The Left didn't learn a GD thing


Gold Member
Mar 11, 2016
Obama's speech about how great things are (especially race relations - are you fucking kidding me?), The Hollyweird tards spouting off at every opportunity (between yoga class and plastic surgery sessions), the Democrats hanging a painting depicting cops as pigs shooting blacks, and on and on.

They didn't learn despite getting clobbered (outside the country of California at least) by the "Orange Clown" - how dense can you be? YOU GOT BEAT BY TRUMP. If that isn't a wake up call, what the hell will be????
Obama's speech about how great things are (especially race relations - are you fucking kidding me?), The Hollyweird tards spouting off at every opportunity (between yoga class and plastic surgery sessions), the Democrats hanging a painting depicting cops as pigs shooting blacks, and on and on.

They didn't learn despite getting clobbered (outside the country of California at least) by the "Orange Clown" - how dense can you be? YOU GOT BEAT BY TRUMP. If that isn't a wake up call, what the hell will be????

That's a great question...

My money is on; when Donald Duck beats them again in 2020; perhaps after that they'll get their shit together and dump all the PC, gub'mint worshiping, "progressive" nonsense that got 'em in this fix in the first place.
If that isn't a wake up call, what the hell will be????

They are of the same mindset as the collectivists/statists throughout history. If the atrocities and disastrous results of central planners of the past didn't wake them up, NOTHING WILL.

I respectfully suggest it would be foolish to hope any of today's group thinkers will be any different. They'll not wake up, they'll not learn a thing. What was true in the past is true today: they value intention over results and they're absolutely 100% sure they know what's best for everyone else.

Remain vigilant.
Well, the Democratic candidate did get more votes than anyone else; by a very wide margin. In a year of an election cycle that has historically been unkind to the party that holds the Oval Office. I believe that, in and of itself, is unprecedented; winning the popular vote in the “defense” year of a 2 term President.

Democrats did pick up seats in both the US Senate and the US House of Representatives.

Seems like they did a decent job to me. That none of it resulted in a majority or winning the Oval diminishes the accomplishment of course.
LMAO this whole thread is redundant
Leftists cant even learn to piss before they go to bed.
Maybe they did learn something....

'If you can't beat them - join them':

Democrats ponder running a celebrity candidate in 2020 - Hot Air



Snowflakes still don't get it, though. 'Trump' was not about running a CELEBRITY. 'Trump was more of a 'phenomenon' - it was about running someone who was NOT a Washington Establishment Politician / Washington Insider because Americans were tired of all their BS. Trump was loud, forward, straight to the point, and willing to call a turd a turd. He was against status quo - most politicians are FOR the status quo, even the GOP, which is why you saw some of them oppose Trump.

Finding a celebrity will not give Liberals the same draw Trump got - it has to be the RIGHT celebrity. After Trump, however, I feel Americans might be back to wanting a good, qualified, politician, not another 'celebrity'.
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Don't try and awaken them from the nightmare.

It was the russians bed wetters, and they hide in your closet to get you while you're sleeping.

That being said it also remains to be seen if the right learned their lesson, because Trump also kicked their ass. My guess: No.
That being said it also remains to be seen if the right learned their lesson, because Trump also kicked their ass. My guess: No.
Yeah well they didn't seem to learn anything after 8 years of being Bushwhacked so I doubt anything is going to change with the right; they'll do what they always do, talk a good game and then go right on making government bigger, more expensive and more intrusive.
Well, if either party learned anything…it should be this. Promise whatever sounds good. Worked for Trump. Americans are in a buying mood (or at least were for this election cycle).
Well, if either party learned anything…it should be this. Promise whatever sounds good. Worked for Trump. Americans are in a buying mood (or at least were for this election cycle).

There is a sucker born every minute
Well, if either party learned anything…it should be this. Promise whatever sounds good. Worked for Trump. Americans are in a buying mood (or at least were for this election cycle).

Yeah just like every other Presidential Election in modern history, from BOTH major political parties candidates.

"If you tell them what they want to hear, they don't bother to try to see." -- Libba Bray, A Great and Terrible Beauty
As predicted, the left did their two days of "soul searching", then concluded nothing is wrong with their policies or leaders and bought into the lie that the election was "stolen" from them.

They will only dig their heels in and continue their anti-American ways. They will continue their Agenda of being anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-capitalist, and pro-Islam, pro-Marxist, and promoting the "rights" of sexual deviants to do whatever they want.
Well, if either party learned anything…it should be this. Promise whatever sounds good. Worked for Trump. Americans are in a buying mood (or at least were for this election cycle).

Yeah just like every other Presidential Election in modern history, from BOTH major political parties candidates.

"If you tell them what they want to hear, they don't bother to try to see." -- Libba Bray, A Great and Terrible Beauty

No. HRC ran a realistic campaign; one time taking heat from the left for not pushing for a $15 MW. Hers was an idea for a $12 MW. She thought it was more “realistic” but had to come out and say that if that came across her desk—the bill for $15 MW—“of course I would sign it.”

She should have promised a $20 MW and just said the plan would be “terrific” whenever asked.
Well, the Democratic candidate did get more votes than anyone else; by a very wide margin.

Come on.... The Left Coast had at least a 3 hr. warning that Hillary would lose the election by electoral vote in spite of the popular vote being close. They simply flooded the polling precincts and padded her numbers in hopes they could make a difference in the popular vote total, which they did by less than she won California by. Since then, you dishonest lying hacks have exploited this to try and delegitimize the election and Trump's win.

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