The Kraken has been released on Leftists!


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
Sooooooooo, I am sure everyone has become aware that Trump has told AG Barr to declassify everything about spygate. But what most people are unaware of is-------------> It wasn't only AG Barr instructed to do so. He was just the one all the media reported on, which is EXACTLY why the Left is screaming from the high heavens.

What do I mean?

Well people, 2 OTHER cabinet secretaries, were also ordered to release pertinent documents relating to the Trump/Russia/Collusion hoax, and this is REALLY going to get good really quick, lol.

How is that you say, and what am I talking about?

Well, you know how we have an education secretary, and a DHS secretary, etc, etc. Well 2 others were ordered to get with Barr, and turn over THEIR documents to Barr also, that pertain to the hoax!

Who/Whom you say?

1. The Treasury Secretary, AND

2. The ENERGY secretary-)

So what is soooooo special about that you say?!?!?!?!

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, ever hear of Ukraine, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, along with Uranium One-)

Ever hear of how much money went to Fusion GPS, from where, and by whom-)

That is not all, but basically, that is all you need know at the moment, since that is JUICY enough, lol. But, if you want to invest the time, watch this, and you will find out more.

My friends, the LEFT IS SCREWED, and it is looking more and more that the Obama legacy, is OVER!

So, Trump has a secret sea monster too?

And to think, all I thought he had was a few billion in debt.

Am I supposed to be impressed now?
You almost gotta laugh that the crazy left thinks it's "unpatriotic" to release transcripts of the attempted political coup. The ironic thing is that the democrat party has become the propaganda arm of foreign agents while accusing the President of the same thing.

when you battle maggots things are bound to get dirty
Fine. Reveal everything. I don't doubt that Trump's going to come off badly in that exchange.

I agree, trump will be confirmed as a bombastic asshole, but the pricks who started this coup attempt, they are going to be exposed for the criminals they are.
You almost gotta laugh that the crazy left thinks it's "unpatriotic" to release transcripts of the attempted political coup. The ironic thing is that the democrat party has become the propaganda arm of foreign agents while accusing the President of the same thing.
it's crazy they feel they can demand every little tidbit of info but no one has the right to ask them for the same.

how did we get this jacked up again? oh yea, letting them do that for so long.
You guys are just teasing that poor poor cell. So lonely.


if Pelosi doesn't stop handing Trump his fat ass he's going to have a stroke - the Dems aren't worried in the least.
Pelosis stammerings days later and Nadsless near pass out are evidence of a serious medical condition. We need to pray for their recovery and must insist they stop using all their energy to make up ways to try and screw Trump lest their lack of energy resources cause them to expire.
Fine. Reveal everything. I don't doubt that Trump's going to come off badly in that exchange.

I agree, trump will be confirmed as a bombastic asshole, but the pricks who started this coup attempt, they are going to be exposed for the criminals they are.

"We need rope. Lots of rope."

if Pelosi doesn't stop handing Trump his fat ass he's going to have a stroke - the Dems aren't worried in the least.
Pelosis stammerings days later and Nadsless near pass out are evidence of a serious medical condition. We need to pray for their recovery and must insist they stop using all their energy to make up ways to try and screw Trump lest their lack of energy resources cause them to expire.

edited video = fake news

if Pelosi doesn't stop handing Trump his fat ass he's going to have a stroke - the Dems aren't worried in the least.
Pelosis stammerings days later and Nadsless near pass out are evidence of a serious medical condition. We need to pray for their recovery and must insist they stop using all their energy to make up ways to try and screw Trump lest their lack of energy resources cause them to expire.

edited video = fake news

The contention it was edited is what is fake
Fine. Reveal everything. I don't doubt that Trump's going to come off badly in that exchange.

I agree, trump will be confirmed as a bombastic asshole, but the pricks who started this coup attempt, they are going to be exposed for the criminals they are.

We already know what Trump is - we knew that before we elected him.

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