The left attack Trump for claiming democrat voter fraud, which there is. The left claim Trump voter fraud which there isn't.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Some examples that turned to be actual voter fraud...

Dead people voting in Colorado.

A CBS affiliate’s evidence of voter fraud in Colorado in September sparked an immediate investigation by Secretary of State Wayne Williams. A report in Denver exposed multiple incidents in recent years where dead Coloradans were still voting. A dead World War II veteran named John Grosso voted in a 2006 primary election, and a woman named Sara Sosa who died in 2009 cast ballots in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Mrs. Sosa’s husband Miguel died in 2008, but a vote was cast in his name one year later.

Some Pennsylvania citizens voting twice.

Last year, Pennsylvania’s secretary of state admitted data showed more than 700 Democrat Pennsylvania voters might have cast two ballots in recent elections, yet said she’s powerless to investigate or prosecute double voters.

Nearly 43,000 voters in Pennsylvania had potentially duplicate registrations in either Pennsylvania or other states, data researcher Voter Registration Data Crosscheck found.

Illegal voters uncovered in Philadelphia; half had previously voted.

At least 86 non-citizens have been registered voters in Philadelphia since 2013, and almost half of them have cast a ballot in a recent election, watchdog Public Interest Legal Foundation noted this month. The number was only turned up after officials received specific requests from the voters themselves to remove their names from the rolls.

“This is just the tip of the iceberg,” Joseph Vanderhulst, the watchdog’s attorney, told LifeZette on Oct. 5. “Who knows how many are on and don’t ask to be taken off?”

Indiana voter fraud investigation grows to 56 counties.

According to a local news report, Indiana State Police are in the midst of a statewide investigation into possible voter registration fraud.

“Police believe there could be hundreds of fraudulent voter registration records with different combinations of made up names and addresses with people’s real information,” NBC 12 reported.

The police encourage victims of suspected voter fraud to report it to Indiana’s secretary of state.

Voter registration cards sent to illegals in Pennsylvania

In September, the secretary of state’s office in Pennsylvania mailed about 2.5 million voter registration postcards to people who are not registered voters, but are licensed drivers. Secretary of State Pedro Cortes admitted to the House of Representatives that seven people had reported that they received voter registration cards in error, self-reporting.

State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, a Butler County Republican who chairs the State Government Committee, said in September testimony that there’s several problem’s with the state’s voter registration system.

No evidence of collusion as the cnn dick tries presenting leading questions in a desperate attempt to get the expert to say there is evidence.

No evidence. Nothing nada zip zilch

Back to blaming Trump for taking the coronavirus lightly.

Another proven lie of the treasonous media.

Some examples that turned to be actual voter fraud...

Dead people voting in Colorado.

A CBS affiliate’s evidence of voter fraud in Colorado in September sparked an immediate investigation by Secretary of State Wayne Williams. A report in Denver exposed multiple incidents in recent years where dead Coloradans were still voting. A dead World War II veteran named John Grosso voted in a 2006 primary election, and a woman named Sara Sosa who died in 2009 cast ballots in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Mrs. Sosa’s husband Miguel died in 2008, but a vote was cast in his name one year later.

Some Pennsylvania citizens voting twice.

Last year, Pennsylvania’s secretary of state admitted data showed more than 700 Democrat Pennsylvania voters might have cast two ballots in recent elections, yet said she’s powerless to investigate or prosecute double voters.

Nearly 43,000 voters in Pennsylvania had potentially duplicate registrations in either Pennsylvania or other states, data researcher Voter Registration Data Crosscheck found.

Illegal voters uncovered in Philadelphia; half had previously voted.

At least 86 non-citizens have been registered voters in Philadelphia since 2013, and almost half of them have cast a ballot in a recent election, watchdog Public Interest Legal Foundation noted this month. The number was only turned up after officials received specific requests from the voters themselves to remove their names from the rolls.

“This is just the tip of the iceberg,” Joseph Vanderhulst, the watchdog’s attorney, told LifeZette on Oct. 5. “Who knows how many are on and don’t ask to be taken off?”

Indiana voter fraud investigation grows to 56 counties.

According to a local news report, Indiana State Police are in the midst of a statewide investigation into possible voter registration fraud.

“Police believe there could be hundreds of fraudulent voter registration records with different combinations of made up names and addresses with people’s real information,” NBC 12 reported.

The police encourage victims of suspected voter fraud to report it to Indiana’s secretary of state.

Voter registration cards sent to illegals in Pennsylvania

In September, the secretary of state’s office in Pennsylvania mailed about 2.5 million voter registration postcards to people who are not registered voters, but are licensed drivers. Secretary of State Pedro Cortes admitted to the House of Representatives that seven people had reported that they received voter registration cards in error, self-reporting.

State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, a Butler County Republican who chairs the State Government Committee, said in September testimony that there’s several problem’s with the state’s voter registration system.

No evidence of collusion as the cnn dick tries presenting leading questions in a desperate attempt to get the expert to say there is evidence.

No evidence. Nothing nada zip zilch

Back to blaming Trump for taking the coronavirus lightly.

Another proven lie of the treasonous media.

You missed the judge of elections in PA sitting in a voting booth all day filling out ballots for 3 years. Was not caught till they found out there was 20 percent more votes for democrats then there were registered democrat voters. If it is that easy to cheat at the ballot box how easy will it be in the mail? Oh and btw that judge of elections did that for a $2500 bribe. What these democrats willing to do for 250k? 2.5 million?
And you forgot the biggest voter fraud in history. The Democrats superdelegate system in their primary. I mean they willing to rob their own voters what they willing to do to Republicans?
Evidence of significant voter fraud is sparse and shakey. Evidence of Trump's mismanaging response to COVID19 is overwhelming.

^^^^^^^^none whatsoever

I am old-----I remember something called a
PLATFORM-----presented at the Party Conventions.
Yesterdays DNC??? no platform other than -----
1001 ways to hate Donald Trump
Evidence of significant voter fraud is sparse and shakey. Evidence of Trump's mismanaging response to COVID19 is overwhelming.
Monday morning quarterbacking. And baseless allegations are not evidence. Not seen a single suggestion from the Democrats on how they would of handled the virus better. They want you to believe that both the economy and the Virus would of been better. Where is their ideas? They just say they would do something and do not deliver. I mean it does not surprise me they been doing that to minorities for decades.
The positions of the two Parties on this issue really tell you all you need to know about voting by mail.

The Democrats claim, falsely, that in-person voting is dangerous and impractical, and are pushing vote-by-mail as aggressively as possible. The MSM continues to exaggerate the dangers of Covid 19, in the hope of furthering the myth that voting in person will be either too time-consuming, or too dangerous to do.

Republicans point to the science that indicates that voting in person is safe, as well as the relative reliability of voting in person.

Both parties know that massive vote-by-mail will result in delayed counts, lost votes, duplicate votes, and numerous challenges as results come trickling in long after Election Day. Democrats will engage in massive efforts at "Vote Harvesting" by which it can influence the outcomes in many vulnerable communities and facilities where eligible voters reside. It is presumed that there will be court challenges in states where the margin of victory is less than the potential fraud, which will delay the certification of the election until after the schedule Inauguration Day, unless the election turns out to be a landslide, which no knowledgeable person expects.

Democrats always support initiatives that make fraud more likely. Always.
Some examples that turned to be actual voter fraud...

Dead people voting in Colorado.

A CBS affiliate’s evidence of voter fraud in Colorado in September sparked an immediate investigation by Secretary of State Wayne Williams. A report in Denver exposed multiple incidents in recent years where dead Coloradans were still voting. A dead World War II veteran named John Grosso voted in a 2006 primary election, and a woman named Sara Sosa who died in 2009 cast ballots in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Mrs. Sosa’s husband Miguel died in 2008, but a vote was cast in his name one year later.

Some Pennsylvania citizens voting twice.

Last year, Pennsylvania’s secretary of state admitted data showed more than 700 Democrat Pennsylvania voters might have cast two ballots in recent elections, yet said she’s powerless to investigate or prosecute double voters.

Nearly 43,000 voters in Pennsylvania had potentially duplicate registrations in either Pennsylvania or other states, data researcher Voter Registration Data Crosscheck found.

Illegal voters uncovered in Philadelphia; half had previously voted.

At least 86 non-citizens have been registered voters in Philadelphia since 2013, and almost half of them have cast a ballot in a recent election, watchdog Public Interest Legal Foundation noted this month. The number was only turned up after officials received specific requests from the voters themselves to remove their names from the rolls.

“This is just the tip of the iceberg,” Joseph Vanderhulst, the watchdog’s attorney, told LifeZette on Oct. 5. “Who knows how many are on and don’t ask to be taken off?”

Indiana voter fraud investigation grows to 56 counties.

According to a local news report, Indiana State Police are in the midst of a statewide investigation into possible voter registration fraud.

“Police believe there could be hundreds of fraudulent voter registration records with different combinations of made up names and addresses with people’s real information,” NBC 12 reported.

The police encourage victims of suspected voter fraud to report it to Indiana’s secretary of state.

Voter registration cards sent to illegals in Pennsylvania

In September, the secretary of state’s office in Pennsylvania mailed about 2.5 million voter registration postcards to people who are not registered voters, but are licensed drivers. Secretary of State Pedro Cortes admitted to the House of Representatives that seven people had reported that they received voter registration cards in error, self-reporting.

State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, a Butler County Republican who chairs the State Government Committee, said in September testimony that there’s several problem’s with the state’s voter registration system.

No evidence of collusion as the cnn dick tries presenting leading questions in a desperate attempt to get the expert to say there is evidence.

No evidence. Nothing nada zip zilch

Back to blaming Trump for taking the coronavirus lightly.

Another proven lie of the treasonous media.

Good for all that digging for worms, you found some one offs...which no one is denying. But, it isn't widespread. And mail in voting has been used for decades. The Colorado SOS was just on this morning talking about it.

As far as Indiana goes, your link isn't any good. The biggest story on that I could find was this. Hardly evidence it is rampant.

Your Pennsylvania link seems to be 3 years old (2017)
Look, I get it. It must be scary to think that Democrats could run the table in November and your side of the aisle will be on its knees for the next couple of years or so. But all of Trump's efforts and all the right wing media play up is just a visual form of voter suppression and an attempt to undermine and steal the election. Mail-in voting removes the voter suppression avenue from Republicans. And let's face it, there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud. No matter how many one-offs you dig up.
Some examples that turned to be actual voter fraud...

Dead people voting in Colorado.

A CBS affiliate’s evidence of voter fraud in Colorado in September sparked an immediate investigation by Secretary of State Wayne Williams. A report in Denver exposed multiple incidents in recent years where dead Coloradans were still voting. A dead World War II veteran named John Grosso voted in a 2006 primary election, and a woman named Sara Sosa who died in 2009 cast ballots in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Mrs. Sosa’s husband Miguel died in 2008, but a vote was cast in his name one year later.

Some Pennsylvania citizens voting twice.

Last year, Pennsylvania’s secretary of state admitted data showed more than 700 Democrat Pennsylvania voters might have cast two ballots in recent elections, yet said she’s powerless to investigate or prosecute double voters.

Nearly 43,000 voters in Pennsylvania had potentially duplicate registrations in either Pennsylvania or other states, data researcher Voter Registration Data Crosscheck found.

Illegal voters uncovered in Philadelphia; half had previously voted.

At least 86 non-citizens have been registered voters in Philadelphia since 2013, and almost half of them have cast a ballot in a recent election, watchdog Public Interest Legal Foundation noted this month. The number was only turned up after officials received specific requests from the voters themselves to remove their names from the rolls.

“This is just the tip of the iceberg,” Joseph Vanderhulst, the watchdog’s attorney, told LifeZette on Oct. 5. “Who knows how many are on and don’t ask to be taken off?”

Indiana voter fraud investigation grows to 56 counties.

According to a local news report, Indiana State Police are in the midst of a statewide investigation into possible voter registration fraud.

“Police believe there could be hundreds of fraudulent voter registration records with different combinations of made up names and addresses with people’s real information,” NBC 12 reported.

The police encourage victims of suspected voter fraud to report it to Indiana’s secretary of state.

Voter registration cards sent to illegals in Pennsylvania

In September, the secretary of state’s office in Pennsylvania mailed about 2.5 million voter registration postcards to people who are not registered voters, but are licensed drivers. Secretary of State Pedro Cortes admitted to the House of Representatives that seven people had reported that they received voter registration cards in error, self-reporting.

State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, a Butler County Republican who chairs the State Government Committee, said in September testimony that there’s several problem’s with the state’s voter registration system.

No evidence of collusion as the cnn dick tries presenting leading questions in a desperate attempt to get the expert to say there is evidence.

No evidence. Nothing nada zip zilch

Back to blaming Trump for taking the coronavirus lightly.

Another proven lie of the treasonous media.

Good for all that digging for worms, you found some one offs...which no one is denying. But, it isn't widespread. And mail in voting has been used for decades. The Colorado SOS was just on this morning talking about it.

As far as Indiana goes, your link isn't any good. The biggest story on that I could find was this. Hardly evidence it is rampant.

Your Pennsylvania link seems to be 3 years old (2017)
Look, I get it. It must be scary to think that Democrats could run the table in November and your side of the aisle will be on its knees for the next couple of years or so. But all of Trump's efforts and all the right wing media play up is just a visual form of voter suppression and an attempt to undermine and steal the election. Mail-in voting removes the voter suppression avenue from Republicans. And let's face it, there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud. No matter how many one-offs you dig up.

"Good for all that digging for worms, you found some one offs...which no one is denying. But, it isn't widespread. And mail in voting has been used for decades. The Colorado"

You have no idea if this is true or not.
Some examples that turned to be actual voter fraud...

Dead people voting in Colorado.

A CBS affiliate’s evidence of voter fraud in Colorado in September sparked an immediate investigation by Secretary of State Wayne Williams. A report in Denver exposed multiple incidents in recent years where dead Coloradans were still voting. A dead World War II veteran named John Grosso voted in a 2006 primary election, and a woman named Sara Sosa who died in 2009 cast ballots in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Mrs. Sosa’s husband Miguel died in 2008, but a vote was cast in his name one year later.

Some Pennsylvania citizens voting twice.

Last year, Pennsylvania’s secretary of state admitted data showed more than 700 Democrat Pennsylvania voters might have cast two ballots in recent elections, yet said she’s powerless to investigate or prosecute double voters.

Nearly 43,000 voters in Pennsylvania had potentially duplicate registrations in either Pennsylvania or other states, data researcher Voter Registration Data Crosscheck found.

Illegal voters uncovered in Philadelphia; half had previously voted.

At least 86 non-citizens have been registered voters in Philadelphia since 2013, and almost half of them have cast a ballot in a recent election, watchdog Public Interest Legal Foundation noted this month. The number was only turned up after officials received specific requests from the voters themselves to remove their names from the rolls.

“This is just the tip of the iceberg,” Joseph Vanderhulst, the watchdog’s attorney, told LifeZette on Oct. 5. “Who knows how many are on and don’t ask to be taken off?”

Indiana voter fraud investigation grows to 56 counties.

According to a local news report, Indiana State Police are in the midst of a statewide investigation into possible voter registration fraud.

“Police believe there could be hundreds of fraudulent voter registration records with different combinations of made up names and addresses with people’s real information,” NBC 12 reported.

The police encourage victims of suspected voter fraud to report it to Indiana’s secretary of state.

Voter registration cards sent to illegals in Pennsylvania

In September, the secretary of state’s office in Pennsylvania mailed about 2.5 million voter registration postcards to people who are not registered voters, but are licensed drivers. Secretary of State Pedro Cortes admitted to the House of Representatives that seven people had reported that they received voter registration cards in error, self-reporting.

State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, a Butler County Republican who chairs the State Government Committee, said in September testimony that there’s several problem’s with the state’s voter registration system.

No evidence of collusion as the cnn dick tries presenting leading questions in a desperate attempt to get the expert to say there is evidence.

No evidence. Nothing nada zip zilch

Back to blaming Trump for taking the coronavirus lightly.

Another proven lie of the treasonous media.

Good for all that digging for worms, you found some one offs...which no one is denying. But, it isn't widespread. And mail in voting has been used for decades. The Colorado SOS was just on this morning talking about it.

As far as Indiana goes, your link isn't any good. The biggest story on that I could find was this. Hardly evidence it is rampant.

Your Pennsylvania link seems to be 3 years old (2017)
Look, I get it. It must be scary to think that Democrats could run the table in November and your side of the aisle will be on its knees for the next couple of years or so. But all of Trump's efforts and all the right wing media play up is just a visual form of voter suppression and an attempt to undermine and steal the election. Mail-in voting removes the voter suppression avenue from Republicans. And let's face it, there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud. No matter how many one-offs you dig up.

the Kung can serve to facilitate voting fraud-----if it can be done-----some thugs will figure out how to DO IT
Some examples that turned to be actual voter fraud...

Dead people voting in Colorado.

A CBS affiliate’s evidence of voter fraud in Colorado in September sparked an immediate investigation by Secretary of State Wayne Williams. A report in Denver exposed multiple incidents in recent years where dead Coloradans were still voting. A dead World War II veteran named John Grosso voted in a 2006 primary election, and a woman named Sara Sosa who died in 2009 cast ballots in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Mrs. Sosa’s husband Miguel died in 2008, but a vote was cast in his name one year later.

Some Pennsylvania citizens voting twice.

Last year, Pennsylvania’s secretary of state admitted data showed more than 700 Democrat Pennsylvania voters might have cast two ballots in recent elections, yet said she’s powerless to investigate or prosecute double voters.

Nearly 43,000 voters in Pennsylvania had potentially duplicate registrations in either Pennsylvania or other states, data researcher Voter Registration Data Crosscheck found.

Illegal voters uncovered in Philadelphia; half had previously voted.

At least 86 non-citizens have been registered voters in Philadelphia since 2013, and almost half of them have cast a ballot in a recent election, watchdog Public Interest Legal Foundation noted this month. The number was only turned up after officials received specific requests from the voters themselves to remove their names from the rolls.

“This is just the tip of the iceberg,” Joseph Vanderhulst, the watchdog’s attorney, told LifeZette on Oct. 5. “Who knows how many are on and don’t ask to be taken off?”

Indiana voter fraud investigation grows to 56 counties.

According to a local news report, Indiana State Police are in the midst of a statewide investigation into possible voter registration fraud.

“Police believe there could be hundreds of fraudulent voter registration records with different combinations of made up names and addresses with people’s real information,” NBC 12 reported.

The police encourage victims of suspected voter fraud to report it to Indiana’s secretary of state.

Voter registration cards sent to illegals in Pennsylvania

In September, the secretary of state’s office in Pennsylvania mailed about 2.5 million voter registration postcards to people who are not registered voters, but are licensed drivers. Secretary of State Pedro Cortes admitted to the House of Representatives that seven people had reported that they received voter registration cards in error, self-reporting.

State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, a Butler County Republican who chairs the State Government Committee, said in September testimony that there’s several problem’s with the state’s voter registration system.

No evidence of collusion as the cnn dick tries presenting leading questions in a desperate attempt to get the expert to say there is evidence.

No evidence. Nothing nada zip zilch

Back to blaming Trump for taking the coronavirus lightly.

Another proven lie of the treasonous media.

Good for all that digging for worms, you found some one offs...which no one is denying. But, it isn't widespread. And mail in voting has been used for decades. The Colorado SOS was just on this morning talking about it.

As far as Indiana goes, your link isn't any good. The biggest story on that I could find was this. Hardly evidence it is rampant.

Your Pennsylvania link seems to be 3 years old (2017)
Look, I get it. It must be scary to think that Democrats could run the table in November and your side of the aisle will be on its knees for the next couple of years or so. But all of Trump's efforts and all the right wing media play up is just a visual form of voter suppression and an attempt to undermine and steal the election. Mail-in voting removes the voter suppression avenue from Republicans. And let's face it, there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud. No matter how many one-offs you dig up.

Uhhh, the last elections were what, 4 years ago and it is an article reporting about voter fraud from that election.

It's nice though that a brainwashed brain dead yapping MONKEY like you cried for 3 years over the phantom collusion.

Hypocrisy at it's finest again loser.
Evidence of significant voter fraud is sparse and shakey. Evidence of Trump's mismanaging response to COVID19 is overwhelming.
Monday morning quarterbacking. And baseless allegations are not evidence. Not seen a single suggestion from the Democrats on how they would of handled the virus better. They want you to believe that both the economy and the Virus would of been better. Where is their ideas? They just say they would do something and do not deliver. I mean it does not surprise me they been doing that to minorities for decades.
Nonsense, pressure on Trump to follow steps taken by many other countries successfully combating COVID 19 have been ignored and still are.
Evidence of significant voter fraud is sparse and shakey. Evidence of Trump's mismanaging response to COVID19 is overwhelming.
Monday morning quarterbacking. And baseless allegations are not evidence. Not seen a single suggestion from the Democrats on how they would of handled the virus better. They want you to believe that both the economy and the Virus would of been better. Where is their ideas? They just say they would do something and do not deliver. I mean it does not surprise me they been doing that to minorities for decades.
Nonsense, pressure on Trump to follow steps taken by many other countries successfully combating COVID 19 have been ignored and still are.
Red states combined compared to NY , is embarrassing,, you democrats are killing people
Evidence of significant voter fraud is sparse and shakey. Evidence of Trump's mismanaging response to COVID19 is overwhelming.
Monday morning quarterbacking. And baseless allegations are not evidence. Not seen a single suggestion from the Democrats on how they would of handled the virus better. They want you to believe that both the economy and the Virus would of been better. Where is their ideas? They just say they would do something and do not deliver. I mean it does not surprise me they been doing that to minorities for decades.
Nonsense, pressure on Trump to follow steps taken by many other countries successfully combating COVID 19 have been ignored and still are.
Explain why we are doing better then ANY country if you look at RED STATES. I mean we are only 8th in deaths per capita in the world. Without the BLUE states we would not even be in the top 30. There is mishandling and mistakes being made and most of them are BY THE DEMOCRATS. Because they care more about votes then the people.
Some examples that turned to be actual voter fraud...

Dead people voting in Colorado.

A CBS affiliate’s evidence of voter fraud in Colorado in September sparked an immediate investigation by Secretary of State Wayne Williams. A report in Denver exposed multiple incidents in recent years where dead Coloradans were still voting. A dead World War II veteran named John Grosso voted in a 2006 primary election, and a woman named Sara Sosa who died in 2009 cast ballots in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Mrs. Sosa’s husband Miguel died in 2008, but a vote was cast in his name one year later.

Some Pennsylvania citizens voting twice.

Last year, Pennsylvania’s secretary of state admitted data showed more than 700 Democrat Pennsylvania voters might have cast two ballots in recent elections, yet said she’s powerless to investigate or prosecute double voters.

Nearly 43,000 voters in Pennsylvania had potentially duplicate registrations in either Pennsylvania or other states, data researcher Voter Registration Data Crosscheck found.

Illegal voters uncovered in Philadelphia; half had previously voted.

At least 86 non-citizens have been registered voters in Philadelphia since 2013, and almost half of them have cast a ballot in a recent election, watchdog Public Interest Legal Foundation noted this month. The number was only turned up after officials received specific requests from the voters themselves to remove their names from the rolls.

“This is just the tip of the iceberg,” Joseph Vanderhulst, the watchdog’s attorney, told LifeZette on Oct. 5. “Who knows how many are on and don’t ask to be taken off?”

Indiana voter fraud investigation grows to 56 counties.

According to a local news report, Indiana State Police are in the midst of a statewide investigation into possible voter registration fraud.

“Police believe there could be hundreds of fraudulent voter registration records with different combinations of made up names and addresses with people’s real information,” NBC 12 reported.

The police encourage victims of suspected voter fraud to report it to Indiana’s secretary of state.

Voter registration cards sent to illegals in Pennsylvania

In September, the secretary of state’s office in Pennsylvania mailed about 2.5 million voter registration postcards to people who are not registered voters, but are licensed drivers. Secretary of State Pedro Cortes admitted to the House of Representatives that seven people had reported that they received voter registration cards in error, self-reporting.

State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, a Butler County Republican who chairs the State Government Committee, said in September testimony that there’s several problem’s with the state’s voter registration system.

No evidence of collusion as the cnn dick tries presenting leading questions in a desperate attempt to get the expert to say there is evidence.

No evidence. Nothing nada zip zilch

Back to blaming Trump for taking the coronavirus lightly.

Another proven lie of the treasonous media.

Good for all that digging for worms, you found some one offs...which no one is denying. But, it isn't widespread. And mail in voting has been used for decades. The Colorado SOS was just on this morning talking about it.

As far as Indiana goes, your link isn't any good. The biggest story on that I could find was this. Hardly evidence it is rampant.

Your Pennsylvania link seems to be 3 years old (2017)
Look, I get it. It must be scary to think that Democrats could run the table in November and your side of the aisle will be on its knees for the next couple of years or so. But all of Trump's efforts and all the right wing media play up is just a visual form of voter suppression and an attempt to undermine and steal the election. Mail-in voting removes the voter suppression avenue from Republicans. And let's face it, there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud. No matter how many one-offs you dig up.

Uhhh, the last elections were what, 4 years ago and it is an article reporting about voter fraud from that election.

It's nice though that a brainwashed brain dead yapping MONKEY like you cried for 3 years over the phantom collusion.

Hypocrisy at it's finest again loser.

So basically, it doesn't apply. As I recall, Trump won in 2016. So you're going back to try and prove something that had no bearing on that election in the first place? Voter fraud is not rampant and widespread. This is just a way to try and rig the election.

Honestly, just get over the fact that your hero is corrupt. So far, he's been lucky to have skated on what's been brought against him. But luck, eventually runs out.
The blob appointed a commission. It found no significant voter fraud. Because there is none.
Thats a lie---I saw it first hand in south carolina with Obama first election...3 different black women on 3 different occassions said that they could work in my county because they had voted in my county-----------they also voted in Richland county the same year. Voter fraud is wide spread..............
Lol yeah lucky. Hillary Clinton was not luck it was just skill with the destroying subpoenaed evidence(still wonder why she not in jail for that it is illegal after all) or having her husband meet the AG on the tarmac and somehow twist it to make everyone believe he was there to chit chat about the children. And about 2 dozen people involved in the Russia investigation that was the biggest attempted fraud against the American voter in history that still have not been brought to justice was not luck it was skill.

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