The Language of the Unheard


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Mar 11, 2015

5 Memphis ex-police are charged with murder and jailed over the death of Tyre Nichols​


Five former Memphis police officers have been indicted and jailed in the beating death of Tyre Nichols, who died days after a traffic stop on Jan. 7.

Tadarrius Bean, Demetrius Haley, Emmitt Martin III, Desmond Mills Jr. and Justin Smith each face several charges, including second-degree murder, aggravated assault, aggravated kidnapping, official misconduct and official oppression.

Like Nichols, all of the fired officers are Black.

On Wednesday, Memphis Police Chief Cerelyn Davis released a video statement discussing "the horrific circumstances" of Nichols' death. She called it a professional failing and said "the incident was heinous, reckless and inhumane."

“Now I wanted to say something about the fact that we have lived over these last two or three summers with agony and we have seen our cities going up in flames. And I would be the first to say that I am still committed to militant, powerful, massive, non¬-violence as the most potent weapon in grappling with the problem from a direct action point of view. I’m absolutely convinced that a riot merely intensifies the fears of the white community while relieving the guilt. And I feel that we must always work with an effective, powerful weapon and method that brings about tangible results.

But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the negro poor has worsened over the last twelve or fifteen years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segment of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity.”

These words are from a speech by Martin Luther King given on March 14, 1968. It was titled, “The Other America.” Today there are people in the white community who still do not listen.

When Colin Kaepernick took a knee in silence and peace to protest the very thing we saw in Memphis, members of a very trifling section of the white community condemned him and everybody else for peacefully protesting the violence. So maybe it's time for members in that part of the white community to be quiet. King said that riots are the language of the unheard and when 5 black cops think they can murder another black citizen and nothing will happen, that's the definition of a nation that has refused to listen.

I saw the video and I am seeing protests beginning to mobilize in various cities. Hopefully, we don't get people who spend all their time looking for riots instead of looking at what caused them. And for those on the right who will inevitably run their mouths if a riot happens, all I can say is please be quiet. You guys committed an insurrection about something a man made up, you committed violence for no reason, you have nothing to say about people who have seen police murder people time after time, people who have asked for police reform, but no one listened.
So much for "Systemic Racism" in Police departments being the reason for these terrible events.
It's still the primary reason, no matter how many times you try to pretend it doesn't exist.

However it's the laws, or lack thereof under which police in this country operate and the prejudices they hold, STILL hold against black men (and women and children) that continue to contribute to these outrages.

Their behavior will not change until they start losing their own lives due to the heinous disregard in which they hold so many others.

This following case outraged me as much as all of the subsequent cases where the victim was Black because of the blatant craziness with which they carried out this assault:
Kelly Thomas hearing: Violent photos from beating death shown
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My "give a shit" meter is barely registering on this one.

If I gave any shits it would be for the MSM ginning-up "mostly peaceful protests" but, meh, they are in dem run areas so they may as well be on the surface of the moon for all I really care.
It's still the primary reason, no matter how many times you try to pretend it doesn't exist.

However it's the laws, or lack thereof under which police in this country operate and the prejudices they hold, STILL hold against black men (and women and children) that continue to contribute to these outrages.

Their behavior will not change until they start losing their own lives due to the heinous disregard in which they hold so many others.

This following case outraged me as much as all of the subsequent cases where the victim was Black because of the blatant craziness with which they carried out this assault:
Kelly Thomas hearing: Violent photos from beating death shown
You are the one pretending. Systemic Racism has not existed in America since the 80s. Gone. Bye Bye. SOME individual racists of all colors remain. I was horrified to see what those cops did to that man, apparently two of them had a record of brutality.
Being a cop is hard. Not everybody cooperates. If I was a cop I would let non cooperating criminals that were black to go free. If the noncooperating criminal was any other race I would follow proper protocol. I may get shot by a black guy but there is no way I will go to jail as a cop for shooting a black guy. My wife and kids will just have to suck it. I ain't shooting a black criminal to save my life. On second thought. I just won't be a cop. These cops look alive. As for the other crap let the jury decide that mess. It is none of my business. It never will be until I get selected for the jury.
You are the one pretending. Systemic Racism has not existed in America since the 80s. Gone. Bye Bye. SOME individual racists of all colors remain. I was horrified to see what those cops did to that man, apparently two of them had a record of brutality.

Right. I think this case is more about some brutal cops on the force. Sometimes they are white... sometime they're black, and there seems to be a pack mentality that infects humans under certain situations.
It's still the primary reason, no matter how many times you try to pretend it doesn't exist.

However it's the laws, or lack thereof under which police in this country operate and the prejudices they hold, STILL hold against black men (and women and children) that continue to contribute to these outrages.

Their behavior will not change until they start losing their own lives due to the heinous disregard in which they hold so many others.

This following case outraged me as much as all of the subsequent cases where the victim was Black because of the blatant craziness with which they carried out this assault:
Kelly Thomas hearing: Violent photos from beating death shown

how is white people starting to lose their lives... in order to learn.. even relevant here? When what you had were some thug cops who might of just been bad people? Sometimes the cops are white.. sometimes even asian and Hispanic.... but there seems to be a desire to paint it all as a white thing.
So what/ are they "White Adjacent"?
Being a cop is hard. Not everybody cooperates. If I was a cop I would let non cooperating criminals that were black to go free. If the noncooperating criminal was any other race I would follow proper protocol. I may get shot by a black guy but there is no way I will go to jail as a cop for shooting a black guy. My wife and kids will just have to suck it. I ain't shooting a black criminal to save my life. On second thought. I just won't be a cop. These cops look alive. As for the other crap let the jury decide that mess. It is none of my business. It never will be until I get selected for the jury.
I can't imagine having a job where I am forced to confront violent offenders and have to make split second decisions on shoot or don't shoot. That obviously was not what happened in the Memphis killing but it is often the case. And in the event a person has been stopped and manages to break away and runs I agree with you I don't think cops should shoot the person. They are on foot and will be caught.
I can't imagine having a job where I am forced to confront violent offenders and have to make split second decisions on shoot or don't shoot. That obviously was not what happened in the Memphis killing but it is often the case. And in the event a person has been stopped and manages to break away and runs I agree with you I don't think cops should shoot the person. They are on foot and will be caught.

Nobody shot this guy, they caught him and beat his ass when he fought with them and tried to grab one of the cops guns.
So much for "Systemic Racism" in Police departments being the reason for these terrible events.
Except that is the very reason this happened.
how is white people starting to lose their lives... in order to learn.. even relevant here? When what you had were some thug cops who might of just been bad people? Sometimes the cops are white.. sometimes even asian and Hispanic.... but there seems to be a desire to paint it all as a white thing.
So what/ are they "White Adjacent"?
Whites want to give themselves credit for everything good but when it's not, well other people do it too. When the accomplishments of Africans and blacks are discussed, they get dismissed and we see this:

We wuz Kangs and shit or;

I dindo nuffin.

So as long as this happens, stop whining. The majority of the killings of unarmed blacks have been by white cops. And racism by white cops is a systemic problem.
Except that is the very reason this happened.

Whites want to give themselves credit for everything good but when it's not, well other people do it too. When the accomplishments of Africans and blacks are discussed, they get dismissed and we see this:

We wuz Kangs and shit or;

I dindo nuffin.

So as long as this happens, stop whining. The majority of the killings of unarmed blacks have been by white cops. And racism by white cops is a systemic problem.
Nice to hear from you again! I see your disposition hasn't changed, still angry as ever. The problem with Police killing people is not Systemic Racism. Nichols, Freddie Gray and Ashli Babbitt are just three examples of people who were killed by Black officers using unnecessary lethal force. There are clearly problems with Police interactions with offenders but those problems will not be solved by screaming Racism.
So much for "Systemic Racism" in Police departments being the reason for these terrible events.

If that's the first thing you have to say, you're even dumber than I previously believed. In fact, it's proof positive of systemic racism in police departments. I'd explain why but you don't care and wouldn't read it.
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Except that is the very reason this happened.

Whites want to give themselves credit for everything good but when it's not, well other people do it too. When the accomplishments of Africans and blacks are discussed, they get dismissed and we see this:

We wuz Kangs and shit or;

I dindo nuffin.

So as long as this happens, stop whining. The majority of the killings of unarmed blacks have been by white cops. And racism by white cops is a systemic problem.
Actually, the majority of killing of unarmed blacks has been by blacks (non cops).

And claiming that racism by white cops is “systemic” is an unproved mere assertion.
It's still the primary reason, no matter how many times you try to pretend it doesn't exist.

However it's the laws, or lack thereof under which police in this country operate and the prejudices they hold, STILL hold against black men (and women and children) that continue to contribute to these outrages.

Their behavior will not change until they start losing their own lives due to the heinous disregard in which they hold so many others.

This following case outraged me as much as all of the subsequent cases where the victim was Black because of the blatant craziness with which they carried out this assault:
Kelly Thomas hearing: Violent photos from beating death shown
The city council is black, the mayor is black, the entire chain of command for these five officers is black. Are you seriously trying to claim that a one hundred percent black political and police hierarchy is racist towards blacks?
Except that is the very reason this happened.

Whites want to give themselves credit for everything good but when it's not, well other people do it too. When the accomplishments of Africans and blacks are discussed, they get dismissed and we see this:

We wuz Kangs and shit or;

I dindo nuffin.

So as long as this happens, stop whining. The majority of the killings of unarmed blacks have been by white cops. And racism by white cops is a systemic problem.
When whites get beaten or shot by cops, whites generally say something on the order of “they must have had it coming”, a big deal is rarely made of the incident. I’ve seen whites beaten on two occasions by cops for resisting arrest. One occasion I saw from beginning to end and the criminal was hostile from the git go and nothing but get more hostile as the encounter went on. It started with “do you know who I am?” To the cop getting shoved, to his partner trying to taze the criminal, to the criminal fighting with two officers when they tried to cuff him and ended up with six cops dogpiling the criminal until they could cuff him. Probably the only reason they didn’t shoot him when he tried to get one of the cop’s gun out of the holster was that this happened on a crowded sidewalk at noon in downtown Los Angeles. By the way only two of the cops were white. I left my contact details with the cops in case the criminal tried to press charges against them as did several others who witnessed the incident from start to finish. I never got a call, so his lawyer probably told him to suck it up buttercup.

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