The Iraq war began sixteen years ago today...Wacky Ari Fleischer erupted while defending Bush record


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
"There is a myth about the war that I have been meaning to set straight for years. After no WMDs were found, the left claimed "Bush lied. People died." This accusation itself is a lie. It's time to put it to rest.

There is a myth about the war that I have been meaning to set straight for years. After no WMDs were found, the left claimed "Bush lied. People died." This accusation itself is a lie. It's time to put it to rest."

Ari Fleischer on Twitter

if by "intelligence community" he means Dastardly Dick Cheney, then yes!
Our troops sat at the ready on the Iraq border for months....plenty of time to cover up the weapons we were interested in finding...History will show that Bush Jr...was the wrong leader at the wrong time...there are no half measures when you are putting mens lives at either go in and win it divisively or you don't go in at all....
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"Dems went along bush jr & Cheney’s murder spree - blow it up - plunder and privatize - monetize every season of hell on earth that’s exactly what they did -"

What the Republicans did to this country under Bush was a total disgrace.

The fake unpaid for wars.

The looting of the country by Republicans.

The Bush presidency is the second worst stain on this country.

Only Trump will be worse.

Thank God we had 8 years of sanity under Obama.

And even then, Republicans were trying to destroy the country to punish it for electing a black man.

"Dems went along bush jr & Cheney’s murder spree - blow it up - plunder and privatize - monetize every season of hell on earth that’s exactly what they did -"

That's not what happened.

The Democratic Base wanted to make a lesson of Bush after his administration tricked the country into a war that killed and maimed tens of thousands of young Americans.

The real cost of the war is nowhere near over. All those maimed will need expensive care to be paid for the rest of their lives, probably 50 years into the future. That will cost the country trillions over that time. No one is even looking at that. They look at the trillions lost in Iraq and Afghanistan and what? Tax cuts for millionaires and billionaire probably over 5 trillion from the Bush and Trump tax cuts for the rich.

And Republicans have the nerve to blame ALL of their terrible disasters on Obama.

And they have the nerve to ask why Obama didn't fix everything when everyone knows you can't fix that much damage overnight.

It took years for Republicans to dig such a deep hole.

In my opinion, Obama's big mistake wasn't to just go ahead and charge Bush and Cheney.

But Obama said: Oh, we have to heal.

Obama wanted to heal the division in the country when the racist Republicans, the nearly all white party, wanted to destroy his presidency. By time he learned what kind of people they are, it was too late.
"There is a myth about the war that I have been meaning to set straight for years. After no WMDs were found, the left claimed "Bush lied. People died." This accusation itself is a lie. It's time to put it to rest.

There is a myth about the war that I have been meaning to set straight for years. After no WMDs were found, the left claimed "Bush lied. People died." This accusation itself is a lie. It's time to put it to rest."

Ari Fleischer on Twitter

if by "intelligence community" he means Dastardly Dick Cheney, then yes!
The Chimpola McBush regime was a disaster on its own....The worst of it was the setting up of the reign of King Kenyan.
Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama.

32 years of poor leadership. It is hard to believe the country still has a pulse.
What the Republicans did to this country under Bush was a total disgrace.

The fake unpaid for wars.

The Bush presidency is the second worst stain on this country.

Thank God we had 8 years of sanity under Obama.
Eight years of continuing then doubling down on Bush policies at home and abroad you fucking moron, with two, and only two, praiseworthy exceptions. Openings to Cuba and Iran.
Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama.

32 years of poor leadership. It is hard to believe the country still has a pulse.
Bush Senior wasn’t so bad. Bush Junior was an unmitigated disaster. Obama was great. But Obama has that black skin thing going on.
Republicans just can’t stand that. And they probably never will.
brothers and sisters, we dont need to spend as much on defense than the next top 10 countries combined
"I often see conservatives talk about the moment of post 9/11 unity as some magical moment and I wonder if they're on drugs. First off 3k people died because Bush wouldn't read. Second those of us who said we shouldn't use the attacks to invade Iraq were called terrorists.

People need to stop looking at the past through a gauzy filter. We've never agreed. Even in WWII you had some on the extreme right praising Hitler. At best we airbrushed out the dissent. But it was always there. Culture war has been forever, you just weren't listening."

Everybody agreed at the time. They shot Dr King. Almost all blacks voted against Reagan. They said Medicare was socialism. We've never agreed. Tip and the Gipper is fantasy bullshit.

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