The hospitals are being overrun!!!!! Aaaaaaahhhhh!!!!

There does seem to be some time to twerk, lock, pop and drop it though.

I know, it's all just the latest Democrat "hoax". Nothing to see here.
Question, when were these videos made? (Dates)?
Where were these videos made? (Location and Dates)?

Hospitals are about half full, far less than predicted.

There does seem to be some time to twerk, lock, pop and drop it though.

I know, it's all just the latest Democrat "hoax". Nothing to see here.
Question, when were these videos made? (Dates)?
Where were these videos made? (Location and Dates)?

Hoax? You think the coronavirus is a hoax? Maybe it's just the flu like the left wing media said.

Wait, are you suggesting that none of those are happening?

Yes, you are.

To answer your question.

Personally I really don't care. I think it's cool. No problem. Bottom line is hospitals are not beingnl overrun and you seem pissed about that.

Almost as pissed as that Hydroxychloroquine showing promise according to thousands of Doctors.

Trump was right. Pissed? Yeah, you're pissed.

There does seem to be some time to twerk, lock, pop and drop it though.

I know, it's all just the latest Democrat "hoax". Nothing to see here.
Question, when were these videos made? (Dates)?
Where were these videos made? (Location and Dates)?

Hoax? You think the coronavirus is a hoax? Maybe it's just the flu like the left wing media said.

Wait, are you suggesting that none of those are happening?

Yes, you are.

To answer your question.

Personally I really don't care. I think it's cool. No problem. Bottom line is hospitals are not beingnl overrun and you seem pissed about that.

Almost as pissed as that Hydroxychloroquine showing promise according to thousands of Doctors.

Trump was right. Pissed? Yeah, you're pissed.

What right wing reality do you live in? I swear, I've never seen a group of people make their own bubble of reality and tell themselves it's all true.
All I wanted to know is when and where the videos were made. For context. Because you were inferring that hospitals were overrun and these people had time to make videos.
Still on the malaria drug? That's old news. Why don't you see about getting it airlifted to the country.

There does seem to be some time to twerk, lock, pop and drop it though.

I know, it's all just the latest Democrat "hoax". Nothing to see here.
Question, when were these videos made? (Dates)?
Where were these videos made? (Location and Dates)?

Hoax? You think the coronavirus is a hoax? Maybe it's just the flu like the left wing media said.

Wait, are you suggesting that none of those are happening?

Yes, you are.

To answer your question.

Personally I really don't care. I think it's cool. No problem. Bottom line is hospitals are not beingnl overrun and you seem pissed about that.

Almost as pissed as that Hydroxychloroquine showing promise according to thousands of Doctors.

Trump was right. Pissed? Yeah, you're pissed.

What right wing reality do you live in? I swear, I've never seen a group of people make their own bubble of reality and tell themselves it's all true.
All I wanted to know is when and where the videos were made. For context. Because you were inferring that hospitals were overrun and these people had time to make videos.
Still on the malaria drug? That's old news. Why don't you see about getting it airlifted to the country.

All over the place. Can anyone make sense of this?
I was at the hospital last Tuesday to give some blood and the place was a ghost town.
Walked in,signed in....and was out of there in under 5 minutes.
And parking was a was a breeze when normally you have to park in the back forty.
That goes along with the #FilmYourHospital video clips that people from all over the world have been sharing, which show a very different story than what is coming out of the controlled MSM. Personally I think one has to be mentally challenged to believe the BS at this point.
Last edited:
i have a name!

Here is a guy who runs a hospital in Jersey:

The surge in New Jersey deaths comes despite a few hopeful signs elsewhere in the New York City metropolitan area. Bergen County, N.J., is just across the Hudson River from New York. And it's in Bergen County that we find Dr. Stephen Brunnquell, who is president of the Physicians Network at the Englewood Hospital and Medical Center. Good morning, sir.

STEPHEN BRUNNQUELL: Good morning. Thank you for having me.

INSKEEP: How's your hospital doing?

BRUNNQUELL: You know, Steve, I think we're doing well. We hit a peak of patients with COVID a few days ago. I'd like to say that we're on the downward slope of the curve. We're not quite there. But I think we've sort of plateaued.

INSKEEP: That is an important thing you just said, that the number of deaths has continued increasing, but that's considered - that tragic number is considered a lagging indicator. The total number of patients seems to be going down just a little bit where you are?

BRUNNQUELL: Yes. You're exactly correct. The number of deaths is a lagging indicator. The more important indicator for me is the number of admissions. And our number of admissions has held roughly stable over the last week.

INSKEEP: Well, given that, have you been able to meet the need for beds, for equipment, for ventilators, for staff?

BRUNNQUELL: Yeah. Steve, actually, the bed part is the easy part (laughter). We've expanded our bed capacity. And we've put beds in places that don't normally see beds. The harder challenge, frankly, is staffing those beds. You need to have nurses. You need to have doctors. You need to have support staff for all those things. And that's been a challenge. But we've met that challenge in a number of ways.


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