The Land Of The Free And Home Of The Brave


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
And if you don't recognize that that is a description of one and only one place....

"UK Govt Threatens to Ban Twitter And Potentially Jail Elon Musk If He Allows Free Speech

The UK on Tuesday threatened to ban Twitter altogether and potentially jail Elon Musk if he violates their incoming "Online Safety Bill" by allowing free speech on his platform.

The move came just hours after the EU threatened to ban Twitter entirely if Musk allows free speech on the platform and the US threatened to "reform" Section 230 to hold social media companies "accountable" for the "harms they cause."

From CNBC:
Britain's Online Safety Bill would make it mandatory for social media services to tackle both illegal posts as well as material that is "legal but harmful," a vague definition that has attracted criticism from some in the tech industry over concerns that it may stifle free speech.

"Twitter and all social media platforms must protect their users from harm on their sites," a U.K. government spokesperson told CNBC.

"We are introducing new online safety laws to safeguard children, prevent abusive behaviour and protect free speech," the spokesperson said. "All tech firms with users in the U.K. will need to comply with the new laws or face hefty fines and having their sites blocked."

The stakes for platforms like Twitter would be even higher under the Online Safety Bill, which threatens jail time for company executives for serious violations, as well as penalties of up to 10% of annual global sales.

The legislation, which is yet to be approved by U.K. lawmakers, is expected to become law later this year."


LOL!! Why would Elon ever need to visit Britain? He's too busy saving the USA.

If that's a threat against "free speech" its pretty lame.
LOL!! Why would Elon ever need to visit Britain? He's too busy saving the USA.

If that's a threat against "free speech" its pretty lame.

When I review how many so-called advanced nations have become totalitarian.....including our neighbor to the North, makes me compare freedom with beauty, in a political sense.....and how fragile it is.

Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea
But sad mortality o’er-sways their power,
How with this rage shall beauty hold a plea,
Whose action is no stronger than a flower?
O, how shall summer’s honey breath hold out
Against the wrackful siege of batt’ring days,
When rocks impregnable are not so stout,
Nor gates of steel so strong, but time decays?
O fearful meditation! where, alack,
Shall time’s best jewel from time’s chest lie hid?
Or what strong hand can hold his swift foot back?
Or who his spoil of beauty can forbid?
O, none, unless this miracle have might,
That in black ink my love may still shine bright.

Sonnet 65

Always difficult to predict the future.....but:​

"Elon Musk Responds to Russian Collusion Hoaxer Currently Working at Twitter, Points to Big Changes

After Musk’s blockbuster deal to buy Twitter, the next obvious question was “What happens next?” Was Musk going to come in and completely clean house, kicking out all the woke staffers and leftwing leadership? Or was he going to take a more hands-off approach to the transition, allowing some of the worst offenders to remain in their roles? I think we are starting to get an answer to that.

In the last 24 hours, Musk has offered criticism of Vijaya Gadde, who is currently the top lawyer and head of the content moderation division at Twitter. She was responsible for not only banning Donald Trump but also censoring the Hunter Biden laptop story. She also responded less than maturely to Musk’s takeover.

Now, in a move that intertwines multiple big stories, Musk has also responded to the fact that Russian collusion hoaxer Jim Baker, former FBI and now at Twitter, set up the meeting that Michael Sussmann used to spread the false Alfa Bank story. Sussmann is now under indictment via the John Durham special counsel.

Here are both those exchanges brought to you by a “journalist” from The Washington Post who apparently finds it really bad that Musk would call out obvious corruption regarding Twitter employees.

....I think Musk responding to both those stories is important. It points to big changes coming at Twitter. Some on the right who are more cynical speculated that he’d come in and maintain the status quo. If that were true, he wouldn’t be publicly calling out figures like Gadde and Baker, both of whom currently hold major leadership roles within the company."
They sure are riled up!!!

Here is one of the pets that MSNBC/ DNC keep on payroll, attacking African-American Musk:

"MSNBC Regular Claims Elon Musk Will Leak Black People’s Twitter DMs In Bizarre Racist Rant

Elie Mystal claimed that new platform owner Elon Musk would leak black users’ direct messages from Twitter.

Mystal, who also serves as The Nation’s justice correspondent, argued that the billionaire entrepreneur would not protect the privacy of direct messages on Twitter — unless the users happened to be white.

“To me, the principle danger in the new Twitter overlord is that an impulsive, bad faith actor with a history of racial animus now owns messages to and from Black people that were intended to be private or quasi private,” Mystal began, going on to note that he often used Twitter messages to reach out to sources — something that people might not feel safe doing if they believed the privacy of those messages could ever be compromised."

Somehow the rights of the Right didn't matter, but an imaginary loss of his......hurts????

"Is Musk's Twitter Buyout the First Counteroffensive Against 'Woke CEOs'?

...the opposition to the takeover was ideologically motivated, rather than something seen as in the best interests of the stockholders. The ideological element apparently stems from the fact Musk has stated on numerous occasions that he believes Twitter’s management has become too enthusiastic when it comes to deplatforming users and condemning users who supposedly engage in “disinformation.” Musk has suggested that this tactic is really just a means of silencing people who have opinions Twitter’s managers don’t like.

....Musk has suggested he will change these policies...

...mainstream pundits — many of whom have publicly praised Twitter’s deplatforming policies — condemned Musk’s takeover plan and Musk himself.
Given the behavior of CEOs in the age of the “woke CEO,” however, this sort of thing shouldn’t surprise us. It’s become apparent in recent years that many CEOs are willing to risk alienating customers — and thus forfeit some revenues — in the name of pandering to certain political sensibilities. We saw this when Major League Baseball decided to punish Georgia voters for voting the “wrong” way. We saw it when Apple’s Tim Cook tried to boycott the state of Indiana for having the “wrong” views on gay marriage.

For the New York Times crowd, this sort of tolerance for unpopular views is just a bridge too far. The fact that the Left controls CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and every major American university is apparently of little comfort. In the views of these pundits, even a small corner of the internet that tolerates dissent — what the Left calls “disinformation” — is too much to contemplate. "

The Fascists have something to worry about.

Couldn't happen to nicer......
"The billionaire has been critical of Twitter's crackdown on online speech which has included censorship, suspensions, and outright bans on numerous conservative groups and individuals including President Trump, Project Veritas, James O'Keefe, the Babylon Bee, The Federalist, The New York Post, Allie Beth Stuckey, Tucker Carlson, Candace Owns, Dan Bongino, Matt Walsh, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Charlie Kirk, Dr. Naomi Wolf, Dr. Robert Malone, American Principles Project, Focus on the Family, Libs of TikTok, and many others. Their crimes range from undercover journalism to opposing gender-change surgeries on children to pointing out the biological fact that people with XY chromosomes are male.


Can Elon Musk Revive Free Speech at Twitter? Here's a List of Some of the Top Names Who Were Censored
"Tech plutocrat Elon Musk announces he is buying Twitter to liberate this “virtual town square” from one-sided political censorship - and he is met with hysterical charges that he is attacking free speech. A woman who reposts TikTok videos of “woke” teachers bragging about their sexualize of children in their classrooms, is attacked by a Washington Post reporter who harasses the woman’s family in order to silence an enemy of “free speech” and purveyor of “hate” - just days after the reporter appeared in a video and bursts into tears over getting the same treatment she later inflicts on the anonymous creator of Libs on TikTok.

We are clearly living in Orwellian times, when the ambitions of tyrannical power are camouflaged by debased language, incoherent thought, and patent double-standards. Like the Newspeak of 1984, our progressive media abuses words like “diversity” and “free speech” to make them mean their opposites: a uniform orthodoxy protected and enforced by censorship."
There are too many people shitting too many chickens for this Twaffler thing to just be over free speech.

Just what the hell is it behind the curtain that is causing all this uproar?

The mid-terms and future ensuing U.S. elections!

Basements are now verboten!! :abgg2q.jpg:

And the Democrats have another way to say 'censorship:'​

"Biden DHS Secretary admits they’ve created a ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ to combat election ‘misinformation’

Biden’s DHS Secretary Mayorkas told Democrats today on Capitol Hill that his department has created a ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ to combat election misinformation and disinformation aimed at minorities.

...the main focus of this new board is for the Biden administration, using the massive power and wealth of the government, to try and tilt elections toward Democrats."

And the Democrats have another way to say 'censorship:'​

"Biden DHS Secretary admits they’ve created a ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ to combat election ‘misinformation’

Biden’s DHS Secretary Mayorkas told Democrats today on Capitol Hill that his department has created a ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ to combat election misinformation and disinformation aimed at minorities.

...the main focus of this new board is for the Biden administration, using the massive power and wealth of the government, to try and tilt elections toward Democrats."

What a bunch of word salad gobley-gook!!
They're the last one's anybody should pay attention to when it comes to 'misinformation'.

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