The Left Is Confounded!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. A solid year of hammering away from the Democrat Party, pushing the 'collusion' lies, and watching 'Impeachment!!!' fade into an echo....

....the media hiding the good news and spinning what they can....

...and the Never-Trumpers of the GOP doing their best....,er, bog down the Trump agenda.

2. And yet....
"Monday, November 13, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. " Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

3. And last week, even the Bezos-Washington Post had to report thus:
"12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election"
Analysis | 12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election

4. And, from the NYSun....perhaps the worst news for the Left:
"Trump Attack on Regulation
Starts To Win Admiration
Both At Home and Abroad"

Trump Attack on Regulation Starts To Win Admiration Both At Home and Abroad - The New York Sun

5. "The Economist, in a piecepublished last month, reported, “the impact of the Trump administration has been dramatic. The flow of new rules is suddenly a dribble. Since Mr Trump was inaugurated the number of regulatory restrictions has grown at about two-fifths of the usual speed.”

6. ....not generally a Trump cheerleader, praised the administration’s approach to financial deregulation as “thoughtful...detailed and rigorous.” It reported, “the new approach in Washington does seem to have boosted business confidence.”

Mr. Trump is focusing on a real problem. ... the growth of federal red tape with a thought experiment explaining the difficulty of even reading, let alone complying with, the government imposed rules.

8. “The US Code of Federal Regulations — the annually published set of books containing all federal regulations currently in effect — contained 35.4 million words in 1970. A person could read the entire code in just a few days short of a year, assuming he or she read 250 words per minute, 40 hours per week, 50 weeks per year,” ...

9. “By 2016, there were 104.6 million words of federal regulation on the books, about 195 percent growth over 1970, with a corresponding increase in reading time of almost two years. “

10. BM has been running full-page newspaper ads boasting that its Watson artificial intelligence capability can help compliance officers “keep up with 20,000 new or modified regulations a year and 200 revisions a day.”....“humans alone are not going to be able to meet these challenges. "

There seem to be only two ironclad rules of government:

Rule no.1: Always try to expand;

Rule no. 2: see Rule no. 1.
Beck, Balfe, “Broke,” p. 115

1. A solid year of hammering away from the Democrat Party, pushing the 'collusion' lies, and watching 'Impeachment!!!' fade into an echo....

....the media hiding the good news and spinning what they can....

...and the Never-Trumpers of the GOP doing their best....,er, bog down the Trump agenda.

2. And yet....
"Monday, November 13, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. " Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

3. And last week, even the Bezos-Washington Post had to report thus:
"12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election"
Analysis | 12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election

4. And, from the NYSun....perhaps the worst news for the Left:
"Trump Attack on Regulation

Starts To Win Admiration
Both At Home and Abroad"
Trump Attack on Regulation Starts To Win Admiration Both At Home and Abroad - The New York Sun

5. "The Economist, in a piecepublished last month, reported, “the impact of the Trump administration has been dramatic. The flow of new rules is suddenly a dribble. Since Mr Trump was inaugurated the number of regulatory restrictions has grown at about two-fifths of the usual speed.”

6. ....not generally a Trump cheerleader, praised the administration’s approach to financial deregulation as “thoughtful...detailed and rigorous.” It reported, “the new approach in Washington does seem to have boosted business confidence.”

Mr. Trump is focusing on a real problem. ... the growth of federal red tape with a thought experiment explaining the difficulty of even reading, let alone complying with, the government imposed rules.

8. “The US Code of Federal Regulations — the annually published set of books containing all federal regulations currently in effect — contained 35.4 million words in 1970. A person could read the entire code in just a few days short of a year, assuming he or she read 250 words per minute, 40 hours per week, 50 weeks per year,” ...

9. “By 2016, there were 104.6 million words of federal regulation on the books, about 195 percent growth over 1970, with a corresponding increase in reading time of almost two years. “

10. BM has been running full-page newspaper ads boasting that its Watson artificial intelligence capability can help compliance officers “keep up with 20,000 new or modified regulations a year and 200 revisions a day.”....“humans alone are not going to be able to meet these challenges. "

There seem to be only two ironclad rules of government:

Rule no.1: Always try to expand;

Rule no. 2: see Rule no. 1.
Beck, Balfe, “Broke,” p. 115
Mystery Pollster: Rasmussen Update: A Lesson in Measurement Error

Analysis | The Daily 202: 10 takeaways from Mueller’s shock-and-awe gambit


POTUS embraces Putin yet again telling world he believes former KGB agent’s denial of attack on our election over our own Intel public servants, calling them “political hacks.” Disturbing and shamelessly unpatriotic, on Veterans Day no less.

— Sally Yates (@SallyQYates) November 11, 2017

Sally Yates Slams ‘Shamelessly Unpatriotic’ Trump For Embracing Putin ‘Again’


Analysis | The Daily 202: 10 takeaways from Mueller’s shock-and-awe gambit


POTUS embraces Putin yet again telling world he believes former KGB agent’s denial of attack on our election over our own Intel public servants, calling them “political hacks.” Disturbing and shamelessly unpatriotic, on Veterans Day no less.

— Sally Yates (@SallyQYates) November 11, 2017

Sally Yates Slams ‘Shamelessly Unpatriotic’ Trump For Embracing Putin ‘Again’

The only evidence in the year-long episode is the Russian-produced anti-Trump dossier.....

....paid for by Hillary and the DNC.

Anti-Trump means pro-Hillary.

Get it, you dunce?
The Left Is Confounded!

They cannot figure out why they haven't been able to destroy him!!!!

And....worldwide, his respect has increased (as per the OP).

I'm lovin' it!
1. A solid year of hammering away from the Democrat Party, pushing the 'collusion' lies, and watching 'Impeachment!!!' fade into an echo....

....the media hiding the good news and spinning what they can....

...and the Never-Trumpers of the GOP doing their best....,er, bog down the Trump agenda.

2. And yet....
"Monday, November 13, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. " Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

3. And last week, even the Bezos-Washington Post had to report thus:
"12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election"
Analysis | 12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election

4. And, from the NYSun....perhaps the worst news for the Left:
"Trump Attack on Regulation

Starts To Win Admiration
Both At Home and Abroad"
Trump Attack on Regulation Starts To Win Admiration Both At Home and Abroad - The New York Sun

5. "The Economist, in a piecepublished last month, reported, “the impact of the Trump administration has been dramatic. The flow of new rules is suddenly a dribble. Since Mr Trump was inaugurated the number of regulatory restrictions has grown at about two-fifths of the usual speed.”

6. ....not generally a Trump cheerleader, praised the administration’s approach to financial deregulation as “thoughtful...detailed and rigorous.” It reported, “the new approach in Washington does seem to have boosted business confidence.”

Mr. Trump is focusing on a real problem. ... the growth of federal red tape with a thought experiment explaining the difficulty of even reading, let alone complying with, the government imposed rules.

8. “The US Code of Federal Regulations — the annually published set of books containing all federal regulations currently in effect — contained 35.4 million words in 1970. A person could read the entire code in just a few days short of a year, assuming he or she read 250 words per minute, 40 hours per week, 50 weeks per year,” ...

9. “By 2016, there were 104.6 million words of federal regulation on the books, about 195 percent growth over 1970, with a corresponding increase in reading time of almost two years. “

10. BM has been running full-page newspaper ads boasting that its Watson artificial intelligence capability can help compliance officers “keep up with 20,000 new or modified regulations a year and 200 revisions a day.”....“humans alone are not going to be able to meet these challenges. "

There seem to be only two ironclad rules of government:

Rule no.1: Always try to expand;

Rule no. 2: see Rule no. 1.
Beck, Balfe, “Broke,” p. 115
Are you aware that you draft posts using the same technique as former Justice Harry Blackmun? It makes me wonder if you aren’t a liberal plant trying to make us good conservatives look bad. Between that and your knee jerk liberal personal attacks I am suspicious.
"The only evidence in the year-long episode"

YOU are not privy to all the evidence.. get it yet, tard??
Are you aware that you draft posts using the same technique as former Justice Harry Blackmun? It makes me wonder if you aren’t a liberal plant trying to make us good conservatives look bad. Between that and your knee jerk liberal personal attacks I am suspicious.

it's an interesting thought, but imo HE is way too dedicated
1. A solid year of hammering away from the Democrat Party, pushing the 'collusion' lies, and watching 'Impeachment!!!' fade into an echo....

....the media hiding the good news and spinning what they can....

...and the Never-Trumpers of the GOP doing their best....,er, bog down the Trump agenda.

2. And yet....
"Monday, November 13, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. " Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

3. And last week, even the Bezos-Washington Post had to report thus:
"12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election"
Analysis | 12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election

4. And, from the NYSun....perhaps the worst news for the Left:
"Trump Attack on Regulation

Starts To Win Admiration
Both At Home and Abroad"
Trump Attack on Regulation Starts To Win Admiration Both At Home and Abroad - The New York Sun

5. "The Economist, in a piecepublished last month, reported, “the impact of the Trump administration has been dramatic. The flow of new rules is suddenly a dribble. Since Mr Trump was inaugurated the number of regulatory restrictions has grown at about two-fifths of the usual speed.”

6. ....not generally a Trump cheerleader, praised the administration’s approach to financial deregulation as “thoughtful...detailed and rigorous.” It reported, “the new approach in Washington does seem to have boosted business confidence.”

Mr. Trump is focusing on a real problem. ... the growth of federal red tape with a thought experiment explaining the difficulty of even reading, let alone complying with, the government imposed rules.

8. “The US Code of Federal Regulations — the annually published set of books containing all federal regulations currently in effect — contained 35.4 million words in 1970. A person could read the entire code in just a few days short of a year, assuming he or she read 250 words per minute, 40 hours per week, 50 weeks per year,” ...

9. “By 2016, there were 104.6 million words of federal regulation on the books, about 195 percent growth over 1970, with a corresponding increase in reading time of almost two years. “

10. BM has been running full-page newspaper ads boasting that its Watson artificial intelligence capability can help compliance officers “keep up with 20,000 new or modified regulations a year and 200 revisions a day.”....“humans alone are not going to be able to meet these challenges. "

There seem to be only two ironclad rules of government:

Rule no.1: Always try to expand;

Rule no. 2: see Rule no. 1.
Beck, Balfe, “Broke,” p. 115
Are you aware that you draft posts using the same technique as former Justice Harry Blackmun? It makes me wonder if you aren’t a liberal plant trying to make us good conservatives look bad. Between that and your knee jerk liberal personal attacks I am suspicious.
are you having an EPISODE?

I guess that means you couldn't find a single thing in the OP to refute.

Soooo.....I'm perfect again?

1. A solid year of hammering away from the Democrat Party, pushing the 'collusion' lies, and watching 'Impeachment!!!' fade into an echo....

....the media hiding the good news and spinning what they can....

...and the Never-Trumpers of the GOP doing their best....,er, bog down the Trump agenda.

2. And yet....
"Monday, November 13, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. " Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

3. And last week, even the Bezos-Washington Post had to report thus:
"12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election"
Analysis | 12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election

4. And, from the NYSun....perhaps the worst news for the Left:
"Trump Attack on Regulation

Starts To Win Admiration
Both At Home and Abroad"
Trump Attack on Regulation Starts To Win Admiration Both At Home and Abroad - The New York Sun

5. "The Economist, in a piecepublished last month, reported, “the impact of the Trump administration has been dramatic. The flow of new rules is suddenly a dribble. Since Mr Trump was inaugurated the number of regulatory restrictions has grown at about two-fifths of the usual speed.”

6. ....not generally a Trump cheerleader, praised the administration’s approach to financial deregulation as “thoughtful...detailed and rigorous.” It reported, “the new approach in Washington does seem to have boosted business confidence.”

Mr. Trump is focusing on a real problem. ... the growth of federal red tape with a thought experiment explaining the difficulty of even reading, let alone complying with, the government imposed rules.

8. “The US Code of Federal Regulations — the annually published set of books containing all federal regulations currently in effect — contained 35.4 million words in 1970. A person could read the entire code in just a few days short of a year, assuming he or she read 250 words per minute, 40 hours per week, 50 weeks per year,” ...

9. “By 2016, there were 104.6 million words of federal regulation on the books, about 195 percent growth over 1970, with a corresponding increase in reading time of almost two years. “

10. BM has been running full-page newspaper ads boasting that its Watson artificial intelligence capability can help compliance officers “keep up with 20,000 new or modified regulations a year and 200 revisions a day.”....“humans alone are not going to be able to meet these challenges. "

There seem to be only two ironclad rules of government:

Rule no.1: Always try to expand;

Rule no. 2: see Rule no. 1.
Beck, Balfe, “Broke,” p. 115
Are you aware that you draft posts using the same technique as former Justice Harry Blackmun? It makes me wonder if you aren’t a liberal plant trying to make us good conservatives look bad. Between that and your knee jerk liberal personal attacks I am suspicious.
I am suspicious you are a conservative.
...former Trump foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos agreed to a plea deal and admitted to making a false statement to FBI investigators about his contacts with foreigners claiming to have high-level Russian connections.

“The charges are striking for their breadth, touching all levels of the Trump campaign and exploring the possible personal, financial wrongdoing of those involved, as well as what appeared to be a concerted effort by one campaign official to arrange a meeting with Russian officials,” Matt Zapotosky, Rosalind S. Helderman, Carol D. Leonnig and Spencer S. Hsu write in our lead story.

“[Mueller’s] opening bid is a remarkable show of strength,” Susan Hennessey and Benjamin Wittes explain on their Lawfare blog. “He has a cooperating witness from inside the campaign’s interactions with the Russians. And he is alleging not mere technical infractions of law but astonishing criminality on the part of Trump’s campaign manager, a man who also attended the Trump Tower meeting. Any hope the White House may have had that the Mueller investigation might be fading away vanished . . . Things are only going to get worse from here.”

1. A solid year of hammering away from the Democrat Party, pushing the 'collusion' lies, and watching 'Impeachment!!!' fade into an echo....

....the media hiding the good news and spinning what they can....

...and the Never-Trumpers of the GOP doing their best....,er, bog down the Trump agenda.

2. And yet....
"Monday, November 13, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. " Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

3. And last week, even the Bezos-Washington Post had to report thus:
"12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election"
Analysis | 12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election

4. And, from the NYSun....perhaps the worst news for the Left:
"Trump Attack on Regulation

Starts To Win Admiration
Both At Home and Abroad"
Trump Attack on Regulation Starts To Win Admiration Both At Home and Abroad - The New York Sun

5. "The Economist, in a piecepublished last month, reported, “the impact of the Trump administration has been dramatic. The flow of new rules is suddenly a dribble. Since Mr Trump was inaugurated the number of regulatory restrictions has grown at about two-fifths of the usual speed.”

6. ....not generally a Trump cheerleader, praised the administration’s approach to financial deregulation as “thoughtful...detailed and rigorous.” It reported, “the new approach in Washington does seem to have boosted business confidence.”

Mr. Trump is focusing on a real problem. ... the growth of federal red tape with a thought experiment explaining the difficulty of even reading, let alone complying with, the government imposed rules.

8. “The US Code of Federal Regulations — the annually published set of books containing all federal regulations currently in effect — contained 35.4 million words in 1970. A person could read the entire code in just a few days short of a year, assuming he or she read 250 words per minute, 40 hours per week, 50 weeks per year,” ...

9. “By 2016, there were 104.6 million words of federal regulation on the books, about 195 percent growth over 1970, with a corresponding increase in reading time of almost two years. “

10. BM has been running full-page newspaper ads boasting that its Watson artificial intelligence capability can help compliance officers “keep up with 20,000 new or modified regulations a year and 200 revisions a day.”....“humans alone are not going to be able to meet these challenges. "

There seem to be only two ironclad rules of government:

Rule no.1: Always try to expand;

Rule no. 2: see Rule no. 1.
Beck, Balfe, “Broke,” p. 115
Are you aware that you draft posts using the same technique as former Justice Harry Blackmun? It makes me wonder if you aren’t a liberal plant trying to make us good conservatives look bad. Between that and your knee jerk liberal personal attacks I am suspicious.
are you having an EPISODE?

I guess that means you couldn't find a single thing in the OP to refute.

Soooo.....I'm perfect again?

Honestly, I didn’t bother reading it other than to notice the amazing similarity in how Blackmun structured his opinions, including Roe. If you want to give me an executive summary other than “I am cool” please supply it. Until then I assume all your posts are essentially pleas for attention. Carry on.

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