The Liberal Myth that the Rich Pay "Virtually No Taxes"

That is the logic of every highwayman. He has it, I want it, I'm taking force if necessary.

You just want to use government to do the deed instead of holding the knife yourself.

Its the logic of anyone setting up a sound tax policy. As embraces taxation based one's capacity to pay.

Which makes sense.

Yeah, yeah, we get it. Can't rob the poor and that's you target people in their finery.
That is the logic of every highwayman. He has it, I want it, I'm taking force if necessary.

You just want to use government to do the deed instead of holding the knife yourself.

Its the logic of anyone setting up a sound tax policy. As embraces taxation based one's capacity to pay.

Which makes sense.

Yeah, yeah, we get it. Can't rob the poor and that's you target people in their finery.

Taxation isn't theft. Nixing that fallacy.

So....strawman for the 'liberals say that the rich pay virtually no taxes' claim? As no one seems willing to touch that with a 10 foot pole. And rightly so. Its silly.
That is the logic of every highwayman. He has it, I want it, I'm taking force if necessary.

You just want to use government to do the deed instead of holding the knife yourself.

Its the logic of anyone setting up a sound tax policy. As embraces taxation based one's capacity to pay.

Which makes sense.

Yeah, yeah, we get it. Can't rob the poor and that's you target people in their finery.

Taxation isn't theft. Nixing that fallacy.

Taxation isn't, but you're not wanting an equitable tax policy. You want someone else to pay government...or else. That is theft.

Fair means fair, not "but he'll pay for our free ride."
That is the logic of every highwayman. He has it, I want it, I'm taking force if necessary.

You just want to use government to do the deed instead of holding the knife yourself.

Its the logic of anyone setting up a sound tax policy. As embraces taxation based one's capacity to pay.

Which makes sense.

Yeah, yeah, we get it. Can't rob the poor and that's you target people in their finery.

Taxation isn't theft. Nixing that fallacy.

Taxation isn't, but you're not wanting an equitable tax policy. You want someone else to pay government...or else. That is theft.

Nope. Taxing where there's capacity to tax is just sound fiscal policy.

As I said, if you want where the fish are.
That's a false premise

What can you do with 2 pairs of shoes that you can't do with one?

What right does the government have to take a persons property ? One's money is one's property after all
1 pair of shoes compared to two is 50%. Where did I say 50%?

That you don't have the right to tell people how much of their own money they need or don't need was my point
If he's paying 10% and I'm paying 30%, then sure I definitely have the right to complain about what he's paying compared to what I'm paying. That's how democracy works............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

So you should be in favor of the flat tax then so everyone pays the same percentage

So capital gains would be taxed the same as earned income?
No we have to get rid of all the shit in the code that allows refundable tax credits and frivolous deductions and all the social engineering crap that's in the tax code like mortgage deductions and charitable deductions credits for buying a stupid hybrid car etc etc
Then we have to tax every dollar earned no matter where it was earned at exactly the same rate just like we tax everything else

99% of the tax code supports deductions for the rich

It should....they wrote it

So let's get rid of them and then tax every dollar the same

So if it is your only dollar it gets taxed ten cents and if it is your hundred millionth dollar it gets taxed ten cents

I'm alright with that. Everyone should have skin in the game, not just those with cash.

Fair share means fair share, not let that guy pay the tab for everyone.

So a massive, massive tax cut for the wealthy and a huge tax hike for the poor and middle class is 'fair'?

Yes because everyone will be paying the same percentage of their income
I would like for once that if the libturds wish to state they don't pay their fair share, then explain what their fair share should be. I have yet seen one libturd mouthing that statement actually state what is a fair share.

So it is media hoopla and that's all. They all have no frickin idea what is fair. What is fair, is having those who receive free money to work for the free money. how about that, clean up this planet. Ah yes, which takes me to environmental concerns, and yet those with the free money don't help clean up the environment, instead they trash it. No respect for the free money they get. No respect to the people who feed them the money as well. Libturds are merely disrespectful punks.
If the rich pay "virtually nothing" in taxes, as liberals continue to claim, how is it that they pay the majority of federal personal income taxes? According to federal income tax data, the top 1% pay about 45% of all federal income taxes. The top 10% pay at least 60% of all federal income taxes. And the top 20% pay over 80% of all federal income taxes.

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes

Top 10 Percent of Earners Paid 68 Percent of Federal Income Taxes

Top 20% of Earners Pay 84% of Income Tax

STEPHEN MOORE: Do the rich pay their fair share of taxes?

Do the rich pay lower taxes than the middle class?

The Rich Pay More than Their Fair Share of Taxes | Economics21

What's more, the top 1% pay around 24% of all federal taxes (income taxes, corporate taxes, tariffs, etc.). The top 10% pay over 50% of all federal taxes.

1 Percenters Pay 24 Percent and Top 10 Percent Pay 53.3 Percent of All Federal Taxes

And this is on top of the huge amount of county and state taxes that the rich pay, especially rich people who own businesses. I have two relatives who own businesses, and I can't believe how much they get soaked in county and state taxes, especially property taxes.

Liberals who go around peddling the kool-aid myth that "the rich pay virtually no taxes" or that "the average rich person pays less than a middle-income earner" obviously don't know any rich people and/or any business owners and are basing these silly claims on grossly misleading "studies" churned out by liberal think tanks and economists.

Who says the Rich pay 'virtually no' taxes?
most every media outlet.

And we do know that Al Sharpton ain't paying any.
1 pair of shoes compared to two is 50%. Where did I say 50%?

That you don't have the right to tell people how much of their own money they need or don't need was my point
If he's paying 10% and I'm paying 30%, then sure I definitely have the right to complain about what he's paying compared to what I'm paying. That's how democracy works............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

So you should be in favor of the flat tax then so everyone pays the same percentage

So capital gains would be taxed the same as earned income?

Are you sure? Steve Forbes applied his flat tax scheme only to wages. Not capital gains. Cruz only mentions income in his flat tax, not capital gains. The Heritage Foundation's flat tax proposal goes to elaborate lengths to avoid even mentioning capital gains rates, never including them in the myriad of taxes that the flat tax will replace. Rand Paul at least includes capital gains.

So......I guess the question would be, whose flat tax?
99% of the tax code supports deductions for the rich

It should....they wrote it

So let's get rid of them and then tax every dollar the same

So if it is your only dollar it gets taxed ten cents and if it is your hundred millionth dollar it gets taxed ten cents

I'm alright with that. Everyone should have skin in the game, not just those with cash.

Fair share means fair share, not let that guy pay the tab for everyone.

So a massive, massive tax cut for the wealthy and a huge tax hike for the poor and middle class is 'fair'?

Yes because everyone will be paying the same percentage of their income

That's the most stupid tax plan I've ever heard. You think someone who's earning barely enough to feed the family should be taxed at the same rate as a bastard who lives in a 20 room mansion with two dozen bathrooms. It's never been that way and as long as there are enough Democrats around it never will be.
99% of the tax code supports deductions for the rich

It should....they wrote it

So let's get rid of them and then tax every dollar the same

So if it is your only dollar it gets taxed ten cents and if it is your hundred millionth dollar it gets taxed ten cents

I'm alright with that. Everyone should have skin in the game, not just those with cash.

Fair share means fair share, not let that guy pay the tab for everyone.

So a massive, massive tax cut for the wealthy and a huge tax hike for the poor and middle class is 'fair'?

Yes because everyone will be paying the same percentage of their income
ahh crap don't go there, you'd be asking the libturds to do math and they can't. They have no idea that if you make 50,000 that taxes at 10% would be 5,000, and someone making 500,000 taxes at 10% would be 50,000. They don't understand numbers, it's why they don't get economics. They can't add and multiply.
So let's get rid of them and then tax every dollar the same

So if it is your only dollar it gets taxed ten cents and if it is your hundred millionth dollar it gets taxed ten cents

I'm alright with that. Everyone should have skin in the game, not just those with cash.

Fair share means fair share, not let that guy pay the tab for everyone.

So a massive, massive tax cut for the wealthy and a huge tax hike for the poor and middle class is 'fair'?

Yes because everyone will be paying the same percentage of their income

That's the most stupid tax plan I've ever heard. You think someone who's earning barely enough to feed the family should be taxed at the same rate as a bastard who lives in a 20 room mansion with two dozen bathrooms. It's never been that way and as long as there are enough Democrats around it never will be.
see, here you go, the libturds just don't understand math. Campbell, Thanks for proving my point. you wouldn't know the difference between a dime and a million would you? funny stuff the libturds.
That you don't have the right to tell people how much of their own money they need or don't need was my point
If he's paying 10% and I'm paying 30%, then sure I definitely have the right to complain about what he's paying compared to what I'm paying. That's how democracy works............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

So you should be in favor of the flat tax then so everyone pays the same percentage

So capital gains would be taxed the same as earned income?

Are you sure? Steve Forbes applied his flat tax scheme only to wages. Not capital gains. Cruz only mentions income in his flat tax, not capital gains. The Heritage Foundation's flat tax proposal goes to elaborate lengths to avoid even mentioning capital gains rates, never including them in the myriad of taxes that the flat tax will replace. Rand Paul at least includes capital gains.

So......I guess the question would be, whose flat tax?


It's the only fair way and in all honesty by getting rid of all deductions and tax credits etc and taxing all income from dollar one the rate could very possibly be less than the current capital gains tax
If the rich pay "virtually nothing" in taxes, as liberals continue to claim, how is it that they pay the majority of federal personal income taxes? According to federal income tax data, the top 1% pay about 45% of all federal income taxes. The top 10% pay at least 60% of all federal income taxes. And the top 20% pay over 80% of all federal income taxes.

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes

Top 10 Percent of Earners Paid 68 Percent of Federal Income Taxes

Top 20% of Earners Pay 84% of Income Tax

STEPHEN MOORE: Do the rich pay their fair share of taxes?

Do the rich pay lower taxes than the middle class?

The Rich Pay More than Their Fair Share of Taxes | Economics21

What's more, the top 1% pay around 24% of all federal taxes (income taxes, corporate taxes, tariffs, etc.). The top 10% pay over 50% of all federal taxes.

1 Percenters Pay 24 Percent and Top 10 Percent Pay 53.3 Percent of All Federal Taxes

And this is on top of the huge amount of county and state taxes that the rich pay, especially rich people who own businesses. I have two relatives who own businesses, and I can't believe how much they get soaked in county and state taxes, especially property taxes.

Liberals who go around peddling the kool-aid myth that "the rich pay virtually no taxes" or that "the average rich person pays less than a middle-income earner" obviously don't know any rich people and/or any business owners and are basing these silly claims on grossly misleading "studies" churned out by liberal think tanks and economists.

Who says the Rich pay 'virtually no' taxes?
most every media outlet.

And we do know that Al Sharpton ain't paying any.

It's hilarious then that none of you can come up with a hundred quotes confirming it.
Can someone get the right wing corporatist apologist for the rich a dictionary and then explain to them proportionality and fairness. When someone can show me a rich person alone on an island creating wealth they may have something, till then they simply miss where wealth is created and how.

"This disposition to admire, and almost to worship , the rich and powerful, and to despise, or, at least neglect persons of poor and mean great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments." Adam Smith

Right wing mental gymnastic apologies for the wealthy and the greedy is a funny show. One has to wonder what world they live in or even if they are just greed justification bots? The very same right wingers think minimum wage is too high. Put that in your moral ethical Christian mixer and tell us how or why? Two things: I happen to know many of the top and believe me they could care less, if they even thought about it, that you righties are on their side. Plus, having worked in corporate America we've done fine too, as it ain't just the top that do so well. But please righties stay the course, Walmart's billionaires love you, nah. LOL

"Lasch understood the paradox that much of the modern American left and right find contradictory: property could be theft, particularly under capitalist property relations and wage labor, but it also meant freedom for small producers — such as farmers, artisans, and shopkeepers in the 19th century or what today have become small business owners and sole proprietorships — who were able to control the conditions under which they made their living. The rise of mass production for ever-expanding markets and with it the shift to salaried labor destroyed this radical yet deeply conservative outlook on life, turning skilled craftsmen who worked for themselves into interchangeable cogs in somebody else’s machine, both literally and figuratively. Workers understood this, noted Lasch, and reacted by "defending not just their economic interests but their crafts, families, and neighborhoods.""
Why Read Christopher Lasch?

"It turns out that the Wall Street bonus pool in 2014 was roughly twice the total annual earnings of all Americans working full time at the federal minimum wage."

"This is what the Lord says: 'Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,' declares the Lord." Jeremiah 9:23-24

so explain the definition of tax fairness. Please I'd love to read what that is.
If the rich pay "virtually nothing" in taxes, as liberals continue to claim, how is it that they pay the majority of federal personal income taxes? According to federal income tax data, the top 1% pay about 45% of all federal income taxes. The top 10% pay at least 60% of all federal income taxes. And the top 20% pay over 80% of all federal income taxes.

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes

Top 10 Percent of Earners Paid 68 Percent of Federal Income Taxes

Top 20% of Earners Pay 84% of Income Tax

STEPHEN MOORE: Do the rich pay their fair share of taxes?

Do the rich pay lower taxes than the middle class?

The Rich Pay More than Their Fair Share of Taxes | Economics21

What's more, the top 1% pay around 24% of all federal taxes (income taxes, corporate taxes, tariffs, etc.). The top 10% pay over 50% of all federal taxes.

1 Percenters Pay 24 Percent and Top 10 Percent Pay 53.3 Percent of All Federal Taxes

And this is on top of the huge amount of county and state taxes that the rich pay, especially rich people who own businesses. I have two relatives who own businesses, and I can't believe how much they get soaked in county and state taxes, especially property taxes.

Liberals who go around peddling the kool-aid myth that "the rich pay virtually no taxes" or that "the average rich person pays less than a middle-income earner" obviously don't know any rich people and/or any business owners and are basing these silly claims on grossly misleading "studies" churned out by liberal think tanks and economists.

Who says the Rich pay 'virtually no' taxes?
most every media outlet.

And we do know that Al Sharpton ain't paying any.

It's hilarious then that none of you can come up with a hundred quotes confirming it.
why should we, it is well understood that the rich stick it to the poor. come on now, the libturds use that all the time describing the republicans. Or are you saying that hasn't happened? Come on now, let's see you step out and say that hasn't been said. I dare you.

Oh and you do know that Al Sharpton doesn't pay taxes right?
If he's paying 10% and I'm paying 30%, then sure I definitely have the right to complain about what he's paying compared to what I'm paying. That's how democracy works............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

So you should be in favor of the flat tax then so everyone pays the same percentage

So capital gains would be taxed the same as earned income?

Are you sure? Steve Forbes applied his flat tax scheme only to wages. Not capital gains. Cruz only mentions income in his flat tax, not capital gains. The Heritage Foundation's flat tax proposal goes to elaborate lengths to avoid even mentioning capital gains rates, never including them in the myriad of taxes that the flat tax will replace. Rand Paul at least includes capital gains.

So......I guess the question would be, whose flat tax?


It's the only fair way and in all honesty by getting rid of all deductions and tax credits etc and taxing all income from dollar one the rate could very possibly be less than the current capital gains tax

Yours isn't the one being promoted by the GOP front runners, those most likely to have a snowball's chance in hell of actually enacting it. They either carve out specific exemptions for capital gains or they get really, really vague about the topic. While being very specific about other forms of taxation.

Which tells you that capital gains isn't going to be treated the same. With the aforementioned exception of Rand Paul.

I think a fair scheme would be based on one's ability to pay. A method adopted by pretty much every 1st world nation on the planet.
If the rich pay "virtually nothing" in taxes, as liberals continue to claim, how is it that they pay the majority of federal personal income taxes? According to federal income tax data, the top 1% pay about 45% of all federal income taxes. The top 10% pay at least 60% of all federal income taxes. And the top 20% pay over 80% of all federal income taxes.

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes

Top 10 Percent of Earners Paid 68 Percent of Federal Income Taxes

Top 20% of Earners Pay 84% of Income Tax

STEPHEN MOORE: Do the rich pay their fair share of taxes?

Do the rich pay lower taxes than the middle class?

The Rich Pay More than Their Fair Share of Taxes | Economics21

What's more, the top 1% pay around 24% of all federal taxes (income taxes, corporate taxes, tariffs, etc.). The top 10% pay over 50% of all federal taxes.

1 Percenters Pay 24 Percent and Top 10 Percent Pay 53.3 Percent of All Federal Taxes

And this is on top of the huge amount of county and state taxes that the rich pay, especially rich people who own businesses. I have two relatives who own businesses, and I can't believe how much they get soaked in county and state taxes, especially property taxes.

Liberals who go around peddling the kool-aid myth that "the rich pay virtually no taxes" or that "the average rich person pays less than a middle-income earner" obviously don't know any rich people and/or any business owners and are basing these silly claims on grossly misleading "studies" churned out by liberal think tanks and economists.

Who says the Rich pay 'virtually no' taxes?
most every media outlet.

And we do know that Al Sharpton ain't paying any.

Can you quote 'virtually every media outlet' saying this?
If the rich pay "virtually nothing" in taxes, as liberals continue to claim, how is it that they pay the majority of federal personal income taxes? According to federal income tax data, the top 1% pay about 45% of all federal income taxes. The top 10% pay at least 60% of all federal income taxes. And the top 20% pay over 80% of all federal income taxes.

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes

Top 10 Percent of Earners Paid 68 Percent of Federal Income Taxes

Top 20% of Earners Pay 84% of Income Tax

STEPHEN MOORE: Do the rich pay their fair share of taxes?

Do the rich pay lower taxes than the middle class?

The Rich Pay More than Their Fair Share of Taxes | Economics21

What's more, the top 1% pay around 24% of all federal taxes (income taxes, corporate taxes, tariffs, etc.). The top 10% pay over 50% of all federal taxes.

1 Percenters Pay 24 Percent and Top 10 Percent Pay 53.3 Percent of All Federal Taxes

And this is on top of the huge amount of county and state taxes that the rich pay, especially rich people who own businesses. I have two relatives who own businesses, and I can't believe how much they get soaked in county and state taxes, especially property taxes.

Liberals who go around peddling the kool-aid myth that "the rich pay virtually no taxes" or that "the average rich person pays less than a middle-income earner" obviously don't know any rich people and/or any business owners and are basing these silly claims on grossly misleading "studies" churned out by liberal think tanks and economists.

Who says the Rich pay 'virtually no' taxes?
most every media outlet.

And we do know that Al Sharpton ain't paying any.

Can you quote 'virtually every media outlet' saying this?
I'm sure somewhere it's out there. Now do you deny it? Please state you deny that hasn't been said ever.
So you should be in favor of the flat tax then so everyone pays the same percentage

So capital gains would be taxed the same as earned income?

Are you sure? Steve Forbes applied his flat tax scheme only to wages. Not capital gains. Cruz only mentions income in his flat tax, not capital gains. The Heritage Foundation's flat tax proposal goes to elaborate lengths to avoid even mentioning capital gains rates, never including them in the myriad of taxes that the flat tax will replace. Rand Paul at least includes capital gains.

So......I guess the question would be, whose flat tax?


It's the only fair way and in all honesty by getting rid of all deductions and tax credits etc and taxing all income from dollar one the rate could very possibly be less than the current capital gains tax

Yours isn't the one being promoted by the GOP front runners, those most likely to have a snowball's chance in hell of actually enacting it. They either carve out specific exemptions for capital gains or they get really, really vague about the topic. While being very specific about other forms of taxation.

Which tells you that capital gains isn't going to be treated the same. With the aforementioned exception of Rand Paul.

I think a fair scheme would be based on one's ability to pay. A method adopted by pretty much every 1st world nation on the planet.
why is captial gains on the table?

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