The M&M Controversy Has Only Been Made Worse

I’m wondering why lefty loons are so triggered by sexy advertising ( ie the green M&M) that they have a need to change everything in pop culture to ugly or unappealing in order to feel better?

At 44 years old, I've watched the freaks on their side hating anything corporate. They now back everything from Pfizer, Bill Gates, Tesla (before Musk showed he was middle of the road), any Corp that puts a pride flag on their twitter feed, etc. I'll never understand them and I probably don't want to...
Surely your first world problems deserve for you to cut off yer nose to spite yer own face, dear God it's just candy.
If a company supports things I don't approve of. I will stop supporting them, did Kmart when they hired O'Donnell as their spokesman and stopped selling guns. Alot of people did the same, don't see them around anymore.
If a company supports things I don't approve of. I will stop supporting them, did Kmart when they hired O'Donnell as their spokesman and stopped selling guns. Alot of people did the same, don't see them around anymore.

Oof, you got a lot of products to dodge partner. They're like Philip Morris, they own a bunch of shit...
So why were sexy heels on a cartoon M&M so offensive that you cry babies had to have Mars change them to flats and old lady block heels so you could feel represented before you could eat them?

They were not. I bet you cannot find one person of any status whining about the shoes prior to Tucker whining they were changed.
At 44 years old, I've watched the freaks on their side hating anything corporate. They now back everything from Pfizer, Bill Gates, Tesla (before Musk showed he was middle of the road), any Corp that puts a pride flag on their twitter feed, etc. I'll never understand them and I probably don't want to...
They won’t talk about it honestly either. Woke advertising or backing the big corps.
The M&M marketing people said they did it for “ inclusion”. Total left wing woke buzz word. Clearly their marketing strategy was virtue signaling to the left.

So, then you agree nobody was complaining about the shoes when they were "high heels".

And now you all have given them a whole new marketing strategy, that involves mocking you all and most of you are too stupid to figure out that is what they are doing.

Hell, the OP truly believes they are changing the name of M&Ms
So, then you agree nobody was complaining about the shoes when they were "high heels".

And now you all have given them a whole new marketing strategy, that involves mocking you all and most of you are too stupid to figure out that is what they are doing.

Hell, the OP truly believes they are changing the name of M&Ms
The left obviously was or they wouldn’t have changed them.
The left obviously was or they wouldn’t have changed them.

Yet you cannot find any of them doing it.

They change things all the time, in that business it is change or be left behind.
As for Mars Inc., they own so much, you'd think they'd own their own store.

Yet you cannot find any of them doing it.

They change things all the time, in that business it is change or be left behind.
What makes you think activists and activist organizations don’t contact them directly? Kind of like they do when they try to cancel people? You really are very simple minded. What are you like ten years old?
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What makes you think activists and activist organizations don’t contact them directly?

If you have some evidence of this I would be happy to examine it.

Otherwise the only people we know for a fact to have whined were you far right wingers because you no longer found the candy to be sexy.
Lucky S.O.B.! Can't keep my woman away from that damn store... It's their connection with Star Bucks that drives me nuts... As for Mars Inc., they own so much, you'd think they'd own their own store.
I don't cut everyone off. I still have t-mobile as my phone carrier over 20 years and they actually support alot of things I don't agree with. But I'm grandfathered in on unlimited everything. But I'm starting to look a patriot mobile, we will see. Lol
If you have some evidence of this I would be happy to examine it.

Otherwise the only people we know for a fact to have whined were you far right wingers because you no longer found the candy to be sexy.
M&M made the choice to market to the woke left and promote “ the message “ over continuing to market to their established consumers. Same mistake Hollywood made.

Wokesters do not buy the products or watch the movies they petition to change.
Yes, it was a joke. They are not renaming the candy.....well, they may make special packages of them, but only for a short time.
Although they are retiring the male and female candy "spokespeople".

In either case, I'm done with M&Ms. Thing many companies have their fat, oligarchy fingers in SO many "pies", you have to research what other brands, names, and corporate headings they sell under and NOT buy those products either. Otherwise you're still giving them your money.

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