The ink is not dry yet, but repubs are boasting about the infrastructure bill that they voted against


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

"Funding the Northern Beltline has consistently been one of my top priorities," Palmer said. "Birmingham is currently one of the largest metropolitan areas in the country without a complete beltline around it. Completing the Northern Beltline will benefit the entire region and enhance economic development and employment opportunities.... This is the opportunity we have been working for as a region and a state. Now is the time for us to take advantage of it and complete the work by finishing the Northern Beltline and building a better future for the Birmingham metro area and central Alabama."

What the GOP congressman neglected to mention is that he voted against the legislation that will fund the project.

I mean really....who didn't see this coming? The repubs have been doing this for years. Vote against a Democratic bill, then go back to their district and boast about what the bill accomplish in their district. At Nothing new here.... if you vote for it...they throw you out of the party. But if you voted against can brag about how much it will help your state?
Yep, that's how the erroneous representation system can be played. Don't go thinking that only Republicans are smart enough to do that. - Connecticut_Compromise.png if you vote for it...they throw you out of the party. But if you voted against can brag about how much it will help your state?
Yup....that is the way it works in the repub party....AKA trumpworld.... if you vote for it...they throw you out of the party. But if you voted against can brag about how much it will help your state?
Republican voters are not noted for their intelligence. Quite the opposite in fact.
Republican voters are not noted for their intelligence. Quite the opposite in fact.
Amazingly...they think their constituents are so stupid that they give them credit for a bill they voted against. And you know what? Many ARE that stupid....
Hopefully some demos who are sane like Manchin will prevent this inflation 2.0 bill to go through fully. Good chance if this fraud bill gets denied. The Sleepy joe will be our new lame duck.
Hopefully some demos who are sane like Manchin will prevent this inflation 2.0 bill to go through fully. Good chance if this fraud bill gets denied. The Sleepy joe will be our new lame duck.
You mean the sleep Joe that got an Infrastructure Bill approved in one year after the trump regime failed in four years.....I think it was cute....when staff of the trump Mafia kept shouting, "INFRASTRUCTURE WEEK" over and over....only to FAIL OVER AND OVER.

The Loser, trump, just could not get it done....Losers are like that....
You mean the sleep Joe that got an Infrastructure Bill approved in one year after the trump regime failed in four years.....I think it was cute....when staff of the trump Mafia kept shouting, "INFRASTRUCTURE WEEK" over and over....only to FAIL OVER AND OVER.

The Loser, trump, just could not get it done....Losers are like that....
Oh has the Corrupt joe signed that inflation 2.0 bill already? I must've missed it. Also, you bring up a good example of how much President Trump thought of the idea first. Thanks!
That filthy ass "infranstructure" bill is a disaster to this country and all the Democrats and any RINO that voted for it needs to be kicked out of office.
Amazingly...they think their constituents are so stupid that they give them credit for a bill they voted against. And you know what? Many ARE that stupid....
Progs play to win. Repubs play to look good in their valiant losses. This has been going on for a long time. Progs convinced people Trump was a Russian stooge. While we are putting a Russian citizen into the banking position with the real mole being Biden.

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