. Well said.
Right, and the other side of that token is to: let's have Alcohol, Trans-Fats, Salts, etc. Legal because "freedom!! choice!!!"
But at the same time HAVE Heroin, Weed, etc...Illegal.......because..."hazard! Safety!"

Don't kid yourselves Conservatives, your positions are equally as ridiculous and hypocritical.

JB and I both agree to clearly label Harmful things and let Adults handle the rest on an individual basis.
Some of this stuff cracks me up and has me shakeing my head.

Many people, mostly liberals, want to make pot leagal
Many people, mostly liberals, made Happy Meals illeagal

You don't seem to know what Liberalism is

I didn't say "liberalism", nor did I mention you. I have no idea if you are a liberal or not.

to be specific I have no idea if you are a American or EU or Japanese liberal, as the ideals change from continent to continent and over time.
And grown adults can decide for themselves whether to have a child, right? Especially when it's the product of rape... right?'re not going to ignore me????

After the great relationship we've developed???

OK, be like that, ugs.

Why are you afraid to answer the question? Do you renounce the conservative movement in America today? Do you recognize that a rape victim should not be forced to carry her rapist's child?

"Why are you afraid to answer the question?"

Are you as ugly as your posts appear?

When are you going to cop to having misunderstood the entire OP?
Needed me to explain that it was the religion of liberalism, huh?

As for you asking me the above, who died and made you Fox News?

Write your own OP!

Did you really try to gobble up the Gruff billy-goats?

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