The Left is Correct about 'Assault Rifles'

They won't come take them.....
They WILL however pressure you with insane edicts and EO's giving you 'X" amount of time to comply or else.

They will take assets, seize property, freeze bank accounts, make us felons, revoke rights and use all kinds of trickery and evil to do it.
No shots may ever be fired. I think this was the main reason for empowering the IRS with so many new soldiers.

They have used their super computers to play out the scenario many times and know they cannot win an all out armed conflict against their own homeland.
This is why they will do it through the backdoor. It's their only chance...... forcing us to comply on our own accord through fear.

Granted...resistance may become VERY difficult and there are so many Law Enforcement and Military who will be more than willing to go after the citizens.
Unfortunately, It is likely that most (75-80% ???) will succumb to the fear and comply without a fight.
They mistakenly believe that if they comply they will be left alone and keep what they have. They are making a massive mistake and judgement error.
They will still lose everything even faster. There is no "free ride"
They will end up controlling everything we do economically and financially to live. Then the accusation of insurrectionist, terrorist and hater will spew far and wide when they shut lives down.
They will end up controlling everything we do economically and financially to live. Then the accusation of insurrectionist, terrorist and hater will spew far and wide when they shut lives down.
You Goofy
That is why the early stages of the war were such a disaster.
Militias ran …..they were no match for the Brits

It was not till after Valley Forge that the Continental Army was able to be a fighting force.
Even then, we did not win the war till we had the French Navy blockading the Brits

The idea that privately armed militia won the Revolutionary War is a myth
But, the Continental Army would never have formed without those brave self armed colonists who kicked off the Revolutionary War. BTW, I never said the self armed colonists won the war.
So far, not one of my weapons has murdered anyone. I wonder why the left hate weapons so much, because mine are peaceful and content.

Because the more people can take care of themselves, the less need for the Democrat party. Democrats really don't care if you have guns, they care if you are able to use them to defend yourself.

If they were able to take away our guns, that would make every American a victim. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.
The basic argument of the Left, that 'assault rifles' are not necessary for personal defense, is correct. (Let's define 'assault rifle' as a semi-automatic rifle which can take magazines of 20 rounds or more, and whose rounds carry more than XXX foot-pounds of kinetic energy. [A gun enthusiast can fill in 'XXX' -- in otherwords, excluding a .22].)

I've seen posts positing a woman using one to fend off a rapist in a park, but, come one, no one is going to carry their AR15 in public on a routine basis, not even Kyle Rittenhouse. If you're going out in public, you need a concealed-carry permit and good-calibre handgun. (Yes, I know liberals want to ban those too, but, it's like their child-grooming efforts: a step at a time. They're not stupid.)

For home defense, a handgun or shotgun -- depending on your ease of using them -- is better than an AR15, in my personal opinion -- you don't want a .556 round travelling three hundred yards into the bedroom of your neighbor's children. Biden is right about that, in my opinion. But you can look at a dozen videos arguing both sides if you go to YouTube and put in 'AR15 vs Shotgun'.

So ... what's the point of an AR15 (or AK or any other 'assault rifle')? It's to partially fulfill the intent of the men who wrote the Second Amendment: that the people should be as well-armed as the government.

Of course, the advance of military technology over the last 250 years has made that impossible. You and a few neighbors with AR15s will not be a match for an A10, or even a Marine rifle company. Any conflict between civilian patriots and the government will be over in three days, and the last two of them will be spent putting the patriots in body bags.

However, unless the patriots are very very stupid -- 6 January level stupid, which is not ruled out, as 6 January itself showed -- there isn't going to be any conflict between the united, cohesive forces of the government, and the patriot movement. So long as the US is a law-governed democratic republic, or is believed to be that by a majority of its citizens, there must not be any armed conflict between patriots and the government.

What there could be is the disintegration of a cohesive government, and general chaos. We can think of a hundred different scenarios leading to this. In which case, patriots should be as well-armed as possible.

And of course every patriot who has not done his military service yet, and is under the age of 36, should enlist in the National Guard. (Army National Guard)
A10s arent effective when it comes to domestic guerilla warfare. The entirety of the US Airforce is useless in that scenario.
Have you checked out Switzerland and their gun laws?
The Swiss are a model to be studied, of course.
[ Firearms regulation in Switzerland - Wikipedia ] However, Swiss society and its history is so very different from American society that in fact there is little to be learned, except that if your population is like the Swiss, then everyone can have a machine gun.
The key fact about Switzerland is that everyone serves in the military. Could we approach this in some way? I think we could.

Although it's not very well known, American states have the right to form a 'State Guard' or 'State Defense Force':
[ State defense force - Wikipedia ]
An example is Florida's, which was re-activated last year:
[ Florida State Guard - Wikipedia ]

Patriots should join their State Guard, if there is one, and if there is not, should -- if they live in a 'Red' State -- demand that one be formed. (They should also, if below the age of 36, be in the National Guard or Reserves, but this may be more of a committment than many are prepared to make.)

The purpose of the 2A was that the people should be able to resist a tyranizing national government. The development of technology -- and not just weapons technology but comms and intel and medical -- means that the do-it-yourself approach is no longer adequate for this. So those patriots who are serious, will, if possible, become part of a professional military formation.

Of course, this does not at all preclude owning the best legally-available weaponry you can -- in fact, you definitely should. Just don't kid yourself that you're fulfilling the purpose of the 2A in doing so.
A10s arent effective when it comes to domestic guerilla warfare. The entirety of the US Airforce is useless in that scenario.
Our guys in Iraq and Afghanistan were very appreciative of the old 'Hog' in their own fight against domestic guerillas.
[ Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II - Wikipedia]
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I think you're expecting our liberal friends to be too kind. In fact, domestic/civil wars are the most vicious of all wars. Yes, our own Civil War was, by and large, a war between gentlemen (so long as you were white [ Battle of the Crater - Wikipedia ]). We don't have many gentlemen left, so if we are so unfortunate as to have another Civil War, I would expect both sides to use everything they have.

However, if by 'domestic' you mean 'urban only', then you may well have a point. It's just that no one knows what an American civil war would look like, in terms of where it would be fought. (As for 'guerilla', again, why assume that an American civil war would be mainly a guerilla war?)

But even if it's fought entirely in 'built-up locations', including suburbs, I suspect that if either side has some A10s available, they won't just sit there.
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Our society has a Constitution, a free press, free speech and a right to vote which has protected us against tyranny for over 240 years

We have not once needed armed citizens to protect us…..EVER
However, owning them is a right, just like the ones you mentioned.
Where do you live? And how much have your groceries gone up by? And, while you are at it, do tell us how much you spent on guns so far. Go.
A gun will last you many decades comparing it to consumables is stupid Over your life you will have spent far far more on food than I will have on a few firearms
One thing, an AR-15 is not an assault weapon.
Yes, this term 'assault rifle' just confuses things. Most of the anti-gun people aren't familiar with firearms, and they focus on the scary appearance of the AR15. (Someone should bring out a model of this weapon with a wooden stock.)

What they really mean is a semi-auto rifle which can take 'high-capacity' ( >10 rounds?) magazines.

The old M1-Garand, with its 8-round clip, was an 'almost assault rifle' by their definition.

Well, whatever. The key thing is: if you don't have one, you'd better get one (or two or three) while you can. Same for the ammo.
Yes, this term 'assault rifle' just confuses things. Most of the anti-gun people aren't familiar with firearms, and they focus on the scary appearance of the AR15. (Someone should bring out a model of this weapon with a wooden stock.)

What they really mean is a semi-auto rifle which can take 'high-capacity' ( >10 rounds?) magazines.

The old M1-Garand, with its 8-round clip, was an 'almost assault rifle' by their definition.

Well, whatever. The key thing is: if you don't have one, you'd better get one (or two or three) while you can. Same for the ammo.

Now that the Republicans lead the House there is much less to worry about. And the commies won't be worried about guns for a while now that these classified documents are popping up everywhere. Seems like some in-fighting going on in the Democrat party.
Because the more people can take care of themselves, the less need for the Democrat party. Democrats really don't care if you have guns, they care if you are able to use them to defend yourself.
Actually we are more concerned with unrestricted access to AR style weapons equipped with large capacity magazines.

Perfect weapon for slaughtering young children, churchgoers, shoppers or those attending a concert
A gun will last you many decades comparing it to consumables is stupid Over your life you will have spent far far more on food than I will have on a few firearms
Talking about stupid, how much money do you spend on bullets? Aren't they consumables, too? Next time, think before posting. Will help you look less of a fool. :itsok:
Actually we are more concerned with unrestricted access to AR style weapons equipped with large capacity magazines.

Perfect weapon for slaughtering young children, churchgoers, shoppers or those attending a concert

And you really think that with no AR's, that would stop the slaughter of children, churchgoers, shoppers and concert attendees?

More people die in a Chicago during a holiday weekend than do in a mass shooting with an AR-AK. The only difference is the MSM sensationalizes AK shootings and mentions little about the murders in these big lib cities.
Talking about stupid, how much money do you spend on bullets? Aren't they consumables, too? Next time, think before posting. Will help you look less of a fool. :itsok:
Why is it any of your business? IDGAF what you waste your money on

FYI I reload a lot of my own so not as much as you think?

I'll spend my money the way I want and there's not a god damned thing you can do about it.
And you really think that with no AR's, that would stop the slaughter of children, churchgoers, shoppers and concert attendees?

More people die in a Chicago during a holiday weekend than do in a mass shooting with an AR-AK. The only difference is the MSM sensationalizes AK shootings and mentions little about the murders in these big lib cities.

Why make their job easier Ray?

Gun shop: Could I interest you in a 50 round magazine? You would look bad assed in body armor.
Actually we are more concerned with unrestricted access to AR style weapons equipped with large capacity magazines.

Perfect weapon for slaughtering young children, churchgoers, shoppers or those attending a concert
An AR is just a run of the mill semiautomatic rifle no different than any other

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