The Logan Act?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Logan Act Is Too Vague to Prosecute Flynn. Or Anyone.

Apparently the DOJ was going after General Flynn via the Logan Act. What is the Logan Act you say? The Logan Act was a vague law created by the then Alien and Sedition Acts created by the colonial government in 1799 that made it illegal to speak out against the government. This obviously violates the Constitution due to free speech issues and, as a result, most of the Alien and Sedition Acts were done away with by Thomas Jefferson, luckily for us.

What was left of the Alien and Sedition Act, FDR locked up innocent Japanese Americans during WW2, which was also a clear violation of the Constitution, and the DOJ is now going after General Flynn. Ironically, no one has ever been successfully prosecuted under the Logan Act. It is so unconstitutional it is akin to a paper tiger.

But that is just how desperate the deep state is to make something stick to the Trump administration. Their biggest accomplishment was simply catching Flynn in a lie, and probably their last accomplishment. Will this be enough to justify they witch hunt using the DOJ and FBI to bring down an elected President of the United States? Probably not, but it will at least it will help justify their attempted coup and maybe help them in 2020.

From what I hear, their best bet now is to try and prove Trump obstructed the investigation. The funny part is, obstruct what? There is no crime.

Good luck Dims. Odds are you have enough stooges within the Deep State to avoid prosecution for an attempted coup de tat so no worries.

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