The History of the 2020 election that lead up to where we are now. In a nutshell.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Joe Biden gets the nomination for the Democrat Party because James Clyburn, says all the other candidates are fucked up, Camel Toe Harris is the worst.

Joe Biden Campaign during the Kung Flu, tells Joe to stay in his basement because we dont want too many gaffs put out by Joe. Joe sneaks out and calls his women voters "Lying Dog Face Pony Soldiers".

Joe's Campaign puts Joe back in his basement, telling him again, dont come out under any reason.
Burning, Looting and Murder goes rampant in Progressive Cities, but Joe just stays hunkered down.

With Biden's polls tanking and CNN warning that Joe needs to show his face, finally after months of Burning, Looting and Murder, finally Joe come out of his basement to say something about the riots.

Joe is asked about what he thinks about black voters? Joe replies "If you dont vote for me, you ain't black enough". Joe's campaign puts Joe back in his basement, telling Joe, look, just sit there, dont way a fucking word, we got you covered to be the next President of the United States, better than that stupid bitch Hillary and her Russian Dossier, we have so many Illegal ballots for you, the Republicans will never know what hit them.

Joe gives an interview 2 weeks before the elections and says this

(315) Joe Biden says he's built most extensive "voter fraud" org in history - YouTube

75% of the Republicans know this election was stolen.
30% of Democrats know this election was stolen.
Please, let me boil this down for you.

January 22, 2020. After 3.5 years of a good economy and jobs market (handed off to him by his predecessor), Donald Trump makes the first mistake that will lead to the end of his Presidency. He doesn't take the threat of the pandemic seriously.
November 3, 2020. After 10 months of inaction, missteps, disinformation, misinformation, 250K people dead, 12 million infections, Donald Trump loses his bid for re-election by the same electoral vote margin he won with four years prior.
November 7, 2020. Joe Biden is declared the winner of the 2020 Presidential election.
November 8, 2020 - December 14, 2020. Whining, bitching, moaning, mock trials, dismissed lawsuits, overt attempts at sedition, and an out in the open coup. The electors vote and Joe Biden is declared the official President-elect.
December 14, 2020 - January 20, 2021. Whining, bitching, moaning, bargaining, fleecing supporters. Trump builds his war chest for his after President life.
January 20, 2021. Joe Biden is sworn in as the nation's 46th President. Donald Trump runs as fast as he can back to Florida where he spends the rest of his life avoiding legal action. He does NOT run for President in 2024.

The End.
You left off Biden's Landslide victory.

You left off Democrats cheated like drunken sailors to have ANY chance of changing enough votes to put him in the playing field

Who is surprised you would gloat over criminal behavior ???

Funny how the courts aren't agreeing with your lame charges. I'm gloating over your impotence. I bet you get that alot.
Joe Biden gets the nomination for the Democrat Party because James Clyburn, says all the other candidates are fucked up, Camel Toe Harris is the worst.

Joe Biden Campaign during the Kung Flu, tells Joe to stay in his basement because we dont want too many gaffs put out by Joe. Joe sneaks out and calls his women voters "Lying Dog Face Pony Soldiers".

Joe's Campaign puts Joe back in his basement, telling him again, dont come out under any reason.
Burning, Looting and Murder goes rampant in Progressive Cities, but Joe just stays hunkered down.

With Biden's polls tanking and CNN warning that Joe needs to show his face, finally after months of Burning, Looting and Murder, finally Joe come out of his basement to say something about the riots.

Joe is asked about what he thinks about black voters? Joe replies "If you dont vote for me, you ain't black enough". Joe's campaign puts Joe back in his basement, telling Joe, look, just sit there, dont way a fucking word, we got you covered to be the next President of the United States, better than that stupid bitch Hillary and her Russian Dossier, we have so many Illegal ballots for you, the Republicans will never know what hit them.

Joe gives an interview 2 weeks before the elections and says this

(315) Joe Biden says he's built most extensive "voter fraud" org in history - YouTube

75% of the Republicans know this election was stolen.
30% of Democrats know this election was stolen.
It may come down to a a small scale civil war as the orc armies of Blm and Antifa are beyond embolden

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