The Left Gets Special Dispensation


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.That’s right… has been discovered that the Left, Liberals, Democrats…..and, of course, this covers the mainstream media, has a doctrine that allows all of the fabrications, misrepresentation, slanders, and bald-faced lies, that they live on.


Allah has already ordained for you the dissolution of your oaths. And Allah is your protector, and He is the Knowing, the Wise. Q’ran 66 2

Who can deny them the right authorized by the holy Q’ran.

Colloquially, we refer to this special ‘right’ as Fake News.

2. Fake news is said to have been born August 9, 2014 when MSNBC, the NYTimes, CNN, the WashingtonPost and the rest of the mainstream media all colluded to propagate the fairy tale that Michael Brown, ‘the gentle giant,’ was shot by the police as he put his hands up and begged ‘don’t shoot.’

Only one journalist, Jonathan Capehart, wrote in the Washington Post....

"Standing by my opinion that ‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ was built on a lie"
Opinion | Standing by my opinion that ‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ was built on a lie

‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Never Happened, But Networks Keep Using It

● Media Helped Spread ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Theme: Broadcast networks used the phrase, “Hands up, don’t shoot,” 140 times in protest coverage discussing the Ferguson case from Aug. 9, 2014, through March 4, 2015, the date of the Justice Department report.

● Networks Perpetuate False Claim: Despite the DOJ ruling the left’s “fact” a “myth,” the networks have continued to use the meme an additional 16 times since release of the Ferguson report.

● ABC, NBC Never Admit Expression Wasn’t True: CBS called out the “Hands up, don’t shoot” falsehood in a March 4 report saying, “Despite protests” the report found there was “no credible evidence Brown had his hands upattempting to surrender.” So have CNN, The Washington Post and even The New York Times. ABC and NBC haven’t dared to address it.

● Pop-Culture Support: The false narrative has even made its way into pop culture in television shows, professional sports and music awards shows. Entertainment media have helped promote “Hands up, don’t shoot” -- from the hit show Scandal to a Pharrell Grammy performance.

Editor’s Note: Some language in this story might be deemed offensive.

The phrase “Hands up, don’t shoot,” has come to define a movement protesting alleged mistreatment of African-Americans at the hands of police. It came from a witness account of how African-American 18-year-old Michael Brown was killed by a white police officer.

ABC, NBC and CBS used the phrase -- mostly B-roll of protesters chanting -- an incredible 140 times from the day Brown was shot to the date the Department of Justice report was released. Even after the government determined the phrase had no credibility, network journalists continued to use it an additional 16 times, most recently in coverage of the Baltimore riots and during protester attacks on citizens in Cleveland following the Brelo verdict."
‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Never Happened, But Networks Keep Using It

But....a strong argument can be made that it began far earlier.....I'll get to it, too.
“hands up, don’t shoot” was made up to further the image of “the gentile giant” which was laughable because all of America saw Brown shoving a brown immigrant and stealing cigarellos. Further, no whitnesses ever saw him “hands up”...... his hands were busy trying to reach for the officer’s gun.
“hands up, don’t shoot” was made up to further the image of “the gentile giant” which was laughable because all of America saw Brown shoving a brown immigrant and stealing cigarellos. Further, no whitnesses ever saw him “hands up”...... his hands were busy trying to reach for the officer’s gun.


The OP just explained that they're allowed to lie!!!!
3. First…let’s prove that the taqiyya media simply lie….

... the Department of Justice released a report confirming Officer Wilson's story.

From the report:

“Although there are several individuals who have stated that Brown held his hands up in an unambiguous sign of surrender prior to Wilson shooting him dead, their accounts do not support a prosecution of Wilson. As detailed throughout this report, some of those accounts are inaccurate because they are inconsistent with the physical and forensic evidence; some of those accounts are materially inconsistent with that witness’s own prior statements with no explanation, credible for otherwise, as to why those accounts changed over time. Certain other witnesses who originally stated Brown had his hands up in surrender recanted their original accounts, admitting that they did not witness the shooting or parts of it, despite what they initially reported either to federal or local law enforcement or to the media.

The DOJ report also found that, as Wilson claimed, Brown did reach inside Wilson's vehicle and strike him. The report also concluded that Brown did reach for Wilson's gun and was shot at close range in the vehicle when Wilson fought back. Conn Carroll - Department of Justice: "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" Never Happened

But….those dolts, the ‘reliable Democrat voters’ must know they’d been lied to…..

Seems no one ever taught Democrats/Liberals this rule of life:

“Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.”
4. The Left loves making up meaningless slurs....such as "....white supremacists"....playing on the fact that without the black vote, Democrats would never win a national election.'s simply more 'fake news'.....

Neither being white, nor using the term 'white supremacists,' I looked up the term.

"a person who believes that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races"


I really can't get too excited, nor see it as a pejorative, if any individual of any race sees his/her group as the very best, i.e., superior to any other group.

The proof that it is a made-up smear, a chimera....the usual strategy of the Left, is the secondary phrase in the definition..."and that white people should have control over people of other races"

Clearly this is totally bogus.

Fake news.

Or....let's see some examples of any American leaders, white, black, yellow....who demand "control over people of other races"

There are none.

QED....there is no such thing as "white supremacists."

Just one more lie by the the Lying Liberal Left.....but dolts buy it like it was on sale.
1.That’s right… has been discovered that the Left, Liberals, Democrats…..and, of course, this covers the mainstream media, has a doctrine that allows all of the fabrications, misrepresentation, slanders, and bald-faced lies, that they live on.


Allah has already ordained for you the dissolution of your oaths. And Allah is your protector, and He is the Knowing, the Wise. Q’ran 66 2

Who can deny them the right authorized by the holy Q’ran.

Colloquially, we refer to this special ‘right’ as Fake News.

2. Fake news is said to have been born August 9, 2014 when MSNBC, the NYTimes, CNN, the WashingtonPost and the rest of the mainstream media all colluded to propagate the fairy tale that Michael Brown, ‘the gentle giant,’ was shot by the police as he put his hands up and begged ‘don’t shoot.’

Only one journalist, Jonathan Capehart, wrote in the Washington Post....

"Standing by my opinion that ‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ was built on a lie"
Opinion | Standing by my opinion that ‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ was built on a lie

‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Never Happened, But Networks Keep Using It

● Media Helped Spread ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Theme: Broadcast networks used the phrase, “Hands up, don’t shoot,” 140 times in protest coverage discussing the Ferguson case from Aug. 9, 2014, through March 4, 2015, the date of the Justice Department report.

● Networks Perpetuate False Claim: Despite the DOJ ruling the left’s “fact” a “myth,” the networks have continued to use the meme an additional 16 times since release of the Ferguson report.

● ABC, NBC Never Admit Expression Wasn’t True: CBS called out the “Hands up, don’t shoot” falsehood in a March 4 report saying, “Despite protests” the report found there was “no credible evidence Brown had his hands upattempting to surrender.” So have CNN, The Washington Post and even The New York Times. ABC and NBC haven’t dared to address it.

● Pop-Culture Support: The false narrative has even made its way into pop culture in television shows, professional sports and music awards shows. Entertainment media have helped promote “Hands up, don’t shoot” -- from the hit show Scandal to a Pharrell Grammy performance.

Editor’s Note: Some language in this story might be deemed offensive.

The phrase “Hands up, don’t shoot,” has come to define a movement protesting alleged mistreatment of African-Americans at the hands of police. It came from a witness account of how African-American 18-year-old Michael Brown was killed by a white police officer.

ABC, NBC and CBS used the phrase -- mostly B-roll of protesters chanting -- an incredible 140 times from the day Brown was shot to the date the Department of Justice report was released. Even after the government determined the phrase had no credibility, network journalists continued to use it an additional 16 times, most recently in coverage of the Baltimore riots and during protester attacks on citizens in Cleveland following the Brelo verdict."
‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Never Happened, But Networks Keep Using It

But....a strong argument can be made that it began far earlier.....I'll get to it, too.
The GOP trumpanzees are such victims.
1.That’s right… has been discovered that the Left, Liberals, Democrats…..and, of course, this covers the mainstream media, has a doctrine that allows all of the fabrications, misrepresentation, slanders, and bald-faced lies, that they live on.


Allah has already ordained for you the dissolution of your oaths. And Allah is your protector, and He is the Knowing, the Wise. Q’ran 66 2

Who can deny them the right authorized by the holy Q’ran.

Colloquially, we refer to this special ‘right’ as Fake News.

2. Fake news is said to have been born August 9, 2014 when MSNBC, the NYTimes, CNN, the WashingtonPost and the rest of the mainstream media all colluded to propagate the fairy tale that Michael Brown, ‘the gentle giant,’ was shot by the police as he put his hands up and begged ‘don’t shoot.’

Only one journalist, Jonathan Capehart, wrote in the Washington Post....

"Standing by my opinion that ‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ was built on a lie"
Opinion | Standing by my opinion that ‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ was built on a lie

‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Never Happened, But Networks Keep Using It

● Media Helped Spread ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Theme: Broadcast networks used the phrase, “Hands up, don’t shoot,” 140 times in protest coverage discussing the Ferguson case from Aug. 9, 2014, through March 4, 2015, the date of the Justice Department report.

● Networks Perpetuate False Claim: Despite the DOJ ruling the left’s “fact” a “myth,” the networks have continued to use the meme an additional 16 times since release of the Ferguson report.

● ABC, NBC Never Admit Expression Wasn’t True: CBS called out the “Hands up, don’t shoot” falsehood in a March 4 report saying, “Despite protests” the report found there was “no credible evidence Brown had his hands upattempting to surrender.” So have CNN, The Washington Post and even The New York Times. ABC and NBC haven’t dared to address it.

● Pop-Culture Support: The false narrative has even made its way into pop culture in television shows, professional sports and music awards shows. Entertainment media have helped promote “Hands up, don’t shoot” -- from the hit show Scandal to a Pharrell Grammy performance.

Editor’s Note: Some language in this story might be deemed offensive.

The phrase “Hands up, don’t shoot,” has come to define a movement protesting alleged mistreatment of African-Americans at the hands of police. It came from a witness account of how African-American 18-year-old Michael Brown was killed by a white police officer.

ABC, NBC and CBS used the phrase -- mostly B-roll of protesters chanting -- an incredible 140 times from the day Brown was shot to the date the Department of Justice report was released. Even after the government determined the phrase had no credibility, network journalists continued to use it an additional 16 times, most recently in coverage of the Baltimore riots and during protester attacks on citizens in Cleveland following the Brelo verdict."
‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Never Happened, But Networks Keep Using It

But....a strong argument can be made that it began far earlier.....I'll get to it, too.
The GOP trumpanzees are such victims.

And once again a dunce verifies this adage:

What ever the Left....Democrats/ guilty of, they blame on the other side.

Race, number one.
Russian collusion, number two.
Victimology, number three

Democrats should have an award show called ‘The Night Of A Thousand Grievances’…the big winner would be ‘Victim of the Year’…they could have it on the Democrat cable channel called ‘Why Me!!!’
I've been summing it up in here with three simple words from the get-go........

dimocraps are scum

ALL of them.

Not just the elected ones.

Not just the ones in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM

Not just the ones in the Mafia-Run Unions

Not just the ones that are getting rich and sending your children out into the world without an education

Not just the Hollywood rape-culture

ALL of them.

I'm talking your brothers, sisters, your Mama, your cousins, your neighbors........

The people ruining America, the leftist/democrat complex -- CAN NOT EXIST WITHOUT THEM.
5. As I said, fake news goes back way before Michael Brown.....

Although the title is Fake News was born August 9, 2014, a strong argument can be made that its birth was far earlier.

" 1932, the New YOrk Time's Moscow correspondent, Walter Duranty, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for foreign reporting. Duranty's award-winning dispatches sang the praises of Stalin's regime and echoed Lincoln Steffen's line 'I have been over into the future, and it works!', at precisely the time when Stalin, as a matter of official Soviet policy, was starving to death more than 10 million Ukrainian kulaks who had resisted collectivization (giving up their private property to the state).

Lenin appreciated the work of people he called 'useful idiots,' like Duranty and Steffens."
Lance Morrow, "Evil: An Investigation," p. 85

The looming question is whether such useful idiots are simply dreamy Utopians....or actually knowing Janissaries of evil.

This will answer the question:

" "The novelty of this particular famine, what made it so diabolical, is that it was the deliberate creation of a bureaucratic mind, ... without any consideration whatever of the consequences in human suffering," Malcolm Muggeridge said. He was talking about the genocidal famine that swept Ukraine and the adjacent North Caucasus, two of the most abundant lands in all of Europe, in the winter of 1932 and the spring and summer of 1933.

Prominent statesmen, writers and journalists - among them French Prime Minister Edouard Herriot, George Bernard Shaw and Walter Duranty of The New York Times - were enlisted in the campaign of misinformation."
Malcolm Muggeridge on Stalin's famine (PART I) (05/29/83)

Notice, the same party is behind all of the fake news.

"Fake News" is another way to say 'despicable lies.'
The queen of fake makes another thread on misrepresentations of facts. OH the falseness of Political chick.
I've been summing it up in here with three simple words from the get-go........

dimocraps are scum

ALL of them.

Not just the elected ones.

Not just the ones in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM

Not just the ones in the Mafia-Run Unions

Not just the ones that are getting rich and sending your children out into the world without an education

Not just the Hollywood rape-culture

ALL of them.

I'm talking your brothers, sisters, your Mama, your cousins, your neighbors........

The people ruining America, the leftist/democrat complex -- CAN NOT EXIST WITHOUT THEM.

The democrats are a Marxist party. The goal of the democrats is to subvert the Constitution of the United States and establish an authoritarian socialist state.

They seek to revive the USSR inside of the Continental USA.
5. As I said, fake news goes back way before Michael Brown.....

Although the title is Fake News was born August 9, 2014, a strong argument can be made that its birth was far earlier.

" 1932, the New YOrk Time's Moscow correspondent, Walter Duranty, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for foreign reporting. Duranty's award-winning dispatches sang the praises of Stalin's regime and echoed Lincoln Steffen's line 'I have been over into the future, and it works!', at precisely the time when Stalin, as a matter of official Soviet policy, was starving to death more than 10 million Ukrainian kulaks who had resisted collectivization (giving up their private property to the state).

Lenin appreciated the work of people he called 'useful idiots,' like Duranty and Steffens."
Lance Morrow, "Evil: An Investigation," p. 85

The looming question is whether such useful idiots are simply dreamy Utopians....or actually knowing Janissaries of evil.

This will answer the question:

" "The novelty of this particular famine, what made it so diabolical, is that it was the deliberate creation of a bureaucratic mind, ... without any consideration whatever of the consequences in human suffering," Malcolm Muggeridge said. He was talking about the genocidal famine that swept Ukraine and the adjacent North Caucasus, two of the most abundant lands in all of Europe, in the winter of 1932 and the spring and summer of 1933.

Prominent statesmen, writers and journalists - among them French Prime Minister Edouard Herriot, George Bernard Shaw and Walter Duranty of The New York Times - were enlisted in the campaign of misinformation."
Malcolm Muggeridge on Stalin's famine (PART I) (05/29/83)

Notice, the same party is behind all of the fake news.

"Fake News" is another way to say 'despicable lies.'

Remember that the NY Times are holocaust deniers as well.

Yes, they apologized 30 years later, but why would ANYONE trust a "news" source that covered up one of the greatest crimes in history?
The queen of fake makes another thread on misrepresentations of facts. OH the falseness of Political chick.

It's 'chic,' you dunce, not chick.

Somehow, government school grads like you never learned that claiming some smear is the same as proving it.

Since my posts are always 100% true, accurate and correct, your empty attempt at proving akin to verifying what I say.

You're simply too dumb to understand how you've put your foot in your mouth.
I've been summing it up in here with three simple words from the get-go........

dimocraps are scum

ALL of them.

Not just the elected ones.

Not just the ones in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM

Not just the ones in the Mafia-Run Unions

Not just the ones that are getting rich and sending your children out into the world without an education

Not just the Hollywood rape-culture

ALL of them.

I'm talking your brothers, sisters, your Mama, your cousins, your neighbors........

The people ruining America, the leftist/democrat complex -- CAN NOT EXIST WITHOUT THEM.

The democrats are a Marxist party. The goal of the democrats is to subvert the Constitution of the United States and establish an authoritarian socialist state.

They seek to revive the USSR inside of the Continental USA.

Now....wait a mo......

If the Democrats were the Marxists, they would have done what the Marxists taught the Nazis to do.....built concentration camps for their own citizens.....


....they did, didn't they.
It's 'chic,' you dunce, not chick.

Which proves that he hasn't got a clue how to pronounce it or what it means.

Take a few minutes out of your life and read some of this. I think you'll like it.

Tom Wolfe on Radical Chic and Leonard Bernstein's Party for the Black Panthers -- New York Magazine

Take a look at his 'Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers' if you're in the mood some day

I am aware that Bernstein was a boot-licking Liberal.

I am a member of Green-Wood Cemetery, where he is buried, and make it a point never to stop by his grave.

The Fake News never stops lying.

6. "A new report ties Fusion GPS to a flawed (but sensational) story claiming nefarious ties between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank, which Hillary Clinton’s campaign immediately used to attack Republican nominee Donald Trump a week before the 2016 election.

On October 31, 2016, Slate’s Franklin Foer wrote a story alleging secret communications between Trump’s company and Russian bank Alfa. Foer’s story cited a group of computer scientists who claimed to have proof of server pings between Alfa’s server and a Trump hotel server. Foer’s piece argued that the server pings represented a secret line of communication between Trump and the Russians.

That story, which failed to pass follow-up media scrutiny, originated with Fusion GPS, The Washington Times reported on Sunday.

“Fusion pushed the story that a special email server existed between Trump Tower and Moscow’s Alfa bank,” as part of the group’s efforts to plant anti-Trump stories in the media, the Times reported." Fusion GPS Tied To Story Used By Clinton Campaign To Attack Trump Week Before The Election
Political chick you really need to get a new propaganda minister. Your shit is getting really repetitive.
Political chick you really need to get a new propaganda minister. Your shit is getting really repetitive.

You bring nothing to the table: in the role of a poster, you are a beggar.

Why are you unable to post like an adult, without vulgarity, and with a substantive post???

I'm getting so tired of the feeble and ignorant.

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