The Hawaii Employee Who Sent The False Missile Alert Is Refusing To Cooperate With The Investigation


Gold Member
May 3, 2017
Northern WI.
"The employee who sent the false missile alert in Hawaii, causing widespread panic and confusion, is refusing to cooperate with the investigation, a federal official said Thursday. Lisa Fowlkes, public safety bureau chief for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), told senators in a hearing that she was generally pleased with the cooperation from officials in Hawaii, but that "one key employee, the person who transmitted the false alert, is refusing to cooperate."

"We hope that person will reconsider," she said.

Richard Rapoza, a spokesman for the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency, where the employee works, told BuzzFeed News that he wasn't sure why there was a lack of cooperation with the FCC, since he was not privy to their communications".
- Source

This entire Hawaii false alarm incident smelled from the very start. Hawaiian governmental official covering up for their own mistakes. This was not just accidentally throwing the wrong switch.
Right, because that's normal. If true, he has to be held to account.

This is a National Emergency. This isn't some dumb local stick up kid, this could have resulted in loss of many lives, by accident alone, let alone the terror and confusion it created with the population.
More than likely it is some leftist who wishes to make trouble and try and pin it on Trump somehow.

I've heard some say that Trump needs to negotiate with Rocket man face to face to lower tensions

I believe this was either one of two things;
  • An act of total and complete incompetence and negligence, or
  • A deliberate act.
Given the complexity of sounding such a warning, an accident is damn near impossible. Multiple stations involving more than one person are required. The question is; who and why?
Maybe they think they can escape responsibility by refusing to cooperate?

Either way it sounds ridiculous to me, fire-able for sure, idk about jail time but then again we know the saying; "You can't yell fire in a theater."

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