The House Democrats' Impeachment Scam, Appropriately, Resembles Childrens' Game 'Chinese Whispers'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Chinese whispers (Commonwealth English) or (Broken) Telephone (American English) is an internationally popular children's game in which players form a line, and the first player comes up with a message and whispers it to the ear of the second person in the line."

In Chinese Whispers, humorously, the original message is almost always lost or altered, if not changed entirely, as it gets passed down the line from one person to another.

D-Adam Schiff, head of the House Intel Committee leading the latest, on-going Impeachment, hearing, is obviously rounding up as many anti-Trump participants of this game he can find to have them testify during his circus.

'Democrats worked with corrupt Ukranians
to get dirt on Trump to alter the 2016 election...
Pass it on....'


"Trump is a compromised Russian agent who
extorted the Ukraine PM...and Joe Biden can't
get an erection?!

Trump needs to be Impeached...and Joe Papa
needs some of those little blue pills!"

(I thought it only appropriate, considering how D-Feinstein facilitated Chinese Espionage against the US doe decades, making a fortune while doing it, to sue the game's name 'CHINESE Whispers', especially since the Democrats have done nothing for years except work with our enemies and anyone who hates America who could benefit them / help them get back into power...)
"Chinese whispers (Commonwealth English) or (Broken) Telephone (American English) is an internationally popular children's game in which players form a line, and the first player comes up with a message and whispers it to the ear of the second person in the line."

In Chinese Whispers, humorously, the original message is almost always lost or altered, if not changed entirely, as it gets passed down the line from one person to another.

D-Adam Schiff, head of the House Intel Committee leading the latest, on-going Impeachment, hearing, is obviously rounding up as many anti-Trump participants of this game he can find to have them testify during his circus.

'Democrats worked with corrupt Ukranians
to get dirt on Trump to alter the 2016 election...
Pass it on....'

View attachment 289959

"Trump is a compromised Russian agent who
extorted the Ukraine PM...and Joe Biden can't
get an erection?!

Trump needs to be Impeached...and Joe Papa
needs some of those little blue pills!"

(I thought it only appropriate, considering how D-Feinstein facilitated Chinese Espionage against the US doe decades, making a fortune while doing it, to sue the game's name 'CHINESE Whispers', especially since the Democrats have done nothing for years except work with our enemies and anyone who hates America who could benefit them / help them get back into power...)
We used to call it "campfire".

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