The last person to post in this thread WINS!! (part 2)

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The last person to post in this thread is a rotten egg.

Why don't you have any medals or green spots by your join date? :confused:
Phew!!!! I was worried I would end up being the rotten egg.

I disabled it in my user panel. Too much clutter.

Yup, it's really me. BDC is kind of dead so i came back here for a bit...yah no medals or green spots. Even i have 1 medal...Don't know what it's for though:eusa_eh:
It's been awhile since the last post.
There is an unusual tiring of posting in this thread. Every other forum I have been a part of would have 20 pages or more by now.

Not tiring at all, given the original thread is 12000 posts (and 801 pages) long.. It simply ran out of room, and a new thread (part 2) had to be started.

The thread starter has a lot to do with it, too, since most of his threads are usually ignored.. With so many, everyone just assumes the next will be nothing more than the last.
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Jabrone is an insult. What they're saying is that if you use our service, you're admitting that you are a piece of garbage. That's cutting edge marketing.:clap2:
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