The Hottest Story in Political History in 50 Years and Not One Dem Candidate will Talk About It!

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Do you not find it curious that Not One Democrat Candidate will address FISA Abuse, nor Spying on American Citizens, nor The Hoax Russia Investigation, nor The Russian Dossier paid for by Clinton, Obama and The DNC?

Surely they would want to address how filthy the swamp is still, and that Trump has not been able to fully drain it, wouldn't they?

They also refuse to discuss what solutions they have on how to combat Mean Russian Memes and other alleged influence.

Why is that?

This article covers some reasons why The Dems who loved to talk about "Russian Collusion" and "Impeaching 45" are suddenly Tongue Tied and Silent on the issue.

The Russia Investigations: Why Are Democrats Avoiding The Russia Imbroglio?

Not the scandal they wanted

The Russia story has not turned out the way that Trump's political opponents had hoped. Liberal commentators especially used to talk about the Trump presidency as though it were a temporary "tryout" and that Trump would be swept away in no time by a Mueller cast as an avenging angel.

Collusion is so hot right now

Then again, there sure are a lot of accusations these days about foreign influence in U.S. elections.

Trump has accused the opponent he vanquished in 2016, Hillary Clinton, of conspiring with the Russians. He and Vice President Mike Pence accuse the Chinese of interfering more severely in the United States than the Russians. Trump claims Democrats are supporting the "caravan" of migrants headed for the southern U.S. border, a charge that has no basis in fact but which furthers the collusion storyline.

Is this a strategy to make "collusion" seem ubiquitous ahead of whatever might issue soon from the special counsel's office?

Democrats complained this week that the discussion was "irresponsible" — they called it a strategy to disguise how little, in their view, Trump has done in response to Russia's active measures since 2016.
The Hottest Story in Political History in 50 Years and Not One Dem Candidate will Talk About It!

They are going to be forced to talk about it eventually when The IG report comes out, some of the FISA stuff is declassified, and when Barr finishes his Investigation in to The Dossier, and DOJ, FBI, NSA, and CIA misconduct.

I expect Joe Biden to jump off of a bridge somewhere when this all comes out...and Obama will flee to Kenya, and Clinton to The Soviet Union with Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Strozk, and Page all living in Moscow with Snowden.
Do you not find it curious that Not One Democrat Candidate will address FISA Abuse, nor Spying on American Citizens, nor The Hoax Russia Investigation, nor The Russian Dossier paid for by Clinton, Obama and The DNC?

Surely they would want to address how filthy the swamp is still, and that Trump has not been able to fully drain it, wouldn't they?

They also refuse to discuss what solutions they have on how to combat Mean Russian Memes and other alleged influence.

Why is that?

This article covers some reasons why The Dems who loved to talk about "Russian Collusion" and "Impeaching 45" are suddenly Tongue Tied and Silent on the issue.

The Russia Investigations: Why Are Democrats Avoiding The Russia Imbroglio?

Not the scandal they wanted

The Russia story has not turned out the way that Trump's political opponents had hoped. Liberal commentators especially used to talk about the Trump presidency as though it were a temporary "tryout" and that Trump would be swept away in no time by a Mueller cast as an avenging angel.

Collusion is so hot right now

Then again, there sure are a lot of accusations these days about foreign influence in U.S. elections.

Trump has accused the opponent he vanquished in 2016, Hillary Clinton, of conspiring with the Russians. He and Vice President Mike Pence accuse the Chinese of interfering more severely in the United States than the Russians. Trump claims Democrats are supporting the "caravan" of migrants headed for the southern U.S. border, a charge that has no basis in fact but which furthers the collusion storyline.

Is this a strategy to make "collusion" seem ubiquitous ahead of whatever might issue soon from the special counsel's office?

Democrats complained this week that the discussion was "irresponsible" — they called it a strategy to disguise how little, in their view, Trump has done in response to Russia's active measures since 2016.

Could be because all those crazy accusations are just more made up bullshit, like the birth certificate was.
Do you not find it curious that Not One Democrat Candidate will address FISA Abuse, nor Spying on American Citizens, nor The Hoax Russia Investigation, nor The Russian Dossier paid for by Clinton, Obama and The DNC?

Surely they would want to address how filthy the swamp is still, and that Trump has not been able to fully drain it, wouldn't they?

They also refuse to discuss what solutions they have on how to combat Mean Russian Memes and other alleged influence.

Why is that?

This article covers some reasons why The Dems who loved to talk about "Russian Collusion" and "Impeaching 45" are suddenly Tongue Tied and Silent on the issue.

The Russia Investigations: Why Are Democrats Avoiding The Russia Imbroglio?

Not the scandal they wanted

The Russia story has not turned out the way that Trump's political opponents had hoped. Liberal commentators especially used to talk about the Trump presidency as though it were a temporary "tryout" and that Trump would be swept away in no time by a Mueller cast as an avenging angel.

Collusion is so hot right now

Then again, there sure are a lot of accusations these days about foreign influence in U.S. elections.

Trump has accused the opponent he vanquished in 2016, Hillary Clinton, of conspiring with the Russians. He and Vice President Mike Pence accuse the Chinese of interfering more severely in the United States than the Russians. Trump claims Democrats are supporting the "caravan" of migrants headed for the southern U.S. border, a charge that has no basis in fact but which furthers the collusion storyline.

Is this a strategy to make "collusion" seem ubiquitous ahead of whatever might issue soon from the special counsel's office?

Democrats complained this week that the discussion was "irresponsible" — they called it a strategy to disguise how little, in their view, Trump has done in response to Russia's active measures since 2016.

Could be because all those crazy accusations are just more made up bullshit, like the birth certificate was.
That was Hillary Clinton that started The Birther crap.
Then again, so was Russian Collusion. or maybe Obammy helped dream that up.

The Only Crazy Accusation we ever made was the Obama Wiretapped The Trump Campaign to help Clinton Cheat her way in to The White House.

Turns out that it was the MOST SANE Accusation of the 2016 Election.

Now, go back to being a useful idiot for

nothing has slowed down the Ds since before Andrew Jackson formed the proto-NAZI party during the war of 1812. Thugs, chumps and idiots still flock to the Ds.
are you trying to out-drama me, OP?
No one can out drama a Putin Puppet, like The DemNazi Left.

No puppet, no puppet, you're the puppet!

Putin says, He is Proud of Your Trolling For Mother Russia.

Good YOB!
Do you not find it curious that Not One Democrat Candidate will address FISA Abuse, nor Spying on American Citizens, nor The Hoax Russia Investigation, nor The Russian Dossier paid for by Clinton, Obama and The DNC?

Surely they would want to address how filthy the swamp is still, and that Trump has not been able to fully drain it, wouldn't they?

They also refuse to discuss what solutions they have on how to combat Mean Russian Memes and other alleged influence.

Why is that?

This article covers some reasons why The Dems who loved to talk about "Russian Collusion" and "Impeaching 45" are suddenly Tongue Tied and Silent on the issue.

The Russia Investigations: Why Are Democrats Avoiding The Russia Imbroglio?

Not the scandal they wanted

The Russia story has not turned out the way that Trump's political opponents had hoped. Liberal commentators especially used to talk about the Trump presidency as though it were a temporary "tryout" and that Trump would be swept away in no time by a Mueller cast as an avenging angel.

Collusion is so hot right now

Then again, there sure are a lot of accusations these days about foreign influence in U.S. elections.

Trump has accused the opponent he vanquished in 2016, Hillary Clinton, of conspiring with the Russians. He and Vice President Mike Pence accuse the Chinese of interfering more severely in the United States than the Russians. Trump claims Democrats are supporting the "caravan" of migrants headed for the southern U.S. border, a charge that has no basis in fact but which furthers the collusion storyline.

Is this a strategy to make "collusion" seem ubiquitous ahead of whatever might issue soon from the special counsel's office?

Democrats complained this week that the discussion was "irresponsible" — they called it a strategy to disguise how little, in their view, Trump has done in response to Russia's active measures since 2016.

Could be because all those crazy accusations are just more made up bullshit, like the birth certificate was.

We now know all the russian accusations were all false.
Do you not find it curious that Not One Democrat Candidate will address FISA Abuse, nor Spying on American Citizens, nor The Hoax Russia Investigation, nor The Russian Dossier paid for by Clinton, Obama and The DNC?

Surely they would want to address how filthy the swamp is still, and that Trump has not been able to fully drain it, wouldn't they?

They also refuse to discuss what solutions they have on how to combat Mean Russian Memes and other alleged influence.

Why is that?

This article covers some reasons why The Dems who loved to talk about "Russian Collusion" and "Impeaching 45" are suddenly Tongue Tied and Silent on the issue.

The Russia Investigations: Why Are Democrats Avoiding The Russia Imbroglio?

Not the scandal they wanted

The Russia story has not turned out the way that Trump's political opponents had hoped. Liberal commentators especially used to talk about the Trump presidency as though it were a temporary "tryout" and that Trump would be swept away in no time by a Mueller cast as an avenging angel.

Collusion is so hot right now

Then again, there sure are a lot of accusations these days about foreign influence in U.S. elections.

Trump has accused the opponent he vanquished in 2016, Hillary Clinton, of conspiring with the Russians. He and Vice President Mike Pence accuse the Chinese of interfering more severely in the United States than the Russians. Trump claims Democrats are supporting the "caravan" of migrants headed for the southern U.S. border, a charge that has no basis in fact but which furthers the collusion storyline.

Is this a strategy to make "collusion" seem ubiquitous ahead of whatever might issue soon from the special counsel's office?

Democrats complained this week that the discussion was "irresponsible" — they called it a strategy to disguise how little, in their view, Trump has done in response to Russia's active measures since 2016.

Of course the media wont mention it.

They hope to conceal their own guilt in the entire matter.
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Do you not find it curious that Not One Democrat Candidate will address FISA Abuse, nor Spying on American Citizens, nor The Hoax Russia Investigation, nor The Russian Dossier paid for by Clinton, Obama and The DNC?

Surely they would want to address how filthy the swamp is still, and that Trump has not been able to fully drain it, wouldn't they?

They also refuse to discuss what solutions they have on how to combat Mean Russian Memes and other alleged influence.

Why is that?

This article covers some reasons why The Dems who loved to talk about "Russian Collusion" and "Impeaching 45" are suddenly Tongue Tied and Silent on the issue.

The Russia Investigations: Why Are Democrats Avoiding The Russia Imbroglio?

Not the scandal they wanted

The Russia story has not turned out the way that Trump's political opponents had hoped. Liberal commentators especially used to talk about the Trump presidency as though it were a temporary "tryout" and that Trump would be swept away in no time by a Mueller cast as an avenging angel.

Collusion is so hot right now

Then again, there sure are a lot of accusations these days about foreign influence in U.S. elections.

Trump has accused the opponent he vanquished in 2016, Hillary Clinton, of conspiring with the Russians. He and Vice President Mike Pence accuse the Chinese of interfering more severely in the United States than the Russians. Trump claims Democrats are supporting the "caravan" of migrants headed for the southern U.S. border, a charge that has no basis in fact but which furthers the collusion storyline.

Is this a strategy to make "collusion" seem ubiquitous ahead of whatever might issue soon from the special counsel's office?

Democrats complained this week that the discussion was "irresponsible" — they called it a strategy to disguise how little, in their view, Trump has done in response to Russia's active measures since 2016.

When the US IG Report comes in, followed by the US AG's 4 investigation findings, not one Democrat wants to be anywhere near it. They think it's like 'Beetlejuice' - if they say it 3 times they may get the stank on them and get taken down, too.

Do you not find it curious that Not One Democrat Candidate will address FISA Abuse, nor Spying on American Citizens, nor The Hoax Russia Investigation, nor The Russian Dossier paid for by Clinton, Obama and The DNC?

Surely they would want to address how filthy the swamp is still, and that Trump has not been able to fully drain it, wouldn't they?

They also refuse to discuss what solutions they have on how to combat Mean Russian Memes and other alleged influence.

Why is that?

This article covers some reasons why The Dems who loved to talk about "Russian Collusion" and "Impeaching 45" are suddenly Tongue Tied and Silent on the issue.

The Russia Investigations: Why Are Democrats Avoiding The Russia Imbroglio?

Not the scandal they wanted

The Russia story has not turned out the way that Trump's political opponents had hoped. Liberal commentators especially used to talk about the Trump presidency as though it were a temporary "tryout" and that Trump would be swept away in no time by a Mueller cast as an avenging angel.

Collusion is so hot right now

Then again, there sure are a lot of accusations these days about foreign influence in U.S. elections.

Trump has accused the opponent he vanquished in 2016, Hillary Clinton, of conspiring with the Russians. He and Vice President Mike Pence accuse the Chinese of interfering more severely in the United States than the Russians. Trump claims Democrats are supporting the "caravan" of migrants headed for the southern U.S. border, a charge that has no basis in fact but which furthers the collusion storyline.

Is this a strategy to make "collusion" seem ubiquitous ahead of whatever might issue soon from the special counsel's office?

Democrats complained this week that the discussion was "irresponsible" — they called it a strategy to disguise how little, in their view, Trump has done in response to Russia's active measures since 2016.

FISA expansion was championed by the GOP . Now they wanna cry about it cause it’s not just being used on brown people ? You reap what you sow .
are you trying to out-drama me, OP?
No one can out drama a Putin Puppet, like The DemNazi Left.

No puppet, no puppet, you're the puppet!

Putin says, He is Proud of Your Trolling For Mother Russia.

Good YOB!
i dont even know who "putin" is!

Oh Thilly, It's Obama Bin Spying's Boyfriend.
Do you not find it curious that Not One Democrat Candidate will address FISA Abuse, nor Spying on American Citizens, nor The Hoax Russia Investigation, nor The Russian Dossier paid for by Clinton, Obama and The DNC?

Surely they would want to address how filthy the swamp is still, and that Trump has not been able to fully drain it, wouldn't they?

They also refuse to discuss what solutions they have on how to combat Mean Russian Memes and other alleged influence.

Why is that?

This article covers some reasons why The Dems who loved to talk about "Russian Collusion" and "Impeaching 45" are suddenly Tongue Tied and Silent on the issue.

The Russia Investigations: Why Are Democrats Avoiding The Russia Imbroglio?

Not the scandal they wanted

The Russia story has not turned out the way that Trump's political opponents had hoped. Liberal commentators especially used to talk about the Trump presidency as though it were a temporary "tryout" and that Trump would be swept away in no time by a Mueller cast as an avenging angel.

Collusion is so hot right now

Then again, there sure are a lot of accusations these days about foreign influence in U.S. elections.

Trump has accused the opponent he vanquished in 2016, Hillary Clinton, of conspiring with the Russians. He and Vice President Mike Pence accuse the Chinese of interfering more severely in the United States than the Russians. Trump claims Democrats are supporting the "caravan" of migrants headed for the southern U.S. border, a charge that has no basis in fact but which furthers the collusion storyline.

Is this a strategy to make "collusion" seem ubiquitous ahead of whatever might issue soon from the special counsel's office?

Democrats complained this week that the discussion was "irresponsible" — they called it a strategy to disguise how little, in their view, Trump has done in response to Russia's active measures since 2016.
The article was originally run in oct of 2018. Right on top of it?!

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