Zone1 The man who was executed Friday...

Jesus would have embraced migrants fleeing poverty and violence in their homeland
Especially when we need them. I get it in the 2000's I would have said patrol that border and stop letting people cross the border illegally and continue going after illegal employers like Bill Clinton did.

It was Reagan who first signaled to illegal employers that he would not go after them. Bush/McCain/Romney famously used the term "jobs Americans won't do" not admitting they were here doing jobs Americans would do you just got to pay them more. But corporate America and Republicans, EVEN DEMOCRATS never bring up illegal employers. The real problem.

A wall won't stop them. We should patrol the border and if we do, no wall is required. Or, put up walls where they make sense but ultimately, we have to patrol the border. Texas can do it themselves or send the national guard or Army recruits to help border patrol. Good training for them.

And take in as many as we need. Get them to stop coming to our border. If no illegal employers will hire them, they'll stop coming in that way. Then those employers can be honest and tell the government they need more workers and we can let more in.

But only as many as we need. No more than that. Right now we have 9 million unfilled jobs. Your kids won't work for $12 hr.
Then those employers can be honest and tell the government they need more workers and we can let more in.
We need to offer more temporary work visas
Let them come in, work legally, earn a fair wage and pay taxes.
Then after a specified period, they must voluntarily return home.

If they don’t, they are barred from future work visas
Yeah, we get that. That has nothing to do with those who commit disgusting murders.
Yes it does

The system was flawed when it wrongly executed Jesus and it is flawed today.
If Jesus were a wealthy man, he never would have been crucified
What does "embraced" mean? After Jesus healed the sick and fed the hungry, they all went back home.
You believe Jesus would have turned away those who are suffering?

What type of Christian are you?
You believe Jesus would have turned away those who are suffering?

What type of Christian are you?
He healed them, then they returned to their homes.

Today Jesus would allow the flood of migrants in as punishment for a sinful America, not because he had compassion for them. Most of the migrants are opportunists, not oppressed asylum seekers.
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