The Lies of the Left


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Both sides of the political aisle claim that the other side persistently lies, but pundit Ben Shapiro has explained in various forums that the Left lies as a matter of policy, when the lies "point to a Greater Truth." Hence, they maintain a ridiculous lie even when it has been proven false, because the general impression (which they consider to be the Greater Truth) is more important than the detail of the immediate factual lie. When I heard this my mind reeled with examples of this principle. It explains so much. Consider:

"Bush lied." Anyone with a three digit IQ has long ago realized that the White House, Congress, and our major allies all had basically the SAME INFORMATION about the existence or non-existence of WMD's in Iraq. They all concluded - incorrectly, as it turns out - that Saddam did have them (because they couldn't imagine why he would act like he did, when in fact he didn't). But Libs have the problem of their own exalted leaders in Congress (Pelosi, Reid, HRC, Kerry, Biden) voting for the invasion. So they cover up their own votes with the fiction that "Bush lied" and deceived everyone - which is a preposterous lie, still repeated as though it were Gospel.

"The earth is warming!" Well, although there appears to be a long term trend of warming, there really hasn't been any significant warming for the past 15 years or so (unless you cook the books or point out aberrations to "prove" the general point). They actually thought no one would notice when they changed "global warming," to "climate change."

"Women earn only 73 cents for every dollar earned by a man." Every credible study conducted in the past 20 years concludes that women with comparable credentials, doing comparable work and having comparable responsibilities, and working similar hours are making about the same as their male counterparts. The "73 cents" lie results when you ignore different career choices, hours worked, credentials, and intentional employee decisions; in short it is a blatant lie, repeated earnestly and often by the Left.

"American public education is under-funded!" This provable lie (private, parochial, and charter schools provide a better education at lower cost), is nothing but a sop to the NEA and AFT, and even people who have unfortunately been educated in state schools are smart enough to see it. And yet every Democrat politician in the country promises to increase Education funding, as though that would improve anything more than the drastic increases in funding we've seen over the past 50 years.

"The key to bringing The Poor into the middle class is Government-provided PRE-SCHOOL!" Again, this is provably false, as "Operation Head Start," the Government's first broad-based pre-school program, has failed spectacularly to show any academic improvements in inner-city public schools, despite tens of billions spent on it over several decades. Indeed, even the Federal Government's own studies show NO DIFFERENCE in academic performance of Headstart "grads" after third grade. But government pre-schools will provide tens of thousands of marginally qualified poor women with government jobs and free babysitting, thus guaranteeing another generation of reliable Democrat votes, at taxpayer-expense.

"A higher minimum wage will reduce Income Inequality!" Ignoring for a moment the fact that "income inequality" is NOT a problem, but rather the natural result of varying degrees of success in our society, even the Democrats in Congress KNOW THAT A HIGH MINIMUM WAGE IS A BAD IDEA, as evidenced by the fact that they didn't even bring it up when they controlled the WH and both houses of Congress for the two years after Barry was elected. In fact, a higher MW will INCREASE income inequality by denying jobs to high school dropouts (mainly minority yoots), and leaving them, statistically, even worse off than they are now.

"High deficits are a GOOD thing!" Right. How are those "shovel ready projects" working out for ya?
Just to point out there were WMDs in Iraq, just not to the scale that we were led to believe with George Tenet's "slam dunk case".

Liberalism is based on a lie. The lie that it's even possible to have a classless society where everyone works as hard as they can for a collective.

That wouldn't be a human society, that would be an ant colony.

The marxist dogma that the left is founded on is a utopian pipe dream, an utter fantasy. When you consider the hellish nightmares that marxist regimes have unleashed on people a rational person would avoid those philosophies like the plague. Bed wetting liberals have to be deliberately ignorant in order to ignore that history, or the sort of criminally insane authoritarian sociopath that desires a repeat of that history as long as they're in a good political position.

Just to point out there were WMDs in Iraq, just not to the scale that we were led to believe with George Tenet's "slam dunk case".

Liberalism is based on a lie. The lie that it's even possible to have a classless society where everyone works as hard as they can for a collective.

That wouldn't be a human society, that would be an ant colony.

The marxist dogma that the left is founded on is a utopian pipe dream, an utter fantasy. When you consider the hellish nightmares that marxist regimes have unleashed on people a rational person would avoid those philosophies like the plague. Bed wetting liberals have to be deliberately ignorant in order to ignore that history, or the sort of criminally insane authoritarian sociopath that desires a repeat of that history as long as they're in a good political position.

Actually there was nothing in Iraq that the Bush Administration claimed was there. The only thing they found were old stockpiles of dilapidated, unusable weapons dating from a time when Saddam was receiving support from President Reagan and President Bush (41).

Leading To War a film that chronicles the path to war in Iraq
The Dem's are fighting the school vouchers because they don't want the poor to have a better education.
They lie about this all the time too.
The Dem's just want to keep adding money, doesn't want competition and don't do a thing to change the way the school system is run.
Just to point out there were WMDs in Iraq, just not to the scale that we were led to believe with George Tenet's "slam dunk case".

Liberalism is based on a lie. The lie that it's even possible to have a classless society where everyone works as hard as they can for a collective.

That wouldn't be a human society, that would be an ant colony.

The marxist dogma that the left is founded on is a utopian pipe dream, an utter fantasy. When you consider the hellish nightmares that marxist regimes have unleashed on people a rational person would avoid those philosophies like the plague. Bed wetting liberals have to be deliberately ignorant in order to ignore that history, or the sort of criminally insane authoritarian sociopath that desires a repeat of that history as long as they're in a good political position.

Actually there was nothing in Iraq that the Bush Administration claimed was there. The only thing they found were old stockpiles of dilapidated, unusable weapons dating from a time when Saddam was receiving support from President Reagan and President Bush (41).

Leading To War a film that chronicles the path to war in Iraq

They were useable, just not usable as their original intent.
They were useable, just not usable as their original intent.

The bed wetters say that all the time, and it's bullshit.

It really doesn't matter, because the weapons were supposed to have been destroyed and UN officials were supposed to have been able to to verify it. Saddam broke the terms of ceasefire, and he paid the price. If Clinton had done the exact same thing these sniveling little pricks would still be exhalting him as a great wartime leader.

The OP and others on the right need to put down the stones, as they live in a very large glass house.

Those of us on the right see the lies of their party and are trying to change it.
Those on the left are in denial of their own party lies and are doing nothing about it.
They were useable, just not usable as their original intent.

The bed wetters say that all the time, and it's bullshit.

It really doesn't matter, because the weapons were supposed to have been destroyed and UN officials were supposed to have been able to to verify it. Saddam broke the terms of ceasefire, and he paid the price. If Clinton had done the exact same thing these sniveling little pricks would still be exhalting him as a great wartime leader.

It was in a government website report and is not bullshit.
Both sides of the political aisle claim that the other side persistently lies, but pundit Ben Shapiro has explained in various forums that the Left lies as a matter of policy, when the lies "point to a Greater Truth." Hence, they maintain a ridiculous lie even when it has been proven false, because the general impression (which they consider to be the Greater Truth) is more important than the detail of the immediate factual lie. When I heard this my mind reeled with examples of this principle. It explains so much. Consider:

"Bush lied." Anyone with a three digit IQ has long ago realized that the White House, Congress, and our major allies all had basically the SAME INFORMATION about the existence or non-existence of WMD's in Iraq. They all concluded - incorrectly, as it turns out - that Saddam did have them (because they couldn't imagine why he would act like he did, when in fact he didn't). But Libs have the problem of their own exalted leaders in Congress (Pelosi, Reid, HRC, Kerry, Biden) voting for the invasion. So they cover up their own votes with the fiction that "Bush lied" and deceived everyone - which is a preposterous lie, still repeated as though it were Gospel.

"The earth is warming!" Well, although there appears to be a long term trend of warming, there really hasn't been any significant warming for the past 15 years or so (unless you cook the books or point out aberrations to "prove" the general point). They actually thought no one would notice when they changed "global warming," to "climate change."

"Women earn only 73 cents for every dollar earned by a man." Every credible study conducted in the past 20 years concludes that women with comparable credentials, doing comparable work and having comparable responsibilities, and working similar hours are making about the same as their male counterparts. The "73 cents" lie results when you ignore different career choices, hours worked, credentials, and intentional employee decisions; in short it is a blatant lie, repeated earnestly and often by the Left.

"American public education is under-funded!" This provable lie (private, parochial, and charter schools provide a better education at lower cost), is nothing but a sop to the NEA and AFT, and even people who have unfortunately been educated in state schools are smart enough to see it. And yet every Democrat politician in the country promises to increase Education funding, as though that would improve anything more than the drastic increases in funding we've seen over the past 50 years.

"The key to bringing The Poor into the middle class is Government-provided PRE-SCHOOL!" Again, this is provably false, as "Operation Head Start," the Government's first broad-based pre-school program, has failed spectacularly to show any academic improvements in inner-city public schools, despite tens of billions spent on it over several decades. Indeed, even the Federal Government's own studies show NO DIFFERENCE in academic performance of Headstart "grads" after third grade. But government pre-schools will provide tens of thousands of marginally qualified poor women with government jobs and free babysitting, thus guaranteeing another generation of reliable Democrat votes, at taxpayer-expense.

"A higher minimum wage will reduce Income Inequality!" Ignoring for a moment the fact that "income inequality" is NOT a problem, but rather the natural result of varying degrees of success in our society, even the Democrats in Congress KNOW THAT A HIGH MINIMUM WAGE IS A BAD IDEA, as evidenced by the fact that they didn't even bring it up when they controlled the WH and both houses of Congress for the two years after Barry was elected. In fact, a higher MW will INCREASE income inequality by denying jobs to high school dropouts (mainly minority yoots), and leaving them, statistically, even worse off than they are now.

"High deficits are a GOOD thing!" Right. How are those "shovel ready projects" working out for ya?
OK... OK ..... OK .... Now, anyone with an IQ above 40, knows that honesty and politics mix like water and oil, right?... And, EVERYONE already knows that ALL politicians lie, ALL professional politicians lie, and it doesn't matter whether a politician is a Liberal, Conservative, Moderate, Republican, or a Democrat, they ALL lie, right?

Politicians are all about egos, self-service, power, influence, greed, and climbing the political ladder at all cost. Politicians are all about getting re-elected to office. Professional politicians are bought and paid for. Members of Congress sell their votes to Lobbyists, corporate America, Wall Street, and the financial institutions. Campaign donations are "money for favors". Lobbyists spend untold $Millions each and every year to buy legislation and policy.

Campaign speeches are lies, empty promises, and smooth talking cons, to encourage voters to vote for a certain candidate. Once elected to office, politicians exert their will, and not the will of the people. In summary, "Politics is based on LIES".

If anyone doubts what I have said, go out and take a look at the conditions on Main Street America, check the daily headlines, research the number of citizens receiving some form of government assistance, see what we've gained in the wars, check the national debt, take a look at our rundown infrastructure, talk to Vets that can't get timely and proper health care, think about the loss of privacy, research how many innocent citizens that we've put behind bars, research government contracts, ask yourself what you're getting for your hard earned tax dollars, and research how far behind our education system is.

Politicians LIE, ALL politicians lie, no exceptions.
Just to point out there were WMDs in Iraq, just not to the scale that we were led to believe with George Tenet's "slam dunk case".

Liberalism is based on a lie. The lie that it's even possible to have a classless society where everyone works as hard as they can for a collective.

That wouldn't be a human society, that would be an ant colony.

The marxist dogma that the left is founded on is a utopian pipe dream, an utter fantasy. When you consider the hellish nightmares that marxist regimes have unleashed on people a rational person would avoid those philosophies like the plague. Bed wetting liberals have to be deliberately ignorant in order to ignore that history, or the sort of criminally insane authoritarian sociopath that desires a repeat of that history as long as they're in a good political position.

Actually there was nothing in Iraq that the Bush Administration claimed was there. The only thing they found were old stockpiles of dilapidated, unusable weapons dating from a time when Saddam was receiving support from President Reagan and President Bush (41).

Leading To War a film that chronicles the path to war in Iraq

They were useable, just not usable as their original intent.

They could be re-purposed. But how did a few lost, decaying caches of these chemical warheads, in a country that had been bombed back to the stone age, pose a threat to any one but the unlucky bastard who might happen to find them?
They were useable, just not usable as their original intent.

The bed wetters say that all the time, and it's bullshit.

It really doesn't matter, because the weapons were supposed to have been destroyed and UN officials were supposed to have been able to to verify it. Saddam broke the terms of ceasefire, and he paid the price. If Clinton had done the exact same thing these sniveling little pricks would still be exhalting him as a great wartime leader.

It was in a government website report and is not bullshit.

I think you're misunderstanding me. They say the weapons weren't useable, as if they were not a danger, I say that's bullshit and I posted a link.

The fact remains that weapons that were supposed to have been destroyed were still there, and they caused injury to soldiers. UN inspectors had been routinely thwarted in their attempts to verify the weapons were gone and were thrown out of the country. That alone is a satisfactory pretense for war.

I'll also point out that it was Clinton appointee George Tenet who insisted it was a "slam dunk case" that WMDs were there, and that was the information Bush gave to the world. So if anyone "lied" here it was a democrook appointee.

Go figure.

They could be re-purposed. But how did a few lost, decaying caches of these chemical warheads, in a country that had been bombed back to the stone age, pose a threat to any one but the unlucky bastard who might happen to find them?

You said it yourself, they could be "re-purposed", in otherwords eventually used to kill a lot of people.

And again (since I find myself repeating the most simple facts to liberals) the terms of the cease fire had been broken numerous times. That in itself is a justification to oust the Saddam regime.

Both sides of the political aisle claim that the other side persistently lies, but pundit Ben Shapiro has explained in various forums that the Left lies as a matter of policy, when the lies "point to a Greater Truth." Hence, they maintain a ridiculous lie even when it has been proven false, because the general impression (which they consider to be the Greater Truth) is more important than the detail of the immediate factual lie. When I heard this my mind reeled with examples of this principle. It explains so much. Consider:

"Bush lied." Anyone with a three digit IQ has long ago realized that the White House, Congress, and our major allies all had basically the SAME INFORMATION about the existence or non-existence of WMD's in Iraq. They all concluded - incorrectly, as it turns out - that Saddam did have them (because they couldn't imagine why he would act like he did, when in fact he didn't). But Libs have the problem of their own exalted leaders in Congress (Pelosi, Reid, HRC, Kerry, Biden) voting for the invasion. So they cover up their own votes with the fiction that "Bush lied" and deceived everyone - which is a preposterous lie, still repeated as though it were Gospel.

"The earth is warming!" Well, although there appears to be a long term trend of warming, there really hasn't been any significant warming for the past 15 years or so (unless you cook the books or point out aberrations to "prove" the general point). They actually thought no one would notice when they changed "global warming," to "climate change."

"Women earn only 73 cents for every dollar earned by a man." Every credible study conducted in the past 20 years concludes that women with comparable credentials, doing comparable work and having comparable responsibilities, and working similar hours are making about the same as their male counterparts. The "73 cents" lie results when you ignore different career choices, hours worked, credentials, and intentional employee decisions; in short it is a blatant lie, repeated earnestly and often by the Left.

"American public education is under-funded!" This provable lie (private, parochial, and charter schools provide a better education at lower cost), is nothing but a sop to the NEA and AFT, and even people who have unfortunately been educated in state schools are smart enough to see it. And yet every Democrat politician in the country promises to increase Education funding, as though that would improve anything more than the drastic increases in funding we've seen over the past 50 years.

"The key to bringing The Poor into the middle class is Government-provided PRE-SCHOOL!" Again, this is provably false, as "Operation Head Start," the Government's first broad-based pre-school program, has failed spectacularly to show any academic improvements in inner-city public schools, despite tens of billions spent on it over several decades. Indeed, even the Federal Government's own studies show NO DIFFERENCE in academic performance of Headstart "grads" after third grade. But government pre-schools will provide tens of thousands of marginally qualified poor women with government jobs and free babysitting, thus guaranteeing another generation of reliable Democrat votes, at taxpayer-expense.

"A higher minimum wage will reduce Income Inequality!" Ignoring for a moment the fact that "income inequality" is NOT a problem, but rather the natural result of varying degrees of success in our society, even the Democrats in Congress KNOW THAT A HIGH MINIMUM WAGE IS A BAD IDEA, as evidenced by the fact that they didn't even bring it up when they controlled the WH and both houses of Congress for the two years after Barry was elected. In fact, a higher MW will INCREASE income inequality by denying jobs to high school dropouts (mainly minority yoots), and leaving them, statistically, even worse off than they are now.

"High deficits are a GOOD thing!" Right. How are those "shovel ready projects" working out for ya?
OK... OK ..... OK .... Now, anyone with an IQ above 40, knows that honesty and politics mix like water and oil, right?... And, EVERYONE already knows that ALL politicians lie, ALL professional politicians lie, and it doesn't matter whether a politician is a Liberal, Conservative, Moderate, Republican, or a Democrat, they ALL lie, right?

Politicians are all about egos, self-service, power, influence, greed, and climbing the political ladder at all cost. Politicians are all about getting re-elected to office. Professional politicians are bought and paid for. Members of Congress sell their votes to Lobbyists, corporate America, Wall Street, and the financial institutions. Campaign donations are "money for favors". Lobbyists spend untold $Millions each and every year to buy legislation and policy.

Campaign speeches are lies, empty promises, and smooth talking cons, to encourage voters to vote for a certain candidate. Once elected to office, politicians exert their will, and not the will of the people. In summary, "Politics is based on LIES".

If anyone doubts what I have said, go out and take a look at the conditions on Main Street America, check the daily headlines, research the number of citizens receiving some form of government assistance, see what we've gained in the wars, check the national debt, take a look at our rundown infrastructure, talk to Vets that can't get timely and proper health care, think about the loss of privacy, research how many innocent citizens that we've put behind bars, research government contracts, ask yourself what you're getting for your hard earned tax dollars, and research how far behind our education system is.

Politicians LIE, ALL politicians lie, no exceptions.

I agree totally, but those of us who oppose more of the same aren't liberals. The things we believe in are based on reality and a system of government and economics that saw a fledgling group of former colonies rise up to be the most incredible industrial, financial and military powerhouse in the world in less than 200 years.

Liberalism has destroyed much of that success.

Both sides of the political aisle claim that the other side persistently lies, but pundit Ben Shapiro has explained in various forums that the Left lies as a matter of policy, when the lies "point to a Greater Truth." Hence, they maintain a ridiculous lie even when it has been proven false, because the general impression (which they consider to be the Greater Truth) is more important than the detail of the immediate factual lie. When I heard this my mind reeled with examples of this principle. It explains so much. Consider:

"Bush lied." Anyone with a three digit IQ has long ago realized that the White House, Congress, and our major allies all had basically the SAME INFORMATION about the existence or non-existence of WMD's in Iraq. They all concluded - incorrectly, as it turns out - that Saddam did have them (because they couldn't imagine why he would act like he did, when in fact he didn't). But Libs have the problem of their own exalted leaders in Congress (Pelosi, Reid, HRC, Kerry, Biden) voting for the invasion. So they cover up their own votes with the fiction that "Bush lied" and deceived everyone - which is a preposterous lie, still repeated as though it were Gospel.

"The earth is warming!" Well, although there appears to be a long term trend of warming, there really hasn't been any significant warming for the past 15 years or so (unless you cook the books or point out aberrations to "prove" the general point). They actually thought no one would notice when they changed "global warming," to "climate change."

"Women earn only 73 cents for every dollar earned by a man." Every credible study conducted in the past 20 years concludes that women with comparable credentials, doing comparable work and having comparable responsibilities, and working similar hours are making about the same as their male counterparts. The "73 cents" lie results when you ignore different career choices, hours worked, credentials, and intentional employee decisions; in short it is a blatant lie, repeated earnestly and often by the Left.

"American public education is under-funded!" This provable lie (private, parochial, and charter schools provide a better education at lower cost), is nothing but a sop to the NEA and AFT, and even people who have unfortunately been educated in state schools are smart enough to see it. And yet every Democrat politician in the country promises to increase Education funding, as though that would improve anything more than the drastic increases in funding we've seen over the past 50 years.

"The key to bringing The Poor into the middle class is Government-provided PRE-SCHOOL!" Again, this is provably false, as "Operation Head Start," the Government's first broad-based pre-school program, has failed spectacularly to show any academic improvements in inner-city public schools, despite tens of billions spent on it over several decades. Indeed, even the Federal Government's own studies show NO DIFFERENCE in academic performance of Headstart "grads" after third grade. But government pre-schools will provide tens of thousands of marginally qualified poor women with government jobs and free babysitting, thus guaranteeing another generation of reliable Democrat votes, at taxpayer-expense.

"A higher minimum wage will reduce Income Inequality!" Ignoring for a moment the fact that "income inequality" is NOT a problem, but rather the natural result of varying degrees of success in our society, even the Democrats in Congress KNOW THAT A HIGH MINIMUM WAGE IS A BAD IDEA, as evidenced by the fact that they didn't even bring it up when they controlled the WH and both houses of Congress for the two years after Barry was elected. In fact, a higher MW will INCREASE income inequality by denying jobs to high school dropouts (mainly minority yoots), and leaving them, statistically, even worse off than they are now.

"High deficits are a GOOD thing!" Right. How are those "shovel ready projects" working out for ya?
OK... OK ..... OK .... Now, anyone with an IQ above 40, knows that honesty and politics mix like water and oil, right?... And, EVERYONE already knows that ALL politicians lie, ALL professional politicians lie, and it doesn't matter whether a politician is a Liberal, Conservative, Moderate, Republican, or a Democrat, they ALL lie, right?

Politicians are all about egos, self-service, power, influence, greed, and climbing the political ladder at all cost. Politicians are all about getting re-elected to office. Professional politicians are bought and paid for. Members of Congress sell their votes to Lobbyists, corporate America, Wall Street, and the financial institutions. Campaign donations are "money for favors". Lobbyists spend untold $Millions each and every year to buy legislation and policy.

Campaign speeches are lies, empty promises, and smooth talking cons, to encourage voters to vote for a certain candidate. Once elected to office, politicians exert their will, and not the will of the people. In summary, "Politics is based on LIES".

If anyone doubts what I have said, go out and take a look at the conditions on Main Street America, check the daily headlines, research the number of citizens receiving some form of government assistance, see what we've gained in the wars, check the national debt, take a look at our rundown infrastructure, talk to Vets that can't get timely and proper health care, think about the loss of privacy, research how many innocent citizens that we've put behind bars, research government contracts, ask yourself what you're getting for your hard earned tax dollars, and research how far behind our education system is.

Politicians LIE, ALL politicians lie, no exceptions.

I agree totally, but those of us who oppose more of the same aren't liberals. The things we believe in are based on reality and a system of government and economics that saw a fledgling group of former colonies rise up to be the most incredible industrial, financial and military powerhouse in the world in less than 200 years.

Liberalism has destroyed much of that success.

Greedy self-serving politicians destroyed it, with the help and approval of stupid voters.
The OP and others on the right need to put down the stones, as they live in a very large glass house.

Those of us on the right see the lies of their party and are trying to change it.
Those on the left are in denial of their own party lies and are doing nothing about it.

Denial my ass the left is in favor of lying. They have no inhibitions about lying if this achieves their goals.

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