The legacy of Paul Ryan the cowardly GOP leader


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Paul Ryan in his gut was a honest decent human being, however, like most GOP morons, he loves to win. So Ryan along with just about all GOP candidates have used and embraced fear in their pursuits of congressional wins.....and along the way, they created a following of radical crazy white racist gun toting retards. This latest move by Ryan, partnering with Nunes, the Trump lap dog b*****, proves one thing...Ryan wants to live.

Paul knows good and damn well, Trump is a guilty lying SOB, he knows this....but he also knows that Trump loyalist are bat shit effin crazy, all own guns and all are willing to die for the Fuhrer and he knows that kind will keep score against those that go against Hitler ll. And Paul does not, I repeat does not want to spend the rest of his life....stressing over who's gonna get me because I went after Trump. Paul would rather instead .......slither away into complete obscurity, family in tow....and the hell with the history books and his leadership, but at least he'd be alive....that how much of a monster this party has created among its base....fear of the white man and his NRA guns.
Ryan backs Nunes in latest dispute with Justice Department


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