The House asked members for their ideas to make Congress work better.


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Some of them make a lot of sense.

That means the leadership on both sides will never approve them.

One that caught my eye was changing the seating. Instead of GOP on one side and Dems on the other, make each member of one side sit next to a member of the other side. Newer ones with older ones. Means they might even talk to one another.

Multiple members argued that Congress would better function if its lawmakers adopted rules changes to combat corruption, or at least its appearance. In an effort to limit member dependence on special interests, Rep. Gallagher (R-Wisc.) asked that campaign fundraising be illegal on any day the House is in session.

The vast majority of member proposals, as well as their accompanying testimony, gave voice to bipartisan frustration with many internal procedures that effectively dictate how the House is run. Across the board—even from many subcommittee members hearing the proposals—lawmakers asked for rules changes that would facilitate the decentralization of decision and policymaking authority from leaders to congressional committees and rank-and-file members. As put to me in a recent conversation with Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY), “we want rules changes that allow legislators to be legislators again.”

This all sounds well and good, but as I said to start, Congressional leaders will never allow stuff like this to happen – until The Old Boy Network is broken up and we get lots of fresh blood in both houses.

Much more of this @ The House asked members for their ideas to make Congress work better. This is what they suggested
Restricting money in politics, and punishing financial violations, is the only avenue to a less-corrupt Congress.

Sadly, the sold-out conservatives on the USSC have interpreted the 1st Amendment to read, "Money talks."
Triple the size of congress

I would like to see the deletion of the law limiting the House to 435 seats. I think there should be seats matching the original intent of the constitution. Set it to take place right after the 2020 census.

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