The J6 Committee Explained

That's so patently false & stupid I can't believe you said it.
Most of you progs try to sprinkle a little truth in your BS burritos but you just say "screw that, we don't need no truths here".
Bold move Cotton

You may not like my opinions but until they are proven one way or the other they are as valid as any others. What I said about Trump and the 2016 election was not an opinion, it was 100% fact. Look it up.
Did you actually watch any of it?
Yeah, Trump is an action star, choked out some secret service agents and took the wheel baby!!!! Why? Becuase he wanted to go to the Capital.......The plot thickens, he was President of the United States and can go there anytime he wanted, but no he had to be all badass!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trump is awesome1
Psalm 109..... This is where the left got its playbook for this hoax of a committee...whether they know it or not. And if they don't know it...they may have very well sealed their own fates.

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