The last thing the democrats and establishment GOP want


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
Why Election Integrity Matters - American Thinker

If you’ve ever read Lord of the Flies, The Rise and the Fall of the Third Reich, or 1984, you understand the threat to life and limb from unrestrained power. Lord Acton distilled the danger down to a simple phrase: “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Our Founding Fathers knew that which is why they crafted for us the Constitution, the greatest document ever written by men. With H.R. 1, the Democrats will destroy our rights under that document.

The Founders built into the Constitution a variety of checks and balances on government as a whole and its branch of government to ensure they never accumulated too much power. They gave us the Connecticut Compromise, which balanced representation between large and small states, with two Senators elected from each state and Congressmen being elected based on population; the Legislature, which passes laws, and the Executive, which implements them; and the hugely significant Massachusetts Compromise, which created the ultimate check on government power, the Bill of Rights, which explicitly articulated individual rights upon which the government could not infringe.

Finally, in what was likely the most groundbreaking element of any constitution ever written, the Founding Fathers explicitly limited the government’s powers with the 9th and 10th Amendments. The former stated that the Constitution’s enumeration of certain rights did not preclude the existence of others not addressed, while the latter stated that the federal government had only those powers given and any not given to it were reserved for states or the people.

Extraordinary students of history and men, Madison, Adams, Franklin, et al., understood man’s nature and built a Constitution specifically crafted to counter that nature. It wasn’t a perfect document -- and had a tool for addressing imperfections built into it -- but it largely worked well for 233 years and allowed the United States to develop into the strongest and most powerful nation in the history of mankind.

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Specifically, the Founder’s Constitution worked because – by design – it was insulated from men’s passions. The Senate’s staggered six-year terms balanced the House’s biennial elections – and, originally, the states appointed Senators while the people elected Congressmen. Presidents were elected every four years and Justices were appointed for life. For each office, the Constitution explicitly limited their powers.

Incredibly, while the Founders knew nothing about cars, televisions, mobile phones, or the Internet, the mechanisms they put in place largely survived Time’s march. But for all of their familiarity with the dark sides of man’s nature, even the Founding Fathers, possibly the greatest assembly of men to ever come together in history, couldn’t foresee the darkness that lay ahead with the Democrat party of the 21st century.

Today, America sits and watches as Democrats essentially send the Constitution through the shredder. Emboldened by a pusillanimous Supreme Court, Democrats with H.R. 1, seek to undermine the Constitution’s very foundation: Voting integrity by the governed. They seek to codify arrangements that, by their very nature, are intended to eviscerate the notion of vote integrity.

  • Voter ID: Eliminated.
  • Mail-in voting: Mandated.
  • Maintenance of accurate voter rolls: Outlawed.
  • Same-day registration: Required.
  • Ballot harvesting: Allowed.
These anti-integrity initiatives, and many more, will be codified under H.R. 1, with the goal of giving Democrats end-to-end control over voting in the United States. Once they achieve this, they will control every branch and every element of the federal government in perpetuity. And given that they back a regulatory state that never met a freedom it didn’t want to regulate, they will control every aspect of the lives of formerly free Americans.

And that will be the end of America as we know it. Entrepreneurial innovation? Gone unless the mission furthers the green or “justice” themes of Democrats. Educational freedom? Access to and success within will be predicated on a willingness to muzzle any thoughts or words that fall outside of whatever is currently deemed acceptable. Virtually everything, from sports to medicine to science to literature to media to the Internet to your very job will become nothing more than a vehicle for establishing people’s acquiescence to the left’s diktats, whether the Democrats regulate them directly or they come indirectly from their fellow travelers embedded in academia, the media and increasingly, big business.

For more than two centuries, Americans suffered through periods of government overreach, incompetence, malice, and outright failure because they understood that the American people had the ultimate hand in dictating how the government is run and the voting booth would give them the opportunity to make a change for the better. Voting and elections were chaotic, exasperating, and sometimes frustrating, but we largely accepted them because they were seen as a legitimate reflection of the public’s voice.

With H.R. 1, the Democrats are disemboweling election integrity, sullying the sanctity of the voting booth and, most importantly, undermining Americans’ confidence that they control their own government and, by extension, their own destinies. The Constitution works only because people have confidence in its workings and their role in it. It’s that confidence that has bound Americans as one people and fostered an extraordinary nation for two centuries. It would be tragic -- albeit predictable -- if Democrat schemes pretending to strengthen election integrity resulted in just the opposite and in doing so undermined the very ties that bind the nation together in the first place.
Even if republicans had their entire suppression wishlist you will still say any election is a fraud when you lose. Why should we then give credence to your complaints when they are almost entirely disingenuous and the real aim is obviously to suppress turnout?
Even if republicans had their entire suppression wishlist you will still say any election is a fraud when you lose. Why should we then give credence to your complaints when they are almost entirely disingenuous and the real aim is obviously to suppress turnout?
Theft is not a loss and take your phony suppression bs and take a hike. Vote in one of 2 ways, in person or by absentee ballot,
How come you far righwing bastards never ever post this type of claptrap when someone w/an R in front or behind their names is running roughshod on the country?

I'll tell you why, it's because you don't actually care about these issues, you just want your guy in power.

Therefore, a bad faith poster and thread and not to be taken seriously.
How come you far righwing bastards never ever post this type of claptrap when someone w/an R in front or behind their names is running roughshod on the country?

I'll tell you why, it's because you don't actually care about these issues, you just want your guy in power.

Therefore, a bad faith poster and thread and not to be taken seriously.
Integrity of the vote has always been an issue for conservatives and liberals alike but in recent times the fraud has all been one sided just like the massive fraud in 2020 which is undeniable.

Ironically it was Jimmy Carter who spoke up about the inherent dangers of vote fraud with mass mail in voting schemes back in the late seventies and Senators Klobuchar and Warren who raised concerns about Dominion voting machines in late 2019.

The Constitution clearly states that State legislatures determine how elections are to be conducted not Nancy Pelosi. And I don't care if you're a D or an R we should all reject the idea that tax payers be compelled to fund all political campaigns which is yet another provision in the massive power grab HR1 Bill.

What ever happened to the Jack Kemp style Democrats.
Even if republicans had their entire suppression wishlist you will still say any election is a fraud when you lose. Why should we then give credence to your complaints when they are almost entirely disingenuous and the real aim is obviously to suppress turnout?
democrats raise hell when they lose...its always bogus claims of voter suppression over and over
I must've missed the part about the establishment GOP not wanting election integrity.

In any case, when a large faction of the voting public does not believe the 2020 election was fair or honest or accurate, then you kinda have a trust issue.
I must've missed the part about the establishment GOP not wanting election integrity.

In any case, when a large faction of the voting public does not believe the 2020 election was fair or honest or accurate, then you kinda have a trust issue.

The election was totally RIGGED by Dems.
I must've missed the part about the establishment GOP not wanting election integrity.

In any case, when a large faction of the voting public does not believe the 2020 election was fair or honest or accurate, then you kinda have a trust issue.

The election was totally RIGGED by Dems.

Creepy uncle Joe inadvertantly said it himself ...

"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.." .. Joe Bidon*
Why Election Integrity Matters - American Thinker

If you’ve ever read Lord of the Flies, The Rise and the Fall of the Third Reich, or 1984, you understand the threat to life and limb from unrestrained power. Lord Acton distilled the danger down to a simple phrase: “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Our Founding Fathers knew that which is why they crafted for us the Constitution, the greatest document ever written by men. With H.R. 1, the Democrats will destroy our rights under that document.

The Founders built into the Constitution a variety of checks and balances on government as a whole and its branch of government to ensure they never accumulated too much power. They gave us the Connecticut Compromise, which balanced representation between large and small states, with two Senators elected from each state and Congressmen being elected based on population; the Legislature, which passes laws, and the Executive, which implements them; and the hugely significant Massachusetts Compromise, which created the ultimate check on government power, the Bill of Rights, which explicitly articulated individual rights upon which the government could not infringe.

Finally, in what was likely the most groundbreaking element of any constitution ever written, the Founding Fathers explicitly limited the government’s powers with the 9th and 10th Amendments. The former stated that the Constitution’s enumeration of certain rights did not preclude the existence of others not addressed, while the latter stated that the federal government had only those powers given and any not given to it were reserved for states or the people.

Extraordinary students of history and men, Madison, Adams, Franklin, et al., understood man’s nature and built a Constitution specifically crafted to counter that nature. It wasn’t a perfect document -- and had a tool for addressing imperfections built into it -- but it largely worked well for 233 years and allowed the United States to develop into the strongest and most powerful nation in the history of mankind.

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Specifically, the Founder’s Constitution worked because – by design – it was insulated from men’s passions. The Senate’s staggered six-year terms balanced the House’s biennial elections – and, originally, the states appointed Senators while the people elected Congressmen. Presidents were elected every four years and Justices were appointed for life. For each office, the Constitution explicitly limited their powers.

Incredibly, while the Founders knew nothing about cars, televisions, mobile phones, or the Internet, the mechanisms they put in place largely survived Time’s march. But for all of their familiarity with the dark sides of man’s nature, even the Founding Fathers, possibly the greatest assembly of men to ever come together in history, couldn’t foresee the darkness that lay ahead with the Democrat party of the 21st century.

Today, America sits and watches as Democrats essentially send the Constitution through the shredder. Emboldened by a pusillanimous Supreme Court, Democrats with H.R. 1, seek to undermine the Constitution’s very foundation: Voting integrity by the governed. They seek to codify arrangements that, by their very nature, are intended to eviscerate the notion of vote integrity.

  • Voter ID: Eliminated.
  • Mail-in voting: Mandated.
  • Maintenance of accurate voter rolls: Outlawed.
  • Same-day registration: Required.
  • Ballot harvesting: Allowed.
These anti-integrity initiatives, and many more, will be codified under H.R. 1, with the goal of giving Democrats end-to-end control over voting in the United States. Once they achieve this, they will control every branch and every element of the federal government in perpetuity. And given that they back a regulatory state that never met a freedom it didn’t want to regulate, they will control every aspect of the lives of formerly free Americans.

And that will be the end of America as we know it. Entrepreneurial innovation? Gone unless the mission furthers the green or “justice” themes of Democrats. Educational freedom? Access to and success within will be predicated on a willingness to muzzle any thoughts or words that fall outside of whatever is currently deemed acceptable. Virtually everything, from sports to medicine to science to literature to media to the Internet to your very job will become nothing more than a vehicle for establishing people’s acquiescence to the left’s diktats, whether the Democrats regulate them directly or they come indirectly from their fellow travelers embedded in academia, the media and increasingly, big business.

For more than two centuries, Americans suffered through periods of government overreach, incompetence, malice, and outright failure because they understood that the American people had the ultimate hand in dictating how the government is run and the voting booth would give them the opportunity to make a change for the better. Voting and elections were chaotic, exasperating, and sometimes frustrating, but we largely accepted them because they were seen as a legitimate reflection of the public’s voice.

With H.R. 1, the Democrats are disemboweling election integrity, sullying the sanctity of the voting booth and, most importantly, undermining Americans’ confidence that they control their own government and, by extension, their own destinies. The Constitution works only because people have confidence in its workings and their role in it. It’s that confidence that has bound Americans as one people and fostered an extraordinary nation for two centuries. It would be tragic -- albeit predictable -- if Democrat schemes pretending to strengthen election integrity resulted in just the opposite and in doing so undermined the very ties that bind the nation together in the first place.

This has nothing to do with election integrity. It is about reducing the number of voters. Republicans have admitted this in Supreme Court arguments over Arizona's election law. You people are the dictators who are trying to make it harder to vote. That is what tyrants do.

HR1 offers a alternative to a id by having the voter sign a affadavit. We are told by Trump supporters that fraud occured because people signed affadavits.

Mail-in voting should be made mandatory.

HR 1 attempts to stop partisan rmovals of people from the voting rolls.

There is notghing wrong with same day registration. Voters can use provisional ballots until thdeir identity is verified.

Arizona Republicans admit that laws against vote harvesting are about Republicans winning not electiomn integrity.

You are the one who is a criminal. You are a liar as it has nothing to do with election integrity. It has everything to do with reducing the number of voters. Trump admitted the larger the turnout is the more likely Republicans will lose.
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How come you far righwing bastards never ever post this type of claptrap when someone w/an R in front or behind their names is running roughshod on the country?

I'll tell you why, it's because you don't actually care about these issues, you just want your guy in power.

Therefore, a bad faith poster and thread and not to be taken seriously.
Integrity of the vote has always been an issue for conservatives and liberals alike but in recent times the fraud has all been one sided just like the massive fraud in 2020 which is undeniable.

Ironically it was Jimmy Carter who spoke up about the inherent dangers of vote fraud with mass mail in voting schemes back in the late seventies and Senators Klobuchar and Warren who raised concerns about Dominion voting machines in late 2019.

The Constitution clearly states that State legislatures determine how elections are to be conducted not Nancy Pelosi. And I don't care if you're a D or an R we should all reject the idea that tax payers be compelled to fund all political campaigns which is yet another provision in the massive power grab HR1 Bill.

What ever happened to the Jack Kemp style Democrats.

There was no voter fraud. State officials and the DOJ saw no evidence of fraud that would have turned the election.

The Constitution clearly gives Congress the power to override and regulate federal elections. Try reading it sometime you ignorant asshole.

Jack Kemp would never be a Trump Republican. He wanted to expand the part not shrink it.
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I must've missed the part about the establishment GOP not wanting election integrity.

In any case, when a large faction of the voting public does not believe the 2020 election was fair or honest or accurate, then you kinda have a trust issue.

A majority of Americans believe the vote was fair and honest. Only Trump fascists do not believe it.
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How come you far righwing bastards never ever post this type of claptrap when someone w/an R in front or behind their names is running roughshod on the country?

I'll tell you why, it's because you don't actually care about these issues, you just want your guy in power.

Therefore, a bad faith poster and thread and not to be taken seriously.
Integrity of the vote has always been an issue for conservatives and liberals alike but in recent times the fraud has all been one sided just like the massive fraud in 2020 which is undeniable.

Ironically it was Jimmy Carter who spoke up about the inherent dangers of vote fraud with mass mail in voting schemes back in the late seventies and Senators Klobuchar and Warren who raised concerns about Dominion voting machines in late 2019.

The Constitution clearly states that State legislatures determine how elections are to be conducted not Nancy Pelosi. And I don't care if you're a D or an R we should all reject the idea that tax payers be compelled to fund all political campaigns which is yet another provision in the massive power grab HR1 Bill.

What ever happened to the Jack Kemp style Democrats.
There was no massive fraud in 2020.
I must've missed the part about the establishment GOP not wanting election integrity.

In any case, when a large faction of the voting public does not believe the 2020 election was fair or honest or accurate, then you kinda have a trust issue.

The election was totally RIGGED by Dems.

Creepy uncle Joe inadvertantly said it himself ...

"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.." .. Joe Bidon*
Fact check: Clip of Biden taken out of context to portray him as plotting a voter fraud scheme

Shared on Facebook and Instagram days leading up to the 2020 U.S. general election, posts show a clip of Joe Biden saying, “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” The posts falsely ask if the video shows the Democratic presidential candidate “admit(ting) to voter fraud.” It was a slip of the tongue - Biden was describing the voter protection program his campaign has launched in anticipation of potential legal fights over the outcome of the Nov. 3 election against President Donald Trump.
How come you far righwing bastards never ever post this type of claptrap when someone w/an R in front or behind their names is running roughshod on the country?

I'll tell you why, it's because you don't actually care about these issues, you just want your guy in power.

Therefore, a bad faith poster and thread and not to be taken seriously.
Integrity of the vote has always been an issue for conservatives and liberals alike but in recent times the fraud has all been one sided just like the massive fraud in 2020 which is undeniable.

Ironically it was Jimmy Carter who spoke up about the inherent dangers of vote fraud with mass mail in voting schemes back in the late seventies and Senators Klobuchar and Warren who raised concerns about Dominion voting machines in late 2019.

The Constitution clearly states that State legislatures determine how elections are to be conducted not Nancy Pelosi. And I don't care if you're a D or an R we should all reject the idea that tax payers be compelled to fund all political campaigns which is yet another provision in the massive power grab HR1 Bill.

What ever happened to the Jack Kemp style Democrats.

There was no voter fraud. State officials and the DOJ saw no evidence of fraud that would have turned the election.

The Constitution clearly gives Congress the power to override and regulate federal elections. Try reading it sometime you ignorant asshole.

Jack Kemp would never be a Trump Republican. He wanted to expand the part not shrink it.
400,000 more mail in ballots counted than were even sent out in Pennsylvania alone, shady count suspensions and impossible count flips in several swing states. Unprecedented obstruction verbal abuse and kicking out of Republican observers, covering up windows changing election guidelines and laws in violation of state legislative and federal law.
Ballot chain of custody violations, postal backdating, and the list goes on and on with hundreds of sworn affidavits forensic and physical evidence to back up the fraud claims that State officials, DOJ and Courts refused to even look at for fear of leftist retributions from professional to private home personal.

Certain and thankfully the founders provided for amendments to the constitution as society changed and advanced but the main thrust was a separation of powers federalism to guard against Govt tyranny and or mob rule.
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Passed by the Democratic House in June 2019, failed in Republican Senate:

The bill establishes requirements for voting systems, including that systems
(1) use individual, durable, voter-verified paper ballots;
(2) make a voter's marked ballot available for inspection and verification by the voter before the vote is cast;
(3) ensure that individuals with disabilities are given an equivalent opportunity to vote, including with privacy and independence, in a manner that produces a voter-verified paper ballot;
(4) be manufactured in the United States; and
(5) meet specified cybersecurity requirements, including the prohibition of the connection of a voting system to the internet.

H.R.2722 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): SAFE Act | | Library of Congress
Passed by the Democratic House in June 2019, failed in Republican Senate:

The bill establishes requirements for voting systems, including that systems
(1) use individual, durable, voter-verified paper ballots;
(2) make a voter's marked ballot available for inspection and verification by the voter before the vote is cast;
(3) ensure that individuals with disabilities are given an equivalent opportunity to vote, including with privacy and independence, in a manner that produces a voter-verified paper ballot;
(4) be manufactured in the United States; and
(5) meet specified cybersecurity requirements, including the prohibition of the connection of a voting system to the internet.

H.R.2722 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): SAFE Act | | Library of Congress
That sounds great but I seem to never avoid finding all kinds of caveate devils in the details of most recent Democrat-Progressive slight of hand legislation proposals.

I'm reminded of one wittness who observed stacks of pristine unfolded supposedly mail in ballots counting and that poor long haul truck driver who checking out the balance of his load to deliver across State lines noticed they were all pallets of completed ballots for delivery into a Pennsyvainian drop off location.

Reciepts are good tokens but not when they can be manufactured, altered or destroyed as in the unpresidented ajudication percentages of "corrected" by poll workers' or even illeagally disposed of paper ballots.
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