The left got steamrolled by their own narcissistic egos

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
They believed so much of their own nonsense that their own positions bitch slapped them on November 8th.
Now, the idiots that they are, are trying to organize to stop Trump AFTER THE ELECTION with all these "March of Dimes" marches. It never occurred to them to do this BEFORE THE ELECTION. All the signs were there if you looked that Trump was on a roll but they had their heads so far up their egotistical asses that their ideology Trumped reality.
I've seen interview after interview with these March of Dimes idiots that admit to not voting. NOT VOTING. But think they have the right to bitch about the outcome of the election.
Most of them also ignore the FACT that Trump flipped counties that were thought to be democrat strongholds. Counties that were solid Obama voters.
That right there should be their first clue that something is wrong with their platform &/or messaging.

All the marches in the world will have ZERO IMPACT on things if Trump accomplishes even a small part of his agenda. His agenda THAT FLIPPED DEMOCRAT COUNTIES and won him the election.

Are there any democrats on this board besides Mac that see the writing on the wall? This is a question for the left not the right. If there are any of you here speak up.
They believed so much of their own nonsense that their own positions bitch slapped them on November 8th.
Now, the idiots that they are, are trying to organize to stop Trump AFTER THE ELECTION with all these "March of Dimes" marches. It never occurred to them to do this BEFORE THE ELECTION. All the signs were there if you looked that Trump was on a roll but they had their heads so far up their egotistical asses that their ideology Trumped reality.
I've seen interview after interview with these March of Dimes idiots that admit to not voting. NOT VOTING. But think they have the right to bitch about the outcome of the election.
Most of them also ignore the FACT that Trump flipped counties that were thought to be democrat strongholds. Counties that were solid Obama voters.
That right there should be their first clue that something is wrong with their platform &/or messaging.

All the marches in the world will have ZERO IMPACT on things if Trump accomplishes even a small part of his agenda. His agenda THAT FLIPPED DEMOCRAT COUNTIES and won him the election.

Are there any democrats on this board besides Mac that see the writing on the wall? This is a question for the left not the right. If there are any of you here speak up.

Judging from comments they haven't learned a damn thing
They believed so much of their own nonsense that their own positions bitch slapped them on November 8th.
Now, the idiots that they are, are trying to organize to stop Trump AFTER THE ELECTION with all these "March of Dimes" marches. It never occurred to them to do this BEFORE THE ELECTION. All the signs were there if you looked that Trump was on a roll but they had their heads so far up their egotistical asses that their ideology Trumped reality.
I've seen interview after interview with these March of Dimes idiots that admit to not voting. NOT VOTING. But think they have the right to bitch about the outcome of the election.
Most of them also ignore the FACT that Trump flipped counties that were thought to be democrat strongholds. Counties that were solid Obama voters.
That right there should be their first clue that something is wrong with their platform &/or messaging.

All the marches in the world will have ZERO IMPACT on things if Trump accomplishes even a small part of his agenda. His agenda THAT FLIPPED DEMOCRAT COUNTIES and won him the election.

Are there any democrats on this board besides Mac that see the writing on the wall? This is a question for the left not the right. If there are any of you here speak up.

Judging from comments they haven't learned a damn thing

They learned about The Butt Hurt
If there were an honest republican out there, they'd admit they lost this election. Trump destroyed the republican brand, seventeen of their finest couldn't defeat a lying buffoon who promised the moon. Republicans need to look deep into what they have become, and what they will become under an incompetent fool. Kinda funny that they brag about so large a loss.

See here if you doubt. 'The Making of Donald Trump' by David Cay Johnston

"Considering all his advantages, Trump’s electoral victory should have been expected. Yet it was a stunning shock, because of his manifest personal unsuitability to hold an Office of such responsibility in a democratic polity. Below I shall explain this unsuitability in terms of several types of failure—ignorance and willful dissimulation, intolerance and the refusal to acknowledge fellow citizens as equals, and vices of political morality—inimical to the realization of democratic values. I shall suggest that the willingness of Trump voters to overlook such failures exhibited related departures from the ideal of democratic citizenship belonging to the most defensible conception of democracy." S. A. Lloyd

The Critique – A Failure Of Democracy?
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If there were an honest republican out there, they'd admit they lost this election. Trump destroyed the republican brand, seventeen of their finest couldn't defeat a lying buffoon who promised the moon. Republicans need to look deep into what they have become, and what they will become under an incompetent fool. Kinda funny that they brag about so large loss.

See here if you doubt. 'The Making of Donald Trump' by David Cay Johnston

"Considering all his advantages, Trump’s electoral victory should have been expected. Yet it was a stunning shock, because of his manifest personal unsuitability to hold an Office of such responsibility in a democratic polity. Below I shall explain this unsuitability in terms of several types of failure—ignorance and willful dissimulation, intolerance and the refusal to acknowledge fellow citizens as equals, and vices of political morality—inimical to the realization of democratic values. I shall suggest that the willingness of Trump voters to overlook such failures exhibited related departures from the ideal of democratic citizenship belonging to the most defensible conception of democracy." S. A. Lloyd

The Critique – A Failure Of Democracy?
A prime example of a head in the sand.
If there were an honest republican out there, they'd admit they lost this election. Trump destroyed the republican brand, seventeen of their finest couldn't defeat a lying buffoon who promised the moon. Republicans need to look deep into what they have become, and what they will become under an incompetent fool. Kinda funny that they brag about so large a loss.

See here if you doubt. 'The Making of Donald Trump' by David Cay Johnston

"Considering all his advantages, Trump’s electoral victory should have been expected. Yet it was a stunning shock, because of his manifest personal unsuitability to hold an Office of such responsibility in a democratic polity. Below I shall explain this unsuitability in terms of several types of failure—ignorance and willful dissimulation, intolerance and the refusal to acknowledge fellow citizens as equals, and vices of political morality—inimical to the realization of democratic values. I shall suggest that the willingness of Trump voters to overlook such failures exhibited related departures from the ideal of democratic citizenship belonging to the most defensible conception of democracy." S. A. Lloyd

The Critique – A Failure Of Democracy?

You're trying to deflect from the obvious, the democrats are decimated.
What's fantastic is -- They're making it worse. Much worse.

Post election riots, refusals to condemn hate crimes, riots at the Inauguration, the DISGUSTING FILTH still being -- Well, disgusting filth, Hollywood making COMPLETE asswipes of themselves, dissing Israel at the UN, Nazi Pelousy being even more scruntacious than usual, Chucky Schumer showing the epitome of chutzpah, the Lying Cocksucker sending hundreds of millions to goatfucking murderers.....

IMO, the people that will vote for the next winning dimocrap president haven't been born yet.

I really don't think dimocrap scum are bright enough to realize how much trouble they're in. They keep running their disgusting pieholes like nothing has changed.

It has. BIGLY.

dimocraps are finished as a party. Done. Finito. Kaput.

I really believe that. Their ONLY chance is to make us look bad. REALLY bad. The only chance they have is if Republicans screw up REALLY bad and they can say, "Look at us. Yeah, we're scumbags but we're not as bad as they are."

Which didn't work for them this last time. Why should it ever work for them again?

Only if there'e a catastrophe of Republican making. And they're going to try to cause one and pin it on us.

Count on it. It's the kind of scum they are

You are surprised about the crickets? The left has practiced its narrative, and that narrative doesn't address your facts, reality, or questions! Their narrative is from rote, and they need to check with those on high to discern how to answer question/comments, for which they have no answers.

Not that it matters, but I am extremely happy that Republican posters are putting up threads......FINALLY..........that attacks their bullshit narratives, instead of answering loaded narrative questions, in leftist threads. Make them answer YOUR questions for now, since YOU are the ones in power, and have to explain from their prospective what is wrong. Get OFF of, and OUT OF their narratives! They haven't a leg to stand on, and the Democrats know it. They are just throwing crap against the wall to see what will stick. IGNORE them and laugh! They are the ones who have to do something, not us, and so far, they are sucking it out, lol!
They believed so much of their own nonsense that their own positions bitch slapped them on November 8th.
Now, the idiots that they are, are trying to organize to stop Trump AFTER THE ELECTION with all these "March of Dimes" marches. It never occurred to them to do this BEFORE THE ELECTION. All the signs were there if you looked that Trump was on a roll but they had their heads so far up their egotistical asses that their ideology Trumped reality.
I've seen interview after interview with these March of Dimes idiots that admit to not voting. NOT VOTING. But think they have the right to bitch about the outcome of the election.
Most of them also ignore the FACT that Trump flipped counties that were thought to be democrat strongholds. Counties that were solid Obama voters.
That right there should be their first clue that something is wrong with their platform &/or messaging.

All the marches in the world will have ZERO IMPACT on things if Trump accomplishes even a small part of his agenda. His agenda THAT FLIPPED DEMOCRAT COUNTIES and won him the election.

Are there any democrats on this board besides Mac that see the writing on the wall? This is a question for the left not the right. If there are any of you here speak up.

I agree that people who did not vote should STFU. I also agree that "something is wrong with their platform &/or messaging."

Clinton's saying that we should vote for her simply because she has a vagina was absurd, her failure to heed the message sent by Bernie Sanders and to answer question on economic policy ("Download my position paper from my website") were equally absurd.

Liberals banked too much on one thing: Trump's obvious personality disorder - anyone with a brain can see that this man is not competent to be President.

Unfortunately, too few Americans have a brain.

As of now, Trump is a man of action. He is doing just what he said he would.

Of course history shows that this 'man of action' approach is symptomatic of tyrants: Hitler, Stalin, Robespierre, Mao, Castro all started taking drastic action as soon as they gained power. Damn the consequences - they know everything.

Wise men tend to tread lightly when they come to power - and that's where you're wrong: if Trump accomplishes anything more than a small part of his agenda, this country is in for a major catastrophe.
Democrats are constantly propped up by the liberal media. It's not unlike Hollywood types who surround themselves with yes people and end up dying with a needle in their arms.
The Dems problem is that they had no Plan B, so sure they were.

Now, the infighting has begun and the loonier left seems to be prevailing.

They're in complete free fall, as evidenced by the dizzying and puny attacks on the administration but also the president's family.
The problem with the Democrats is that they've become the party of liberal social issues instead of liberal economic issues.

Championing liberal social issues gets lots of rich donors.

Championing liberal economic issues gets votes.

The fact that they kept Pelosi as speaker shows that they care more about donors than votes.
If there were an honest republican out there, they'd admit they lost this election. Trump destroyed the republican brand, seventeen of their finest couldn't defeat a lying buffoon who promised the moon. Republicans need to look deep into what they have become, and what they will become under an incompetent fool. Kinda funny that they brag about so large a loss.

See here if you doubt. 'The Making of Donald Trump' by David Cay Johnston

"Considering all his advantages, Trump’s electoral victory should have been expected. Yet it was a stunning shock, because of his manifest personal unsuitability to hold an Office of such responsibility in a democratic polity. Below I shall explain this unsuitability in terms of several types of failure—ignorance and willful dissimulation, intolerance and the refusal to acknowledge fellow citizens as equals, and vices of political morality—inimical to the realization of democratic values. I shall suggest that the willingness of Trump voters to overlook such failures exhibited related departures from the ideal of democratic citizenship belonging to the most defensible conception of democracy." S. A. Lloyd

The Critique – A Failure Of Democracy?

No, he destroyed the neocon brand, which supposedly the left hated with a passion, but they nominated Hillary who was practically a neocon herself in terms of foreign policy and fleecing America with bad trade deals.

If you "liberals" were honest, you'd admit Trump has a lot of great ideas. But instead the left has become a pack of social justice warriors that are obsessed only with fringe issues like tranny brathroom rights and abortion-on-demand.

He's brought the Republican Party back where it belongs, common sense protectionist trade deals, and a foreign policy that isn't destabilizing the entire world, and keeping America strong and independent.
If there were an honest republican out there, they'd admit they lost this election. Trump destroyed the republican brand, seventeen of their finest couldn't defeat a lying buffoon who promised the moon. Republicans need to look deep into what they have become, and what they will become under an incompetent fool. Kinda funny that they brag about so large a loss.

See here if you doubt. 'The Making of Donald Trump' by David Cay Johnston

"Considering all his advantages, Trump’s electoral victory should have been expected. Yet it was a stunning shock, because of his manifest personal unsuitability to hold an Office of such responsibility in a democratic polity. Below I shall explain this unsuitability in terms of several types of failure—ignorance and willful dissimulation, intolerance and the refusal to acknowledge fellow citizens as equals, and vices of political morality—inimical to the realization of democratic values. I shall suggest that the willingness of Trump voters to overlook such failures exhibited related departures from the ideal of democratic citizenship belonging to the most defensible conception of democracy." S. A. Lloyd

The Critique – A Failure Of Democracy?

No, he destroyed the neocon brand, which supposedly the left hated with a passion, but they nominated Hillary who was practically a neocon herself in terms of foreign policy and fleecing America with bad trade deals.

If you "liberals" were honest, you'd admit Trump has a lot of great ideas. But instead the left has become a pack of social justice warriors that are obsessed only with fringe issues like tranny brathroom rights and abortion-on-demand.

He's brought the Republican Party back where it belongs, common sense protectionist trade deals, and a foreign policy that isn't destabilizing the entire world, and keeping America strong and independent.

I agree with a lot of Trumps proposed policies, but I'm extremely worried about his obvious personality disorder.

All politics aside, I do not feel comfortable with him as commander-in-chief or his controlling the nuclear codes.
If there were an honest republican out there, they'd admit they lost this election. Trump destroyed the republican brand, seventeen of their finest couldn't defeat a lying buffoon who promised the moon. Republicans need to look deep into what they have become, and what they will become under an incompetent fool. Kinda funny that they brag about so large a loss.

See here if you doubt. 'The Making of Donald Trump' by David Cay Johnston

"Considering all his advantages, Trump’s electoral victory should have been expected. Yet it was a stunning shock, because of his manifest personal unsuitability to hold an Office of such responsibility in a democratic polity. Below I shall explain this unsuitability in terms of several types of failure—ignorance and willful dissimulation, intolerance and the refusal to acknowledge fellow citizens as equals, and vices of political morality—inimical to the realization of democratic values. I shall suggest that the willingness of Trump voters to overlook such failures exhibited related departures from the ideal of democratic citizenship belonging to the most defensible conception of democracy." S. A. Lloyd

The Critique – A Failure Of Democracy?

No, he destroyed the neocon brand, which supposedly the left hated with a passion, but they nominated Hillary who was practically a neocon herself in terms of foreign policy and fleecing America with bad trade deals.

If you "liberals" were honest, you'd admit Trump has a lot of great ideas. But instead the left has become a pack of social justice warriors that are obsessed only with fringe issues like tranny brathroom rights and abortion-on-demand.

He's brought the Republican Party back where it belongs, common sense protectionist trade deals, and a foreign policy that isn't destabilizing the entire world, and keeping America strong and independent.
If you were being honest, you would list those "good" ideas and explain why they are good ideas and how they will work out.
If there were an honest republican out there, they'd admit they lost this election. Trump destroyed the republican brand, seventeen of their finest couldn't defeat a lying buffoon who promised the moon. Republicans need to look deep into what they have become, and what they will become under an incompetent fool. Kinda funny that they brag about so large a loss.

See here if you doubt.

It is a sign of having your mental growth stunted during adolescence that you would quote professors as if they were infallible father figures. You post that intellectual pedophile's screed as if it were undeniable scientific fact and settles the debate once and for all.
If there were an honest republican out there, they'd admit they lost this election. Trump destroyed the republican brand, seventeen of their finest couldn't defeat a lying buffoon who promised the moon. Republicans need to look deep into what they have become, and what they will become under an incompetent fool. Kinda funny that they brag about so large a loss.

See here if you doubt. 'The Making of Donald Trump' by David Cay Johnston

"Considering all his advantages, Trump’s electoral victory should have been expected. Yet it was a stunning shock, because of his manifest personal unsuitability to hold an Office of such responsibility in a democratic polity. Below I shall explain this unsuitability in terms of several types of failure—ignorance and willful dissimulation, intolerance and the refusal to acknowledge fellow citizens as equals, and vices of political morality—inimical to the realization of democratic values. I shall suggest that the willingness of Trump voters to overlook such failures exhibited related departures from the ideal of democratic citizenship belonging to the most defensible conception of democracy." S. A. Lloyd

The Critique – A Failure Of Democracy?

No, he destroyed the neocon brand, which supposedly the left hated with a passion, but they nominated Hillary who was practically a neocon herself in terms of foreign policy and fleecing America with bad trade deals.

If you "liberals" were honest, you'd admit Trump has a lot of great ideas. But instead the left has become a pack of social justice warriors that are obsessed only with fringe issues like tranny brathroom rights and abortion-on-demand.

He's brought the Republican Party back where it belongs, common sense protectionist trade deals, and a foreign policy that isn't destabilizing the entire world, and keeping America strong and independent.
If you were being honest, you would list those "good" ideas and explain why they are good ideas and how they will work out.

If you were being honest, you would realize why the Democratic Party failed this election, instead you want to divert the issue to Trump's ideas.

Trump was dismissed by the Democratic Party as unelectable. The primaries, then the general, you laughed him and his supporters off. You were so sure of the victory that you dismissed Trump and his support. What you failed and still fail to do is see why he won. What people and why they voted for a man like Trump instead of the Clinton and her well connected liberal buddies.

They story has been told over and over, again and again. You all dismiss it and you have failed to receive or acknowledge the real reason you loss.

You will continue to make the same mistake as the Republicans that couldn't figure out how Trump won. Congrats!

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