The Incredible Shrinking Obama Deficit.

Well no.

Obama's been paying down debt left over by the Bush administration when he put two wars on the National Credit card by getting rid of Paygo and implementing Emergency Supplemental Funding (Meaning, let the other guy pay for it).

Obama, the guy who added over $6 Trillion in 4 years, setting 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit spending records, with the help of the Liberals who controlled the fed govt's spending the last 2 years of Bush's final term through Obama's 1st 2 years in office?!

the bank bailouts and car bailouts came on Bush's watch AFTER the 08 fiscal year had ended .. those numebrs show up on the first quarter of 09 BEFORE Obama ever had a chance for any of his legislation to actually create a deficit ..

tough to figure that one out ... especially if you're a RW'r
I am still amazed that the RWers want to talk about finance...

There biggest card they can play is "You didn't clean up our mess (Bush) quick enough"

Bush created a cardinal sin of economics... He cut taxes during a war...

This added with his home ownership ideas created a massive bubble which was fueled by deregulation in the finance system.

  • The solution is to tighten control of gambling with other people's money in Wall Street.
  • Control booms and busts using taxes and spending, the Market cannot decide everything.
  • Build a country on well educated & healthy workforce with a solid infrastructure, then allow business thrive in a secure well regulated environment.
Business needs security of sound financial system (which is not gambling). They also need good standards (you can't build a good house if the bricks are faulty). Yes this cost time and effort(money) but it allows the stability for business to grow.
If business grows the country grows but they need security, access to resources.
I am still amazed that the RWers want to talk about finance...

There biggest card they can play is "You didn't clean up our mess (Bush) quick enough"

Bush created a cardinal sin of economics... He cut taxes during a war...

This added with his home ownership ideas created a massive bubble which was fueled by deregulation in the finance system.

  • The solution is to tighten control of gambling with other people's money in Wall Street.
  • Control booms and busts using taxes and spending, the Market cannot decide everything.
  • Build a country on well educated & healthy workforce with a solid infrastructure, then allow business thrive in a secure well regulated environment.
Business needs security of sound financial system (which is not gambling). They also need good standards (you can't build a good house if the bricks are faulty). Yes this cost time and effort(money) but it allows the stability for business to grow.
If business grows the country grows but they need security, access to resources.

he cut taxes 3 times during two wars, and signed over 1100 spending bills during his first 1400 days ...

It wasn't a "fake" jobs bill. The biggest problem was trusting Republicans.

The Stimulus package came in the form of tax cuts and grants to the states.

Instead of putting those grants to good use, most of the conservative states used them to plug up holes created by their own tax cuts.

It wound up saving the jobs of state and city employees, but wasn't used as intended.

You're so full of shi-ite your eyes are brown:

Stimulus Promises:

1.Stimulus Will Keep the Unemployment Rate below 8 Percent
In 2012, the unemployment rate was supposed to fall below 6 percent. The Unemployment Rate soared to 10.1% and TODAY, with 94,610,000 Americans NOT WORKING, the Unemployment rate is ABOVE 8%. The Unemployment Rate for black adults is 2 xs that of whites. The Unemployment rate for black teens is 6xs that of whites.

2. The stimulus would not only have a large impact but also an immediate impact.
Obama swore there were shovel-ready projects ready to go...before he had to admit there was no such thing!

3. President Obama said in February 2009 that the stimulus would lift "2 million Americans from poverty."
Since Obama took office, 6.3 million Americans have fallen into poverty.

4. The tax dollars in the Stimulus bill that was going to create Green jobs - the "green economy," Obama vowed, would create millions of jobs.
The ONLY 'millions' that came out of the Stimulus 'Green Economy' were hundreds of millions of tax dollars that went into the pockets of big-time Obama donors so they would not lose their own personal investments when they went bankrupt.

5. Obama promised the Stimulus Bill would deliver one million electric cars

In the end the final report found that the Stimulus Bill cost tax payers OVER $742,000 PER job Obama CLAIMED to have 'created' / 'saved'; however, it is believed that the cost was higher because many of those jobs Obama claimed existed did not. In one case a business owner proved Obama claimed to have 'saved' more employee jobs at his company than there were employees working there.

The Five Biggest Failures From President Obama's Stimulus Law
I am still amazed that the RWers want to talk about finance....

Over $6 Trillion in new debt in only 4 years, more debt than EVERY US President COMBINED

Set 'Monthly', 'Annual', and 'Total Deficit Spending records that will most likely be broken (in our lifetimes at least...or my kids')

Secured the 1st EVER in US History US Credit Rating Down-Grade

....bu...bu...but BOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSHHHH! :crybaby:
It wasn't a "fake" jobs bill. The biggest problem was trusting Republicans.

The Stimulus package came in the form of tax cuts and grants to the states.

Instead of putting those grants to good use, most of the conservative states used them to plug up holes created by their own tax cuts.

It wound up saving the jobs of state and city employees, but wasn't used as intended.

You're so full of shi-ite your eyes are brown:

Stimulus Promises:

1.Stimulus Will Keep the Unemployment Rate below 8 Percent
In 2012, the unemployment rate was supposed to fall below 6 percent. The Unemployment Rate soared to 10.1% and TODAY, with 94,610,000 Americans NOT WORKING, the Unemployment rate is ABOVE 8%. The Unemployment Rate for black adults is 2 xs that of whites. The Unemployment rate for black teens is 6xs that of whites.

2. The stimulus would not only have a large impact but also an immediate impact.
Obama swore there were shovel-ready projects ready to go...before he had to admit there was no such thing!

3. President Obama said in February 2009 that the stimulus would lift "2 million Americans from poverty."
Since Obama took office, 6.3 million Americans have fallen into poverty.

4. The tax dollars in the Stimulus bill that was going to create Green jobs - the "green economy," Obama vowed, would create millions of jobs.
The ONLY 'millions' that came out of the Stimulus 'Green Economy' were hundreds of millions of tax dollars that went into the pockets of big-time Obama donors so they would not lose their own personal investments when they went bankrupt.

5. Obama promised the Stimulus Bill would deliver one million electric cars

In the end the final report found that the Stimulus Bill cost tax payers OVER $742,000 PER job Obama CLAIMED to have 'created' / 'saved'; however, it is believed that the cost was higher because many of those jobs Obama claimed existed did not. In one case a business owner proved Obama claimed to have 'saved' more employee jobs at his company than there were employees working there.

The Five Biggest Failures From President Obama's Stimulus Law

The majority of the people know all that. I believe we were better off under Bush than with Obama, and he's had seven years to Save us like he said: he was going to stop seas and get our economy Roaring. all I've seen is it sputtering .
the bank bailouts and car bailouts came on Bush's watch AFTER the 08 fiscal year had ended .. those numebrs show up on the first quarter of 09 BEFORE Obama ever had a chance for any of his legislation to actually create a deficit ..

You're right...they came when DEMOCRATS controlled Congress, and thus the Federal Govt's spending (the 'purse strings')!

All that spending you are talking about in the last 2 years of the Bush administration, the economy Obama whines about having inherited, is a result of LIBERAL CONTROL OF GOVERNMENT SPENDING.
It wasn't a "fake" jobs bill. The biggest problem was trusting Republicans.

The Stimulus package came in the form of tax cuts and grants to the states.

Instead of putting those grants to good use, most of the conservative states used them to plug up holes created by their own tax cuts.

It wound up saving the jobs of state and city employees, but wasn't used as intended.

You're so full of shi-ite your eyes are brown:

Stimulus Promises:

1.Stimulus Will Keep the Unemployment Rate below 8 Percent
In 2012, the unemployment rate was supposed to fall below 6 percent. The Unemployment Rate soared to 10.1% and TODAY, with 94,610,000 Americans NOT WORKING, the Unemployment rate is ABOVE 8%. The Unemployment Rate for black adults is 2 xs that of whites. The Unemployment rate for black teens is 6xs that of whites.

2. The stimulus would not only have a large impact but also an immediate impact.
Obama swore there were shovel-ready projects ready to go...before he had to admit there was no such thing!

3. President Obama said in February 2009 that the stimulus would lift "2 million Americans from poverty."
Since Obama took office, 6.3 million Americans have fallen into poverty.

4. The tax dollars in the Stimulus bill that was going to create Green jobs - the "green economy," Obama vowed, would create millions of jobs.
The ONLY 'millions' that came out of the Stimulus 'Green Economy' were hundreds of millions of tax dollars that went into the pockets of big-time Obama donors so they would not lose their own personal investments when they went bankrupt.

5. Obama promised the Stimulus Bill would deliver one million electric cars

In the end the final report found that the Stimulus Bill cost tax payers OVER $742,000 PER job Obama CLAIMED to have 'created' / 'saved'; however, it is believed that the cost was higher because many of those jobs Obama claimed existed did not. In one case a business owner proved Obama claimed to have 'saved' more employee jobs at his company than there were employees working there.

The Five Biggest Failures From President Obama's Stimulus Law

The majority of the people know all that. I believe we were better off under Bush than with Obama, and he's had seven years to Save us like he said: he was going to stop seas and get our economy Roaring. all I've seen is it sputtering .

Is it Obama's fault that you're poor is that you're own doing?
Every fiscal year of the Clinton Administration, the deficit shrank.

George Bush increased deficits until finally hitting the highest deficit of any country in the history of the Universe.

Every fiscal year of the Obama Administration, the deficit shrank.

Bush ran the deficit up to damn near 1.5 trillion dollars. I defy anyone to say that any successor could have lowered the deficit down to pre-Bush levels within just a couple years with a straight face.

We're talking serious momentum that is not easy to reverse.
Spending nearly $1 TRILLION on a FAKE Jobs Bill accomplished WHAT?

Over 7,000 pieces of DNC pork for spending on studies like trying to help alcoholic Chinese Prostitutes to learn to drink more responsibly while on duty and giving HUNDREDS of millions (America's tax dollars) to Obama's huge donors so they would not lose their investments into Solyndra and 12 other failed green energy companies didn't create jobs and only added the RECORD-SETTING deficit spending in which Obama was engaging in at the time.

Obama said the Stimulus would IMMEDIATELY create jobs: FAIL

Obama said it would immediately lower unemployment and keep it below 8%: FAIL - It soared to above 10% (10.1%)

OVER $6 Trillion in new debt in only 4 years and failed to address the decaying infrastructure, targeting and eliminating the massive fraud and waste in Social Programs like SS, Medicare, & Food Stamps like he PROMISED he would do.

The United States already collects enough in tax revenue to run the country...if the federal government would cut B$ pork and other fiscally irresponsible spending, eliminate duplicate govt agencies doing the same thing,, and make a few other changes we would be more than fine.
- The 1st thing out of a politicians mouth, though, is NOT doing those things but instead involves taking more money from us to throw at their cluster-fark they have created! Screw that!

..meanwhile politicians on BOTH SIDES passed legislation allowing businesses to take their factories overseas to take advantage of slave labor wages and to bring their goods back into the US without paying tariffs as if they had made the goods in the US. Unions were jacking up labor demands, Obama was imposing his record-setting number of regulations (like the ACA) on businesses - all of which were driving more businesses out of the country.

What entices businesses to bring factories to the US / states? Massive regulations, massive taxes, unions? No. Nicky Haley has done an outstanding job for SC bringing in businesses because she knows brining in businesses = bringing in jobs = people who were out of work and on social programs are now earning a living and paying state taxes instead of state taxes going to pay for out-of-work people = more state revenue.

- Review regulations and see what oppressive ones can be eliminated.
- Build some incentives for businesses to being factories / jobs back
- Slap tariffs on ANY company bringing in goods made outside the country, high enough to eliminate any profit they may have gotten from using slave labor

This will result in more jobs, less poor, less people on social programs, more state and federal taxes.

...but that won't happen because from Obama on down they have sold out the American citizen for millions from big business and special interest groups. Wanna know why PP hasn't been defunded and there is no major push to do so by leadership or many politicians in both parties? Because they all get donations from PP that they got from tax dollars taken by the politicians and given initially to them. Both parties have and continue to screw Americans over. It's the NEW 'American Way'!

It wasn't a "fake" jobs bill. The biggest problem was trusting Republicans.

The Stimulus package came in the form of tax cuts and grants to the states.

Instead of putting those grants to good use, most of the conservative states used them to plug up holes created by their own tax cuts.

It wound up saving the jobs of state and city employees, but wasn't used as intended.
wow. You truly are one gullible liberal.


FAIL! Instead of cutting the deficit in half he added OVER $6 Trillion in 4 years, ADDING (not cutting) more debt than EVERY US President COMBINED!

(Politifact verifies and rates this Obama LIE / Failed Promise as 'True'.)

"Today I'm pledging to cut the deficit we inherited by half by the end of my first term in office," Obama said. "Now, this will not be easy. It will require us to make difficult decisions and face challenges we've long neglected. But I refuse to leave our children with a debt that they cannot repay, and that means taking responsibility right now, in this administration, for getting our spending under control."

Difficult Decisions? Yeah, like whether to keep his promise to eliminate all pork from spending....ONLY to break that promise by having his 1st true economic / fiscal legislation be a nearly $1 Trillion FAILED Stimulus Bill that contained over 7,0000 Pieces of LIBERAL-Only PORK!

I keep reading Liberals saying Conservatives can't stand 'THIS' or 'THAT'...but in the end, Liberals can't stand THIS FACT!

- Obama promised gasoline would not go above $2.50 a gallon when he became President. When he took office gas was at $168. It went well above $2.50 a gallon....
I like how blame Obama for our deficits, but when a Republican president runs up deficits, they switch to blaming Congress.
you mean he brought it back to where it was when he started? Wow. What an accomplishment. In the meantime he racked up 10 trillion in debt.

You want to explain how that chart coincides with your comment?

it doesn't, but don't burst their bubble.
actually, it does.
Saying it doesn't just makes you look silly.

Did you look at the chart? Like actually look at it?
Every fiscal year of the Clinton Administration, the deficit shrank.

George Bush increased deficits until finally hitting the highest deficit of any country in the history of the Universe.

Every fiscal year of the Obama Administration, the deficit shrank.

Bush ran the deficit up to damn near 1.5 trillion dollars. I defy anyone to say that any successor could have lowered the deficit down to pre-Bush levels within just a couple years with a straight face.

We're talking serious momentum that is not easy to reverse.

You're obviously a lying liberal, Obama apologist.
The incredible shrinking Obama labor force

What are you talking about
View attachment 52693View attachment 52694

Actually what you said looks like a lie.

United States Labor Force Statistics - Seasonally Adjusted

Oh my the far left drones do not understand anything!


Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
It's like I always say, the trick to propaganda is to carefully frame the picture so the rubes like you bleev what your manipulators want you to perceive.

Let's go back further with the LFPR, shall we?

Oh, my! Look at that! It began tanking when we had a GOP President and a GOP Congress!

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